Twin Brocade

Chapter 809

Chapter 809
In the guest courtyard of the Bozhou government office, Quan Moxian woke up early, reading the local chronicles prepared for him by local officials.

In every place, there will be local chronicles compiled by the government.

Having local customs, population and land, celebrities and other information is the fastest way to understand a place.

"Young Master." Gao Lou came in and explained the situation of Ye Chen's report in detail.

Quan Moxian put down the book in his hand, and said, "Thank you for your hard work. From today on, you will stay by my side for now." Gaolou thought carefully and acted calmly, so he could be used as an assistant.

Then, he ordered his long follower to go to Xia Zelin to ask for a file of all the cases in the past six months, especially about the missing persons.

The long follower came back very quickly, and the files were neatly bound together in chronological order.

Quan Moxian squinted his eyes, this was either Xia Zelin's habit of sorting out files, or he had prepared them in advance and was waiting for him to check.

This thing is getting more and more interesting.

"Uncle Liu, try to read the files from the old year." Butler Liu agreed.

"Follow me." Quan Moxian said to the tall building.

He led someone to find Xia Zelin, exchanged some pleasantries and said, "Master Xia, today I want to meet that actor."

"Okay!" Xia Zelin readily agreed, and said, "Master Quan, please wait a moment, I will send someone there right away."

"He's not a suspect, he doesn't need to be put in the shackles, just bring him to my yard." Quan Moxian warned.

When Chen San was brought in, his unkempt face was in a daze.

The yamen servant escorted him to kneel on the ground, and he was lying on the ground, trembling non-stop.

"Chen San, this is the elder from the Ministry of Criminal Justice in the capital, you have to look carefully!" The yamen servant poked him with a water and fire stick and said impatiently.

Because of him, he has brought so much trouble to the Bozhou government, and the people in the government do not like him.

Quan Moxian slightly raised his eyebrows, and ordered: "Okay, you all go down."

The yamen servant was a little hesitant, how could the elder from Beijing be interrogated by himself?
Gao Lou took out a purse and put it in the hands of the leading yamen servant, saying: "Thank you for your hard work, please drink tea."

The yamen servant squeezed his purse and led the people away.

"Chen San." Quan Moxian sat down slowly, and said, "I've heard about you, and now I want to hear what you have to say."

"I, I..." Chen San didn't dare to look up, and suddenly waved his hands in a panic: "Don't, don't come here! Ahhh! Don't come here, you go!"

He looked terrified, pushing something in the air with both hands, and backed away as he pushed.In the end, he just sat down on the ground, held his head in his hands and cried "woo woo woo".

Mu Chuan and Hai Feng looked at each other, could it be that there is really some invisible and intangible ghost here?
Quan Moxian got up, walked up to Chen San, knelt down and showed him his waist badge, and said, "Look clearly, I am Quan Moxian, the doctor of the Ministry of Punishment."

He pointed at the people in the room and said, "They are all my people. I assure you that not a word of what you said today will be leaked out."

Chen San put down his hands, his eyes full of doubts.

"My son, we have solved the case of finger-breaking and hoarding food in Beijing, and we have arrested the young master of Cheng Enhou's residence." Gao Lou said: "If you have any grievances, you may as well speak up."

The few cases he mentioned are well-known and widely circulated among the people.Bozhou is not far from Luoyang City, Chen San should have heard of it.

"Hoarding, grain hoarding case?"

Quan Moxian looked at him and nodded.

"Your Excellency is the one who broke the case of hoarding grain and has countless living people?" Chen San spoke quickly, knelt down and kowtowed, and said: "The grass-roots people don't know Taishan, and I hope you will forgive me."

Although opera singers are low-level, there is one advantage. When learning opera, they will roughly teach some pen and ink so that they can understand the opera.

He has a square face, and he sings in the play with red faces, and he has played countless blue sky masters.But Quan Moxian was the Qingtian he had heard of, and he was also the first Lord Qingtian to appear in front of him alive.

His heart was full of admiration and awe, and he wanted to get close but was afraid that the other party would get angry.

"Get up now."

Quan Moxian signaled Mu Chuan to bring him a square stool, and said softly, "Tell me the ins and outs of this matter."

Chen San nodded repeatedly, and poured out all the words he had held back for a long time, like beans pouring out of a bamboo tube.

No one knew about this conversation except Quan Moxian and the people he brought.

In the afternoon, Quan Moxian sent someone to inform Xia Zelin and asked Chen San to live in his yard temporarily.

For the next few days, he did not move, quietly and without a sound.

In a blink of an eye, it was February.

On the Bozhou pier, a small boat docked quietly.

Xiao Yu dressed up as a book boy in men's clothes, got out of the cabin, turned around and helped Wei Yixin, who was also a woman in men's clothes, out.

Wei Yixin put her thick long hair in a scholar's hat, without makeup, her skin can be broken by blowing bullets.The men's clothes added a bit of heroism to her charming look, and the rolling eyes were very moving.

An unremarkable sedan chair landed in front of her, Xiao Yu helped her into the sedan chair, and headed towards a private house in Bozhou city.

Her arrival did not alarm anyone.

In the Xiuwen Workshop in Luoyang City, Fang Jinshu opened the letter that Quan Moxian had sent.

What was written in the letter was very simple, only saying that everything was fine with him, and repeatedly promised that he would come back on the wedding day.

Fang Jinshu put the letter away carefully, picked up the embroidery needle and continued the previous embroidery work.

The wedding was imminent, and everything was ready for the dowry, and Si Lansheng also accepted the errand assigned to her, so that she could enjoy this last time as a girl.

Even Madam Hua hardly showed up these days, letting her arrange her time freely.

So, when she had nothing to do, she embroidered some small things such as handkerchiefs and sachets to pass the time.

"Girl, did Master Quan say when he will be back?" Fang Fei asked with concern.

Fang Jinshu shook his head: "I just said that I will definitely be back before the fifteenth day." February fifteenth is the auspicious day for them to get married.

Fang Fei pursed her lips and stopped talking.She was really worried, but she didn't want to say it to make the girl even more worried.

This matter is really worrying.

Counting the days, there are only ten days left until the fifteenth day of February.It would take two days at the earliest to return from Bozhou, but there was no news from there, as if Quan Moxian had never been there.

Such a matter without beginning and end, there is still no clue at the moment.

No matter how powerful Quan Moxian is, can he sort out the ins and outs in just ten days?
This was not only Fang Fei's worry, but Si Lansheng was also muttering in his heart.

Both Fang and Quan are going on with the marriage as usual, but the day is getting closer and there is still no news from Quan Moxian, which can't help but make people anxious.

"Mother." Fang Jinshu entered the room and said, "Today he asked someone to bring a letter back, saying that everything is fine and he will be back on time."

 Thanks to "Looking for Yu Qing", "Book Friends 160516114307761", "Huang Xiaoli" and "Stone 620" for casting 2 precious monthly tickets^_^
(End of this chapter)

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