Twin Brocade

Chapter 820 1 light 1 dark

Chapter 820

Looking at the retreating crowd, Quan Moxian smiled.

His eyes are calm, peaceful, and even contain compassionate forgiveness.

Under such gazes, the common people felt ashamed and dared not face it. They shrunk their shoulders and stepped back, making way for a wider road.

With the arrest of Wang Zhong, the excitement that caused a sensation in the city came to an end and disappeared without a trace.But the influence it brings to people will not dissipate easily, and various thoughts grow and ferment in people's hearts.

"Master Quan has worked hard, hurry up and watch the seats!"

The magistrate Xia Zelin smiled all over his face, personally invited Quan Moxian to sit down, and said: "Sure enough, it is better to be famous than to meet each other. Mr. Quan solved the case of yin and yang ghosts at a young age, and solved a big problem for us in Bozhou! It can be passed down as a good story for a while. "

"My lord, I'm too proud." Quan Moxian cupped his hands and said, "The murderer exposed his shortcomings, how dare I call him Yin Yang."

"Brother, don't be too modest." Xia Zelin smiled very affectionately: "I have already prepared a table of good wine in Fengyue Pavilion, to celebrate your success and see you off, please be sure to reward me."

Quan Moxian's scheduled itinerary is to leave for Beijing tomorrow.

"Okay!" Quan Moxian replied crisply, and said, "After I leave, the results of the autopsy and the interrogation of Wang Zhong will be handed over to you, my lord!"

"Don't worry, brother, it's only right and proper to kill someone, and I won't ruin your business." Xia Zelin said with a smile: "You can go back to Beijing to get married and wait for the good news here!"

"Master Xia, you have worked hard." Quan Moxian cupped his hands: "There is still half a day, and let me take my leave first and pack my luggage."

"It should be so! Your Excellency, please go ahead."

Watching Quan Moxian go out, Xia Zelin brushed his beard with a smile.

Quan Moxian, this person, is not as rigid as the rumors in Beijing.He was willing to recognize Wang Zhong as the murderer, and didn't pursue the case any further, obviously very sensible.

Perhaps, it was because his wedding was coming soon and he had no time to bother about it.

That being the case, it would be the best of both worlds.

Treat him well to a meal of flower wine and send him away well, and a matter of concern is settled.

Back in the courtyard, Quan Moxian changed his official robe, and Mu Chuan brought up an ivory-colored pine-and-bamboo-patterned gown with wide sleeves, and used a mahogany hairpin to re-tie his hair into a bun.

"My lord, is it worth your effort for those common people?" Mu Chuan couldn't help asking.

Outside the Wu Mansion today, the behavior of the people is really chilling.They are the ones who are oppressed, and they are also the ones who dare not speak out.

Quan Moxian smiled: "I'm not for them, but for my own conscience."

He knew the warmth and coldness of human relationships since he was a child.

Therefore, he never expected that people would defy power and stand up for justice.

"But son, it's too dangerous for you to do this!"

"With you here, I'm not in danger." Quan Moxian shook his head, and said: "Being an official is not making decisions for the people, it's better to go home and grow sweet potatoes. Since I have become an official, I will uphold justice for them."

"Young master." Mu Chuan persuaded: "Miss Si is still waiting for you in Beijing. If you have something good or bad, how can the villain deal with Miss Si?"

"If she finds out, she will support me." Quan Moxian said firmly, "She will not ignore these weak people."

"Although I haven't served the young master for long, I know that the young master has suffered a lot when he was young. At that time, was there anyone who came to help you, young master?"

"Your current strength is entirely dependent on yourself." Mu Chuan complained for Quan Moxian.

Quan Moxian was able to get to today step by step, relying on ten years of hard study, perseverance, and outstanding ability.

Only in this way can the people who are jealous of him and those who want to murder him all come back in defeat.

But the price he paid was dripping with blood, and those who accompanied him knew it very well.

All of this came about by no means by accident.

"Why do you put yourself in danger in order to protect the weak?" Mu Chuan couldn't figure it out.

Quan Moxian shook his head, smiled slightly, and said, "You don't understand. Although they are weak, they are not insignificant." It was his great wish to uphold justice that gave him the motivation to move forward.

After changing his robes, Quan Moxian looks like a handsome young man in troubled times.

He is plump and handsome, with straight eyebrows and a sharp jawline like a knife.He deliberately softened the indifferent expression on his face, only hiding that coldness in the black pupil like ink, which was bottomless.

"Come here," he ordered.

Mu Chuan had no choice but to turn around and go out, and invited the Bozhou arrester in.

"What are your orders?" The head catcher asked, clasping his hands.

"Today's ghost case, I want to hear your opinion." Quan Moxian said: "Don't worry, I won't embarrass you."

The head catcher is a native of Bozhou, and he took this position with great difficulty, and he has no less worries than anyone else.But the scene at the gate of the Wu Mansion lingered in front of him.

He gritted his teeth and said, "My lord, there are many doubts in this case."

"Come and listen."

"Wang Zhong told him that he coaxed the outsider into the mansion. Could it be that no one saw him along the way? This is one. Second, he didn't mention the name and identity of the outsider from the beginning to the end."

"Thirdly, if Wang Zhong wanted Chen San to die, why wait until today? Taking such a huge risk. Fourthly, when we were chasing Wang Zhong, we originally lost him. Otherwise, he went the wrong way, and we won't catch him either."

Feeling guilty, the head catcher told the truth about the arrest of Wang Zhong at that time.

Quan Moxian nodded, and said: "What you said, I think so. I'm afraid the source of this is still in Wu Daguan. Since someone has exposed him in Yurou Township, I can't just ignore it, and the case must come to light."

"Take a few trustworthy brothers and go quietly to the Wu Mansion to find someone who knows, and bring them here." Quan Moxian punched the book case heavily, and said: "I don't believe it, he can just Can you cover the sky with your hands?"

"There are always people who have been bullied by him who can expose his true colors." Quan Moxian said in a deep voice, "I am willing to protect them."

"Yes!" The head catcher answered loudly.

The news of Bozhou's head arrest cannot be concealed from anyone.

Xia Zelin frowned after listening to the staff's report, "This Quan Moxian, what exactly does he want to do?"

While accepting his invitation, he sent the local headhunters in Bozhou to investigate Mr. Wu carefully.What does he intend to do with this light and dark?

"My lord." The staff member clasped his hands and said, "Since you know the news, my lord, so can the officials of Wu. Why don't you take advantage of the trend and send a letter to Wu's mansion to make a good relationship."

It is not the government of Bozhou that the officials of Wu rely on.

Even if Xia Zelin is the magistrate of Bozhou, he should be polite to the white official Wu and dare not neglect him.More than half of the officials in the government office have taken advantage of Wu Daguan, and Xia Zelin is no exception.

"In this matter, we don't help each other. It's best to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight." The staff suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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