Twin Brocade

Chapter 810 It's Not in the Pool

Chapter 810 It's Not in the Pool

"Okay," Si Lansheng replied with a smile, "Since he said it, you just wait at home."

At this juncture, no matter how anxious she was, she couldn't show it in front of her daughter.In such a situation, isn't her daughter bothered enough? All she can do is to reassure her daughter.

If mothers are full of thoughts, what should Fang Jinshu do?
"Did he say how the investigation went?"

"No, I think everything went well." Fang Jinshu replied.

"That's good."

Si Lansheng hid the gloom in his eyes, and said with a smile: "You will get married in ten days or so, and the days go by really quickly. If you want to eat, just tell the kitchen. It won't be so convenient when you get married."

"I knew my mother loved me." Fang Jinshu smiled and said, "Speaking of which, I haven't eaten perch soup for a long time."

This perch soup has a common name, but it is extremely complicated to make.Sea bass is used as the main ingredient, and only the most tender gill fish meat is selected, marinated with sweet-scented osmanthus wine and cut into shreds, stir-fried to taste and then finely ground into powder.

When boiling the soup, add dried scallops from the East China Sea to increase its umami taste, and dip it in shredded ginger to remove the fishy smell.

After boiling over high heat, simmer slowly for an hour, then sprinkle the flower petals of the four seasons preserved in a year into the soup, stir slightly, and the perch soup will be ready.

Luoyang City is inland, and the dried scallops from the East China Sea alone are very rare, not to mention the fresh petals, it takes a lot of thought to store them.

The servants of the Fang family picked the best flower petals in the garden, picked them, washed them, dried them in the shade, and dried them in the sun, then put them in jade boxes and kept them in the ice room.

The flower petals are not necessarily what they are, it depends on the flowering situation that year.Moreover, the indoor space of ice is limited, and there are not many that can be stored well.

Therefore, due to the limitation of materials, this dish cannot be cooked several times a year.

As for the perch soup, it is true that such tedious preparation efforts are not in vain.The freshness and smoothness of sea bass, the deliciousness of scallops, and the fragrance of flower petals are all integrated into this dish, which makes people salivate just by smelling its aroma.

"You girl!" Si Lansheng smiled and tapped her on the forehead, and said, "I just want to eat this dish."

Fang Jinshu smiled lightly and said, "I know that mothers are the best for their daughters."

Si Lansheng looked at her dotingly, and said, "Okay, I'll tell someone to do it right away." Who made Fang Jinshu want to eat it?

Although the number of scallops and flower petals is small, they are all ready-made.Si Jiang's daughter-in-law hurried to a fisherman she knew well, and bought the freshest sea bass. In the evening, Fang Jinshu's table was filled with this dish.

"Girl, my wife really loves you." Fangzhi said with a smile as she arranged the dishes.

can not?

This dish is usually used to entertain important guests, or it is only made when Mrs. Fang celebrates her birthday.Now, for Fang Jinshu's words, Si Lansheng sent someone to do it.

To know those ingredients, use less, and the petals need to be stored again.

Fang Jinshu nodded, his heart felt warm.

Si Lansheng may have shortcomings here and there, but there is no doubt that she is a qualified wife and mother.

"Grandmother's place, can you also send it?" How could she enjoy such a dish alone.

"Miss, don't worry, the eldest lady has ordered someone to deliver it." Fang Zhi replied: "The second old lady also sent a copy."

The sea bass soup is smooth in the mouth, and it melts in the mouth like tofu brain, leaving only a lingering fragrance in the mouth.

Fang Jinshu tasted it slowly, but his mind drifted to Bozhou involuntarily.

What is he doing now?

The simpler his letter was written, the more complex the reasons behind it.Only in this way, he did not dare to disclose the content in the letter for the sake of confidentiality.

But it's no use guessing like this, she has already done what she can do.

All that's left is to trust him.

There were many things going on in Prince Qi's mansion that day, when Fang Shuyu returned to Fang's house, it was already night and the lights were on.

Si Lansheng asked someone to bring up the bowl of perch soup that he had kept, and said, "It's getting late, eat a little before going to wash up."

Fang Shuyu glanced at it and said with a smile: "What a good day today, making sea bass soup?"

"There's no such thing as a good day. It's just that I want to eat." Si Lansheng said, "Quan Moxian sent a letter to report his safety, promising that the auspicious day will not be missed, and he didn't mention anything else. A heart, hanging in the air empty and empty, without a place to fall."

She couldn't say it in front of her daughter, but when she saw her husband, Si Lansheng found her backbone.

Fang Shuyu sat down, picked up the spoon, took a sip of sea bass soup, and said with a smile: "You, this is the life you are born to worry about. Since he said nothing happened, what are you worrying about?"

"I see, it is enough to prepare for the wedding step by step."

"Master, are you not in a hurry?" Si Lansheng asked, "What if, I mean, what if he can't return before the auspicious day? How should we get married?"

"Tell me about him, he doesn't even have a family right now. Otherwise, he could have a cousin from the same clan do the marriage on his behalf."

Si Lansheng became more and more dissatisfied with Quan Moxian.

"As far as his family is concerned, don't be more straightforward." Fang Shuyu finished his soup, rinsed his mouth under the service of his servants, and said: "He dared to betray the family, his courage is commendable."

From a man's point of view, Fang Shuyu has always admired Quan Moxian.

Although he had never thought about such a person becoming his son-in-law, the more he thought about it, the more satisfied he became after it became a fact.

"I just want Shu'er to be safe and smooth for the rest of his life." Si Lansheng said, "But it seems that marrying into the Quan family will not be smooth." Her opinion is completely different from Fang Shuyu's.

A woman's marriage is like a second reincarnation. No matter how capable Quan Moxian is, he has offended too many people. Being his wife will definitely be harder than ordinary people.

"Don't you know our book girl's ability?" Fang Shuyu said: "To tell you the truth, I feel more and more that if the book girl really married into the Tan family, she would be overqualified."

"What is overqualification?" Si Lansheng gave him a dissatisfied look, and said anxiously: "According to what you mean, don't you want to marry into the royal family?"

Fang Shuyu spread her hands and said, "You know it, I don't mean it."

"What do you mean?" Si Lansheng said, "The more I think about it, the bigger my head becomes. You are still in the mood to joke around. Let me ask you, if Quan Moxian can't come back on the fifteenth day, can it be that we Shu'er went directly to Quan's house in a sedan chair, without anyone to greet her?"

"This..." Fang Shuyu was choked, thought for a while and said, "It's been so many years, you have to trust me in how I see people."

"Quan Moxian is definitely not something in the pool. Since he came back with a message, he must know it well."

Seeing Fang Shuyu's determination, Si Lansheng sighed leisurely and said, "I hope so."

(End of this chapter)

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