Twin Brocade

Chapter 805 Worry

Chapter 805 Worry
Fang Jinshu gave a soft "hmm" and said, "Be careful when you go out. Think about it, there are still people waiting for you at home."

Quan Moxian agreed.

No need to say more.With her words, even if it is desperate, he will rush back.

"When you arrive in Bozhou, where do you settle?"

Quan Moxian thought for a while, and said: "It should be in the government office of the state government."

Although he was not ordered to investigate the case, he also had official documents from the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment.It's not a private visit on a micro-service, the local state capital will naturally send someone to receive the business trip.

"Okay. Later, I'll ask Ye Chen to come to the Yamen to find you. He's a good scout for information, and maybe he can come in handy."

"Okay." Quan Moxian replied simply and neatly, not being polite to her.

For things in Bozhou, it is always good to have one more manpower.He also wanted to settle this matter quickly and return to Beijing to marry her.

Quan Moxian squeezed her hand, and said: "Don't worry about me, just stay in Beijing and wait for me to come back."

"Well, let's go. We are leaving tomorrow, and there are many things to do." Fang Jinshu urged him to leave.

Quan Moxian looked at her reluctantly before leaving.

"Girl." Fang Fei entered the room, saw Fang Jinshu was a little dazed, and called out softly.

Fang Jinshu came to his senses and ordered, "Let's go too."

"Girl, are you worried about Mr. Quan?"

Fang Jinshu nodded and said, "I don't know why, but my heart is still not stable."

"Girl, relax. Master Quan is no longer a child, and the people around him are reliable." Fang Fei comforted her.

How could Fang Jinshu not understand this truth?
But knowing it all, she still couldn't stop worrying.The premonition was so strong that she couldn't ignore it.

After thinking about it, she ordered, "Go and call Yang Liu."

Yang Liu was in Guangying Goods Store, and came to her in a short while.

"You go back and let Gaolou and Yechen prepare for it. They will go to Bozhou in two days and follow Master Quan's arrangement."

Before Quan Moxian was not her fiancé, Gaolou had been working under Fang Jinshu's orders, and was very familiar with Quan Moxian's way of doing things.

Now the two are about to become a family, let alone see each other.

After arranging all this, Fang Jinshu felt a little relieved.No matter what Wei Yixin's idea is, she is always on the safe side.

In the early morning of the next day, Quan Moxian resigned from Mrs. Quan, and left a message for Quan Lu, asking her to take care of the house more, and then went to Bozhou by boat at Luoshui Wharf under the newly bright sky.

In Prince Qi's mansion, Wei Yixin just got up.

The long hair like a waterfall poured down the back of her head, and Xiaoyu combed it slowly for her with an ivory comb.

"Reporting to the princess, Quan Moxian has left Beijing."

"it is good."

Wei Yixin nodded slightly, and said: "Everyone says Luoyang City is good, but I feel bored after staying here for a long time. I heard that Songzhou has a beautiful scenery, so prepare yourself, we will go out for a visit in a few days."

Songzhou is next to Bozhou, she is a drunkard who doesn't care about drinking.

"The princess wants to relax, but I don't know if the prince and concubine will agree." Xiao Yu said cautiously.

Wei Yixin smiled lightly, and said: "They will agree. I'm sick this time, and I don't even go to the palace much. As long as I come back to relax and go to the palace obediently, they will agree to everything."

She had already experienced King Qi's coldness and selfishness in her previous life.

As long as she can coax Emperor Qinglong well, King Qi will allow her to do anything.

Who let the Qi Palace be the only one that can speak in front of Emperor Qinglong?

Wei Yixin thought silently: In the previous life, Emperor Qinglong didn't like King Qi all the time, maybe it was because he saw through his nature?It's just that in the end, there is no better choice.

The Fang family naturally knew the news of Quan Moxian leaving the city.

Si Lansheng waited on Fang Shuyu to put on the official robe, and couldn't help muttering: "Master, you said that Quan Moxian was sent to Bozhou at this time, could it be that someone is dealing with him?"

"Don't make random guesses." Fang Shuyu said with a smile, "This order came from the palace. I heard that it was Empress Dowager Xiao's intention, so the emperor issued the order."

"That's good. I'm afraid that if he doesn't come back in time, Shu'er will be seen as a joke."

This is a marriage gift, and the auspicious date set cannot be changed.

If what she worried about came true, Fang Jinshu would be laughed at by everyone in the capital.

When the wedding day comes, what should I do?
Should Fang Jinshu marry or not?

If she gets married, she will have to keep the vacant house alone when she arrives at Quan's house.This was unprecedented, and Si Lansheng didn't even know what to do with the wedding.

Wouldn't it be against Yi's edict if she didn't marry.

Just thinking about it made Si Lansheng feel worried.

There are so many people getting married in Beijing, why is it that Fang Jinshu, her turn, is making such a fuss.

"You can rest assured." Fang Shuyu said with a smile: "I have inquired about the matter in Bozhou. With Quan Moxian's ability, it shouldn't be a problem."

"It's not as easy as you said." Although Si Lansheng didn't understand the ins and outs of the whole matter, how could it be so easy for the palace to issue orders and send people from the capital to deal with it.

"Do you have no confidence in your future son-in-law, or do you not trust my judgment?"

Fang Shuyu straightened his official hat, and said: "I'm leaving. If you are worried, I will choose two people to follow him."

"I think it's fine." Si Lansheng said: "Run errands for him. If there is something that needs help, why don't more people pass the news? Besides, when he is outside, the state and county will always welcome him."

"There are people from the Yue family following, and we are also guarding against those people's crooked ideas."

What Si Lansheng said was not groundless.

Ordered to go from the capital to investigate the case, for the state government, even if there is no imperial edict, it is still a job, and it needs to be carefully served.

Quan Moxian is a talented person, maybe the people below will think of presenting beauties.

There are too many tricks in this.

Si Lansheng didn't want to see that when Quan Moxian returned to Beijing, he brought back one or two women.It's a small matter for the Fang family to lose face, but the happiness of their daughter's life is the big thing.

Fang Shuyu laughed dumbfounded, shook his head and said: "He is not that kind of person."

After a few years of contact with Quan Moxian's character, he knows it well.Even though there are still rumors about the affair between Quan Moxian and Princess Baochang, Fang Shuyu herself does not believe it at all.

"Even if he's not, he can't prevent other people's schemes." Si Lansheng still couldn't stop worrying.

Don't blame her for worrying too much, with Chu Mo's lessons learned first, how can she not let her think too much.

"Okay, okay, so I'm sending someone to help him?" Fang Shuyu didn't agree with Si Lansheng's point of view in her heart, but seeing that she was worried, she didn't tell her apart, so she accepted it.

In Fang Shuyu's heart, Quan Moxian and Chu Mo are very different.

Quan Moxian is a person who has gained a firm foothold in the court by his own strength, and there is no comparison with Chu Mo who has not gone through the storm.

 Thanks to "Mom Tao" for voting for 4 precious monthly tickets, and thanks to "Shenqin", "Yufeixu", "Purple Feixu", "FANG", "Feiya Tumo" and "People are old and die casually" for each of the 2 votes A precious monthly ticket^_^
(End of this chapter)

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