Twin Brocade

Chapter 806 Arrival

Chapter 806 Arrival
Fang Shuyu's confidence in Quan Moxian stems from his understanding of Quan Moxian's strength.

However, he didn't know that there was Wei Yixin's calculation behind this.

With the cold spring, Quan Moxian stood at the bow of the boat facing the morning light.The river wind blew his robes rattling, and the cold wind brushed against his cheeks, bringing a little pain.

Going to Bozhou, he was not sure for the first time.

However, he could only keep such hidden worries in his heart quietly, and dared not confide in anyone.

It could be seen that he was not sure, perhaps Fang Jinshu was the only one.That's why she was so worried about him.

Down the river, he arrived at the wharf in Bozhou a few days later.

He was on an official ship, with the flag of the Ministry of Punishment erected on the bow, and the warning signs of "mighty" and "quiet".On both sides stood the criminal police officers wearing plain knives, their faces were dignified and majestic.

This is a necessary guard of honor for Beijing officials to go to the place.

The officials who greeted him at the pier saw him and hurriedly led the crowd forward.After they received the order from Quan Moxian to come, they began to prepare for the reception, and sent people to inquire about Quan Moxian's whereabouts three times a day.

In order not to make the local officials work too hard, Quan Moxian deliberately chose to arrive in the afternoon, which was the warmest time of the day.

"Lord Quan."

Xia Zelin, the prefect of Bozhou, is a middle-aged man with a kind face and a fat figure.He looked very afraid of the cold, and he was wearing a lot of clothes under the official robe, which was so chubby that he was strangled, which was a bit ridiculous.

Quan Moxian got off the boat, he led Bie Jia, Sima and other officials to meet him.

"Your Excellency has worked hard all the way. I specially prepared a reception banquet, and I am waiting for your Excellency to come." He said with a cheerful smile.

Xia Zhifu is a fourth-rank official, and in terms of official rank, he is one rank higher than Quan Moxian.

However, Quan Moxian is a Beijing official.Since ancient times, when Beijing officials arrive at the local area, they will see the officials at the first level.There is no other reason. Who makes Beijing officials the closest to the political center?

Especially those who were ordered to run business, they all had to return to Beijing after returning to Beijing.

The local officials are counting on the reception of the Beijing officials, and a few good words for themselves after returning to Beijing, which will help the year-end evaluation and promotion.

Quan Moxian cupped his hands with a smile: "Lord Xia, I have been ordered to run an errand, and I will bother you during this time."

"Master Quan is too polite, this way please."

Hearing what he said, Xia Zelin was half relieved.

For their magistrates, the most feared thing is that the boss is a mean and hard-to-serve master.He has also heard of Quan Moxian's name, but he has never seen anyone.

There are rumors in Beijing that Quan Moxian is a lone star of the gods, who suppresses his wife and rebels, and has a black face and a black face, which is unreasonable.

Therefore, before this, Xia Zelin was very disturbed, and repeatedly told his subordinates to be careful with what they said, so as not to offend him.

After this face-to-face meeting, Quan Moxian was a man of talent, with a polite attitude, not as difficult to get close to as the rumors said.

The reception banquet is held in the best restaurant in Bozhou, after a meal, the host and guest enjoy themselves.

"Lord Quan, you have just arrived, so you can rest for half a day." Xia Zelin said: "If you have to do some business, it's not too late."

"Your Excellency said so." Quan Moxian said with a smile: "After staying on the boat for a few days, I also want to relax my muscles and bones first."

"Some places in our Bozhou are very good. If you don't mind, I will accompany you to relax."

Bozhou is not far from Luoyang City, but it is rare to receive a Beijing official once.With such a good opportunity, it is natural to try to establish a good relationship with Quan Moxian.

Quan Moxian waved his hands with a smile, and said, "Your Excellency, I don't know. I'm going to get married on the fifteenth day of next month. When I come out this time, I can't wait to do something good and return to Beijing quickly."

"Ah, that's how it is." Xia Zelin showed a knowing expression, and said again and again: "Since that's the case, I won't bother you. If there is anything, just tell me. I will cooperate with all my strength, and I won't miss your favor." day."

Quan Moxian thanked him, and returned to the residence arranged for him in the official office.

The magistrate's government office is the same as the government office in other places, it is the pattern of the front office and the backyard.The magistrate lived in the back yard with his family.In addition, for convenience, there are several guest courtyards.

Quan Moxian lived in one of the largest guest houses.

The furnishings in this yard seem to have been carefully arranged at first glance, and are specially used to receive business trips.

In order to welcome Quan Moxian, the room was tidied up, and the bedding was scented in advance.There was not even a single weed in the gaps between the stone bricks paved in the yard, and it took a lot of effort to clean it up.

"My lord, I'll go out for a while." Butler Liu stepped forward and said.

Quan Moxian nodded, and said: "I don't know what the situation is, Uncle Liu should pay more attention."

Butler Liu said with a smile, "It's just to check on one or two, there won't be any danger."

Quan Moxian changed into a light robe, he has no plans to go out today.He stayed in the official office, attracting everyone's attention, so Steward Liu could do things well.

"My lord," Mu Chuan came in and reported, "Gaolou and Yechen have arrived. In addition, Mr. Fang also sent two servants here."

Because of the guard of honor and the reception of Bozhou officials, Quan Moxian set off early, but walked slowly on the road.

Gao Lou and the others didn't have these worries, and they drove lightly, arriving so one day earlier than him.


There must be someone else's eyeliner in the yamen servants sent by the Ministry of Punishment.Taking Gu Shangshu's fear of him, there is no need to doubt it, but a fact.

No matter how Gu Shangshu treats him on the surface, Quan Moxian will not naively think that the princelings headed by Guan Jinghuan will spare him.

The current peace is nothing but the temporary tranquility that he obtained because of his open break with King Qi.

He is a nail wedged into the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and he wants to collect evidence that Gu Shangshu single-handedly controlled the Ministry of Criminal Justice and deceived others.The ultimate goal is to overthrow Gu Shangshu, thereby disintegrating the power of the prince's party in the Ministry of Punishment.

But Gu Shangshu, why isn't he always on guard against him?

It's not that these yamen servants are untrustworthy.

With his own strength, Quan Moxian is quite prestigious among ordinary officials.The bottom-level yamen servants and arresters all believed in him and were willing to follow him to handle the case.

But it is easy for Gu Shangshu to mix one or two of these people.

Quan Moxian didn't want to waste time trying to figure out who was the eyeliner among them.I don't even want to hurt the friendship with everyone for the sake of one or two people.

Therefore, they can be used to run errands to support the facade, and the ones who can really be used are his own staff and the people sent by the Fang family.

"Master Quan." The tall building cupped his hands.

"This time, I will have to work hard on you again." Quan Moxian said with a smile, "When did you arrive?"

"How dare you say it's hard work to do something for your lord." Gao Lou said: "Fourth Miss's order, I will do my best, and I dare not neglect in the slightest, just take my lord's orders."

Fang Jinshu is not yet married to Quan Moxian, since the two families have not formed a family, of course Gao Lou has to speak for the master.

Ye Chen was dressed in civilian clothes, and when Gao Lou finished speaking, he interrupted: "We arrived yesterday, son, you are walking too slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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