Twin Brocade

Chapter 807

Chapter 807

"The master asked us to come to help the young master return to Beijing as soon as possible, but I look at you, young master, as if you are not in a hurry?"

Yechen looked at Quan Moxian fearlessly and asked.

"Ye Chen!"

Unexpectedly, he would say such words suddenly, Gao Lou quickly stopped him.

Quan Moxian waved his hands and said, "Let him speak."

Yechen spread his hands and said, "I'm done." He looked at Quan Moxian with a provocative look in his eyes.

Quan Moxian rested his chin on his hand, looked at him thoughtfully, and said, "Do you seem to have any opinion on me?"

"No!" Ye Chen categorically denied it, raised his chin and said, "Don't worry, my lord, I will never slack off according to Miss Si's orders."

The tall building took a step forward, stood in front of Ye Chen, cupped his hands and said, "My lord, we arrived in Bozhou yesterday and went to visit the city. Most people think that there is a wronged person to file a complaint about the dry pot opera, but they found the wrong person." .”

Then, he reported the news he obtained in detail.

After listening carefully, Quan Moxian said: "Tonight, you all go quietly to the actor's house to see what's going on. Is he really crazy, or is he fake?"

After the two of them finished speaking, the people sent by Fang Shuyu also came forward to greet him.

"Stay by my side, I have someone available for anything." Quan Moxian ordered, and the two agreed.

Everyone retreated, Quan Moxian sat in front of the window, looking at the scenery in the courtyard and thinking carefully.

With the addition of these few people, his manpower became abundant.

The yamen servants of the Ministry of Criminal Justice can be used to confuse the public, Liu Butler is a general, and a tall building can be used as half a military adviser.Yechen can be used to spy on secrets and track down suspects, and the two servants of the Fang family can run errands to deliver letters.

All he has to do is to be patient.

No matter what tricks there are in this matter, if the imperial court sends him here, those with ulterior motives will definitely not be able to sit still.

He didn't believe that there really were ghosts and gods in this world.

The so-called theory of ghosts and gods is nothing more than someone pretending to be a ghost.

He told Xia Zelin that he was going back to Beijing in a hurry.If those people are prepared, they will definitely take action.Whether it's killing people to silence them, or pushing a dead ghost to come out, they will show their feet.

No matter how anxious he is, he must wait patiently.Only in this way can the battle be resolved quickly.

Not to mention Quan Moxian's plan, he walked out of the high-rise building in a hurry, and Ye Chen quickened his pace to catch up with him.

"Brother Gao, why are you walking so fast?"

Gao Lou suddenly stopped in his tracks, looked at him and said, "You think I'm walking fast? Aren't you very capable? It should be because I can't catch up with you."

"Brother Gao, are you angry with me?" Yechen walked up to him and said, "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I just don't like him. Tell me, the girl is so worried about him, so she sent us Come on, he is fine, so unhurried."

"I asked him what's the matter, could it be that I can't ask?"

Ye Chen babbled so much that Gao Lou just wanted to cover his ears.It was obvious that he was being rude, but in this way, he appeared to be justified.

"Yechen, he is the girl's future husband and our master. Your attitude like this is called committing crimes!"

Yechen pursed his lips in disbelief, and said, "Could it be that we can't tell what he did wrong?"

"No!" Gao Lou shouted, "He is the master."

"Then if our fourth girl has been wronged, we can't say it?" Yechen retorted.

Gaolou was furious when he heard that, and pulled him into a corner, scolding him: "You, how can I say hello! Fourth Miss is the master, not our Fourth Miss."

"The matter between Mr. Quan and the fourth girl is between the master. When will we be allowed to intervene?"

Ye Chen was taken aback, kept silent, and gently kicked the pebbles on the road with his toes.


Seeing his abnormal behavior, Gao Lou was taken aback, stopped talking, and hurriedly dragged him back to the inn where he was temporarily staying.

Gao Lou closed the door behind his back, looked at Ye Chen and asked, "Tell me honestly, what are you thinking."

Yechen was startled, and murmured, "No... I, how can I have any thoughts..."

"You haven't?" Gaolou said in a low voice, "I've known for a long time that you are a little abnormal. You said that when you practiced martial arts with the shopkeeper Ji Da a few years ago, you could still see people every day. What the hell?"

"Day by day, ghosts and ghosts come and go. The Fourth Miss came here with great difficulty, and you were not there every time. Fortunately, it is the Fourth Miss. If you change to another master, you will be kicked out a long time ago."

"Just tell me the truth." Gao Lou threatened, "Otherwise, I will report to the master when I return to Beijing."

"Ah! Don't!" Ye Chen hurriedly took Gao Lou's hand, pleading: "Brother Gao, there is nothing wrong with me. You know that my kung fu originally emphasizes the word 'hidden', which is precisely That’s how you can practice well.”

What he didn't say was that apart from practicing martial arts at the shopkeeper Ji Da, he also had other opportunities to practice excellent light-weight kung fu.

"'Hidden' what?!" Gao Lou patted his head, and said: "Master, there is no place for someone like you who plays with his own calculations."

Yechen said with a bitter face: "I didn't have any small calculations, I just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just..." Yechen sighed for a long time, and said, "Oh, I just don't dare to see Fourth Miss."

"She is just like a fairy, and I am humble. Seeing her, I might as well not see her." Yechen sighed.


Gao Lou looked at him in disbelief: "You, you actually treated her..."

"Brother Gao!" Yechen hurriedly raised his hand to swear, and said hastily, "I have absolutely no other intentions. I'm not even worthy to carry her shoes. How could I be thinking wildly?"

He also doesn't want to, but how can he control emotional matters?

When he met Fang Jinshu for the first time in Shantang, he was deeply attracted by her.Later, the older I got, the more difficult it was to control myself when I saw her.

As long as she is present, it will affect his every move.

He couldn't control his eyes, and he couldn't control his heartbeat.

Yechen even felt that as long as he could breathe, his crush on her would never stop.

When she appeared in front of them, she was always calm and graceful, looking at them encouragingly with a faint smile.But he knew that the ups and downs she experienced would have already collapsed if ordinary boudoir girls encountered them.

He only hated himself for being incompetent and unable to help her at all.

Her marriage was frustrated, and he was both heartbroken and secretly happy; she was granted a marriage by the queen, and he was happy for her, but sad alone.

That's why he tried his best to avoid her.

"You better understand what you are doing." Gao Lou warned him.

"I understand." Ye Chen was depressed, and said, "Yang Liu asked me. Even if she didn't ask, I will regard her as my master in this life, and I will never leave or give up."

"You, alas!"

Gao Lou sighed heavily and said, "Why are you so dazed?"

 Thanks to "屣远", "An old man with a dead heart", "Rou Rou Bao Bao", "Ye Li Li" and "Moon Grass" for each voting for 2 precious monthly tickets ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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