Twin Brocade

Chapter 808 Chen 3

Chapter 808 Chen San
"There are so many good girls in this world, why do you bother?" Gao Lou looked at him angrily, and said, "I haven't asked about you in these years. But you are always a good man, and you want to carry on the family line."

"I think it's good to be alone." Yechen raised his eyebrows indifferently, and said, "Brother Gao thinks, is there any better woman in this world than Miss Fourth?"

Fang Jinshu is the master, Gaolou can't say that there is anyone better than her anyway.

There was something wrong with Ye Chen's question, but Gao Lou couldn't think of a rebuttal for a while.

"You are lying."

Gao Lou said: "No matter how good the fourth girl is, she will get married next month. She, you'd better not even think about it!"

"I won't think about it. I will live like this for the rest of my life." With a fairy-like person in his heart, how can he spend his life with other women.

"It's good that you know." Gao Lou didn't want to separate from him at this time, maybe when he was a few years older, his thoughts would change accordingly.

"Brother Gao, this is my secret, you must keep it secret for me."

Gao Lou glared at him and said, "Of course I want to keep it a secret for you! I wish I had to know about this."

If Fang Jinshu knew about this, Yechen would no longer be able to stay by her side.For the sake of how many people grew up together, Gaolou couldn't do that either.

But keeping the secret for him meant deceiving Fang Jinshu.

In Gao Lou's heart, he was really in a dilemma.

"Brother Gao, don't worry, I will definitely not make it difficult for you." Yechen swore again and again.

"How can I rest assured? If you continue to be like today, Lord Quan will definitely see you." Gao Lou warned, "You think you can hide it from the Lord because of your careful thinking?"

Gao Lou knows how powerful Quan Moxian is.

"Okay, okay, I get it. Next time, I won't dare." Yechen responded repeatedly, and muttered: "It's a big deal, I'll stay away too."

Gao Lou laughed and said, "You don't need to hide, be normal."

Yechen responded in a muffled voice.

It is the end of the first lunar month now, and the earth has not yet warmed up.People were still wearing jackets, with their sleeves rolled up, walking in a hurry on the street.

Compared with Luoyang City, Bozhou City is really not big, and it is not as prosperous as Songzhou.From the east of the city to the west of the city, people with fast feet can walk in half an hour.

At the base of the city wall, there is a large courtyard in which various people live.

There are those who go to the rivers and lakes to perform arts and settle down temporarily, there are middle-class matchmakers who hang out at the bottom, some rely on hard work to make a living to support their families, and there are also down-and-out literati.

This yard was originally lived by a businessman, but after the development, he moved far away from this area, divided the yard into several houses, and leased it to those who needed to stay.

The actor who performed Kupen Ji was surnamed Chen Xingsan, and everyone called him Chen San.Ever since he saw the wronged soul, he was abandoned by the original troupe.

An actor belongs to the lower class.

These folk theater troupes earn money by performing plays back and forth from various places.

From the beginning of autumn, people began to have spare money in their purses, so they would spend money to watch the theater.Therefore, this is also the best time for them to set up a team and go out.

From the autumn harvest, to the Chinese New Year, to the Lantern Festival in the first lunar month, and the wedding in February, when the excitement has subsided, in addition to rewards from the people watching the opera, you can always meet a few rich families who set up a stage to invite them to the hall.

Singing halls is different from singing in a shed. Those who can spend this money are rich families.Since they invited them to have fun, the rewards would naturally not be stingy.

In addition to the normal silver coins, copper coins will also be thrown up when singing.The master was happy to hear that, and there were gold and silver picks and scattered silver on it.

The money was sprinkled on the theater troupe, but it stretched the host's face.

Therefore, as long as they can run into two or three families every time they come out, their life for one year is enough.

When it comes to spring plowing, the opera troupes will stop one after another.The head of the team will keep the full set of outfits and use them in the second half of the year.The rest of the actors went home separately, those who worked in agriculture worked in agriculture, and those who were looking for day laborers looked for day laborers.

A grass-roots troupe like them is different from those theaters in Beijing, they are just getting food and clothing.

During the performance period, they all lived in no fixed place.

Wherever the effect is good, stay for a few more days.If not, pack your bags and go to the next place.

The route is familiar every year, but the situation in different places is different.For example, this year, several cities close to Luoyang City have been affected by refugees, and Bozhou is no exception.

Fortunately, when they came, it was just in time for a big family in the west of the city to celebrate their birthday.After accepting this church meeting, the whole theater troupe was elated, thinking that it was not in vain to come out this time.

However, no one expected that this would happen.

A good birthday banquet was messed up, the troupe was kicked out, and they didn't even get the routine silver, let alone the reward.

Chen San was resented by people in the troupe, and he talked about seeing the wronged soul all day long, which disturbed everyone's peace.As soon as the people in the team discussed it, they left him in Bozhou, and the rest rushed to the next place.

Fortunately, the team leader took good care of him because of his past affection.I rented this yard for him and left him two strings of big money.

It was already midnight when Yechen entered the courtyard.

He lifted himself up, carefully avoided the debris in the yard, followed a big tree next to him to the roof, and followed the route he had surveyed during the day.

In the yard, the sound of men snoring one after another, occasionally the sound of women talking in their dreams, and the sound of children grinding their teeth...

There are so many people living in the courtyard, it is not quiet at night.

Chen San hugged a tattered quilt, curled up in the corner of the bed and fell asleep.He slept deeply and looked like any ordinary person.

Yechen waited patiently for an hour, and the night was getting darker.

He turned over and hung on the beams and pillars under the eaves, and threw a branch through the broken window, hitting the ground with a "slap".

Chen San, who was huddled at the corner of the bed, turned over and sat up.With vigilant eyes, he jumped out of bed and looked around.

Does he look like a crazy person?
It was dark at night, and there were no lights in the house.He rubbed it for a while before stepping on the branch on the ground.He was obviously taken aback, and jumped to the broken window to look around, only to find that there was no one, so he shrank back to the bed.

This branch will not appear for no reason.

If it is daytime, it may be a child who made trouble and threw it in.But in the middle of the night, why are there suddenly more branches?

The more Chen San thought about it, the more uneasy he became, and he shrank deeper and deeper in the corner of the bed, feeling panicked.

Seeing his reaction, Yechen was very sure that this person was by no means a lunatic.As for whether he really saw the wronged soul, he couldn't judge.

When it was almost dawn, Chen San didn't do anything else.

Ye Chen quietly stretched his stiff back and disappeared into the early morning night sky.

(End of this chapter)

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