Twin Brocade

Chapter 811

Chapter 811

Not only the Fang family was worried, but the Quan family was even more anxious.

Aunt Quan sent someone to Peng's house to summon Quan Lu, and said, "Lu Lu, what do you think should be done now?"

Quan Lu sat down and took a sip of water, and said, "Didn't my brother come back with a letter? Everything is fine with him, and he must come back before the fifteenth."

"What do you mean everything is fine?" Mrs. Quan was so worried that she didn't know what to do.

She only knew that Quan Moxian was sent to Bozhou by the Ministry of Criminal Justice. As for what case he was handling, Quan Moxian didn't tell her, and she never thought about asking.

Aunt Quan never intervened in his official affairs.

If she knew that Quan Moxian was going to try a ghost case with no beginning and no end this time, he didn't know how to worry about it.

"Mother, when did my brother fail to fulfill what I said, so don't worry about it here." Quan Lu persuaded, and changed the subject: "The auspicious clothes for getting married, can you send me the Jinxiuji?"

"The whole set is here. Your brother tried it on before he left, and it fits very well." After talking about the preparations for the marriage, Mrs. Quan became worried again, and sighed heavily: "No matter how well it fits, someone has to Come wear it."

She wasn't worried about Quan Moxian's safety, but just worried that she wouldn't be able to come back on time.

Why is there such a fuss about her son's marriage?

Lin Chenfei was originally a childhood sweetheart with him, but it ended so badly that she didn't even have any children left behind.After finally talking about this marriage, the girl from the Fang family became more and more in love with her.

But when this is coming, what kind of errands will be made.

"Tell me, why is the elder in this yamen so inconsiderate?" Aunt Quan muttered, "Hei Lang is sent out on business even though he knows that Hei Lang is going to get married."

"There are so many officials and lords in the Ministry of Punishment, can't we change someone?"

The more she thought about it, the more she couldn't figure it out.Seeing that she was on the edge of a corner, Quan Lu didn't know how to persuade her, so she had to find ways to make her happy.

However, Mrs. Quan's thoughts are all on the marriage, and she can't listen to other things at all.

A little maid outside the door opened the curtain and said, "The young master is here!"

Quan Yiting is five years old at the moment, he doesn't wear upturned buns like ordinary children, but pulls the hair on the top of his head into a bun, and the rest of the hair is draped behind his head.

He was wearing a small gown with carp pattern with tufted flowers, his hands behind his back, and his steps were steady, walking in like a little adult.

"Ting'er pays respects to grandmother and aunt." He bowed politely.

"Come here." Quan Lu waved to him with a smile.

This nephew of hers is really the most sensible child she has ever seen.Although it was adopted, this has never been a concern since childhood.It's not like the two in my own family, they can't be idle for a moment.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you doing? Where have you learned your homework?"

"Back to my aunt, I've already finished "Children's Learning Qiong Lin" and just started reading "Zeng Guang Xian Wen." Quan Yiting replied respectfully.

Quan Lu was a little surprised, and asked, "Learn so fast?"

Children's enlightenment usually starts with "San Zi Jing", "Hundred Surnames", "Thousand Characters", and then learns "Sound Enlightenment" and so on. When you learn the two books mentioned by Quan Yiting, the enlightenment is almost over stage.

"That's right." Seeing Quan Yiting, Aunt Quan was able to temporarily put aside the troubles of marriage and said with a smile: "He learns so fast, even Hei Lang is surprised."

"Is the younger brother enlightening him?" Quan Lu asked.

Aunt Quan shook her head, and said: "Hei Lang is very busy in the yamen, where is he able to do that? He taught Dudu the Three Character Classic and the Thousand Character Classic, and he even learned the hundred surnames by himself."

"Finish by yourself?" Quan Lu was even more surprised.

When she got married, Quan Yiting was only two years old.

Peng Changsheng settled down in the capital, and his parents also followed.Quan Lu's belly is also strong enough. After giving birth to an eldest daughter, she gave birth to a son immediately.

The two elders of the Peng family were so happy that they spent all day entertaining their grandchildren at home, ignoring everything.

Therefore, all the family affairs were handed over to Quan Lu, and now she is the head mother of the Peng family.As a result, she was very busy with a lot of affairs, and she had very little time to go back to her mother's house.

Not to mention, pay attention to Quan Yiting's studies.

Therefore, this happened last year, and Quan Lu only knew it at this time.

"Then, what about the two books, Qionglin for Children's Learning and Zengguang Xianwen?"

"Father taught me to read it several times." Quan Yiting raised his pink and jade-carved face and said with a smile: "If there is anything I don't understand, I'll ask my father again."

"This is also amazing." Quan Lu patted his head and praised: "I didn't expect that our Dudu is still a little child prodigy."

Aunt Quan laughed and said, "Don't praise him. Hei Lang said, it's not necessarily good to be old. Let us not praise him, and we are not allowed to go out to talk about it."

No wonder, I have never heard of Dudu's name in Beijing.

"Father let me learn "Injury Zhongyong", and my nephew thinks so." Quan Yiting nodded like an adult, and said: "Auntie, don't say it."

He is only a few years old, but he can have such a calm mind, and he doesn't see the slightest hint of pride and showing off.

Quan Lu looked at him, the more she looked at him, the more she fell in love with him, and sighed: "The two in my family, it would be great if there were half of Dudu."

"The cousins ​​are still young." Quan Yiting said with a smile: "In a few years, that's it."

Quan Lu smiled and said, "I see, in a few years, it won't be half of Dudu's."

"Aunt, don't praise me. Did you hear about your father when you came today?" Quan Yiting asked.

"Your father is fine." Quan Lu said, "I'll be back in two days, don't worry."

Quan Yiting pouted and said, "Don't coax me just because I'm young. It will take at least two or three days to come back from Bozhou."

Seeing being exposed by him, Quan Lu said without blushing, "I said that after two days, I can go back."

As soon as this important event was mentioned, Mrs. Quan couldn't help worrying: "I'm afraid it will be too late."

"If father doesn't come back in time, won't Aunt Fang marry into our family?" Quan Yiting asked with his head tilted.

"Then how can it be?" Quan Lu said: "This is a marriage bestowed by the emperor, even if your father is not around, it must be done. Otherwise, it is a crime of deceiving the emperor."

Empress Cao issued a decree to bestow marriage. Although it was not an imperial decree, it had the same meaning.For the subordinates, they all represent the supreme majesty of the royal family.

"As long as Aunt Fang can marry in, grandma, what are you worrying about?"

Aunt Quan said: "Dudu, you are still young, and you don't understand many things. If your father can't come back in time, then the fourth girl of the Fang family will be wronged."

"On the wedding day, without a groom, our two families will become the jokes of the entire Luoyang City." Mrs. Quan said again: "If the Fang family annoys us because of this, it will be even more difficult."

"Our Quan family doesn't even have a person to greet us personally. Could it be that the fourth girl of the Fang family is going to come here by herself in a sedan chair? It's really against the rules."

 Thanks to "Linda Xiaozhou" for the reward of 100 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Thanks to "People who are old and desperate" and "Xi Yan" who voted for 2 precious monthly tickets ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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