Twin Brocade

Chapter 821 Fengyue Pavilion

Chapter 821 Fengyue Pavilion

"Left and right have nothing to do with adults, why bother to go to this muddy water?"

Xia Zelin smiled slightly, the staff's proposal won his heart.

He handles the filial piety of Daguan Wu very easily, and he can't afford to offend the forces behind it.Quan Moxian is a Beijing official, and he has no intention of offending the Ministry of Punishment and causing trouble for himself.

The best way is to stay out of it and hang on high.

In the Wu mansion, the official Wu's expression was fierce: "You said, that dog officer sent a headhunter to investigate me?"

"Master, we'd better be careful. That Lord Quan, who does one thing in front of his face and another in his back, is really insidious and cunning, so we have to guard against it."

"Haha!" Mr. Wu sneered a few times, and said, "What kind of insidious and cunning, I think it's nothing more than that."

"There are rumors in Beijing that he has Princess Baochang backing him up. Master, don't be impulsive."

"Princess Baochang?" Wu Daguan said with a smile: "In this Bozhou, I'm afraid I'm the only one who knows that this princess has been out of power for a long time. Relying on his youth and strength, the dog official leaned on the princess's thigh. But I."

"He thinks I don't know his details? Pretending to be crazy!" During the day, Quan Moxian's disdain for him, he kept in mind.

Seeing that he was angry, his confidants dared not persuade him any more.

How could he not know the temper of this officer Wu?

After getting angry, Wu Daguan calmed down, cast a fierce look in his eyes, and said: "Go! Arrange a few more people, make the dog officer, and come to see me."

The confidant was startled and said, "Master!"

It's not that he hasn't done such things in the past, it's just a human life, and it's not in his eyes.

But how can this be compared?

Quan Moxian is an official appointed by the imperial court, and his official position is not low. He is a fifth-rank doctor in the Ministry of Punishment.

His fate is different from that of ordinary people.

"What are you afraid of?" Officer Wu gave him a sideways look, and said, "The sky is falling, and I'm holding it back. Wang Zhong has already taken the blame, and everything will be fine if you get rid of the dog officer. Xia Zelin didn't dare to say anything, and no one from above has any clues." , we are safe."

He was used to being an emperor in Bozhou, and even the magistrate respected him three points.

He has always been arrogant and used to doing whatever he wants, but when he suddenly meets someone like Quan Moxian who doesn't take him seriously, he has long been annoyed.

Quan Moxian sent someone to investigate him, which was the last straw that broke the camel's back.To let him explode completely, he must put the other party to death before he can relieve the hatred in his heart.

"What are you still doing? Go quickly."

The confidant hurriedly responded, and said with an idea: "Master, Xia Zhifu will hold a banquet in Fengyue Pavilion tonight to celebrate his success. Why don't you arrange someone to kill him there, and it will be less troublesome."

He depended on Daguan Wu for his livelihood, and he didn't want to see him suffer.

Once the court investigates such a major event as the killing of officials, it would be trivial to confiscate the family and exterminate the family.He didn't want to be involved, so he tried to keep the matter as secret as possible.

A brothel like a place where fish and dragons are mixed is convenient for them to arrange various illusions.

Although Gao Mang did not prohibit officials from going to brothels for fun, it was not something that could be announced.Quan Moxian's death there was disgraceful in the first place, and the court's investigation would inevitably get in the way.

Officer Wu thought about it for a while and agreed.

"I'll see you with your head up" was just an angry remark from him, but after thinking about it carefully, he realized that it was impossible.

He only wanted Quan Mo Xian to die, but he didn't care how he died.

Fengyue Pavilion is the best brothel in Bozhou. It is built near the water and combines the beauty of the north and the south of the Yangtze River.It is a first-class place for luxury and luxury, and it is also a place for literati and inkmen to be arty.

There are Yangzhou skinny horses from the south of the Yangtze River, and bold girls from the north.Even a blond orchid can be found.

Several Bozhou magistrate officials followed Xia Zelin, saw Quan Moxian coming from a distance, and they all went up to meet him.

"My brother has changed his official robe, I don't even dare to recognize it." Xia Zelin praised: "The ancients said that Mr. Yun is like a jade, and you don't deceive me!" The rest of the people echoed.

"Your Excellency, it's ridiculous!" Quan Moxian cupped his hands.

"Come here, please." Xia Zelin ushered him into the courtyard behind him, showing a smile that any man could understand, and said, "The head card here is called Yuzhu, and it is said that he has the blood of the former royal family."

According to the news he came back from inquiring, Quan Moxian was not lecherous, but he did not refuse.There are many romantic scandals about him, and Princess Baochang alone is enough to be ambiguous.

Therefore, he did what he liked and set up the celebration banquet here, and let Yuzhu serve him.

Within the jurisdiction of Bozhou, there are more than 100 rivers, large and small, belonging to the Huaihe River system.Due to the convenience of water and land, the north-south communication is extremely developed, and many passing merchants stay here to make the final preparations before entering Beijing.

Because of this, even if Bozhou itself has no unique output, nor is it a fertile land, the state capital can be considered prosperous.

This also gave birth to the abnormal prosperity of the brothel Chu Guan.

The brothels in Bozhou are among the best in a radius of tens of miles, and some people even come here admiringly.The brothels in Bozhou are better than those in the capital.

The top girls here are all collected from all over Gaomang, and then carefully trained.Even if they go to the south of the Yangtze River or the capital city, they will not show any timidity.

The red card girl with the blood of the former royal family is enough to satisfy the imagination of many people.This kind of great psychological superiority is not comparable to other prostitutes.

As for whether her identity is true or false, no one has verified it.

"My lord, how can I feel sorry for taking so much trouble?" Quan Moxian hurriedly cupped his hands in thanks.

"Brother, you're out of touch now." Xia Zelin rubbed his chubby belly, and said with a smile, "I know you are dedicated to your duty, so I won't bother you until the case is solved."

"We're leaving now, why don't you allow me to treat you to a meal? Don't think too much, just have a meal and listen to a little song, it's okay."

An official behind him jokingly said: "Lord Quan, are you afraid that the little lady in Beijing will be jealous?"

When it comes to such romantic occasions, everyone has to be more casual in their words.The identities of boss, subordinate, and superior have also become blurred.

It's not rude for him to say this, if Quan Moxian cares about it, it will appear that he doesn't understand official rules.

However, his tone was a little frivolous.

Quan Moxian suppressed his unhappiness, and said softly: "The fourth girl of the Fang family is the daughter of the servant's family, and the magistrate of the county personally appointed by the emperor. You should be more careful with your words."

It turns out that his unmarried wife has such a big background?The man was taken aback and quickly stopped talking.

Xia Zelin stepped forward to help him out, and said with a smile, "Those who don't know are not guilty, and it must not be the case next time."

The man apologized repeatedly, but Quan Moxian said he didn't care.After a few rounds of drinking, the atmosphere became lively again.

"Lord Xia, why hasn't Yuzhu come here? In front of the superior, is she still putting on airs?" someone questioned.

The jade bead they were talking about was hiding behind the curtain with a pale face, staring at Quan Moxian.

 Thanks to "Cowboy weiwei" for the valuable monthly ticket ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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