Twin Brocade

Chapter 822

Chapter 822
In any case, she never thought that she would see someone she knew here.

Although Bozhou is close to the capital, it is not a necessary place to go south.Besides, she used to be a boudoir girl and had limited contact with outside men.Now that she has changed her name and changed her surname, she has fallen into prostitution, and no one knows her original true identity between being greeted and sent off.

The news in Fengyue Pavilion is well-informed, and the day Quan Moxian came to Bozhou, Yuzhu knew the news.

She prayed in her heart, let Quan Moxian finish the case quickly and leave, and never come to Fengyue Pavilion.Even if it does come, you have to do everything possible to avoid it.

However, how did she know that the guest hosted by Xia Zhifu was actually Quan Moxian?
Yuzhu's lips turned pale, and the hand holding the handkerchief trembled slightly, unable to advance or retreat.

"Where's Yuzhu?!"

She didn't arrive for a long time, Xia Zelin felt that he had lost face in the room, and shouted loudly.

"My lord, please calm down." The servant girl who was waiting on the side apologized again and again, "My lord came here with great difficulty. Our girl said that she must dress up carefully before she is willing to come out to see your lord."

Xia Zelin gave these words to the steps, and he sat down with a cold snort, and said, "Go and have a look! It's been so long, even if it's beads, it should be done!"

His words made everyone in the room burst into laughter.

The name Yuzhu was not chosen randomly, and it has its own beauty.And this beauty is related to her body, which cannot be described.

These people are all veterans in Fengyue field, how could they not know?

Their smiles are ambiguous, their faces are shiny, and their eyes are squinting.

Quan Moxian suppressed the trace of impatience in his eyes, lowered his head and took a sip of tea, not participating in their discussion.If it wasn't for his other purpose, how could he come to such an occasion for a banquet.

Everyone only thought his face was tender, and didn't take it seriously, talking and laughing to themselves.

The servant girl opened the curtain and came out, suddenly seeing Yuzhu hiding aside, she was startled, and said in a low voice: "Girl, you are already here, why don't you go in?"

"If you offend Lord Xia, you will suffer, girl."

"I..." Yuzhu's cheeks were so pale that even makeup couldn't cover it.She bit her lip and made up her mind: "Just go and report that I'm sick and I won't see you today!"

No matter what the consequences are, let's wait for a later date.Now, let's get over the current difficulties first.


The servant girl grabbed her wrist and said: "Miss, don't think about it, you can't shirk today's banquet."

In Fengyue Pavilion, the maids of all the girls are arranged and assigned by the building.It's called serving, but it's actually monitoring.These maids have their own means to force the girls to obey their arrangements.

"I'm really sick." Tears welled up in the corners of Yuzhu's eyes, making her very affectionate.

"Save your words for Master Xia."

The servant girl came up behind her and pinched her waist hard, the pain caused Yuzhu to burst into tears immediately.

"Okay, let's go in like this."

It's cold in the spring, but the house is warm and tight even though the earth dragon is burning.

On Yuzhu's body, she was only wearing a goose-yellow bosom-wrapping solid gauze dress, and a printed peony carmine red gauze dress.Her skin, under the light texture of the dress, reveals a powdery and white luster, which is faintly visible.

A belt woven of gold thread is tied around her waist, from which hangs a string of pearl tassels, swaying as she walks, outlining a seductive style.

This was her most common outfit in Fengyue Pavilion.It's so unusual that even Yuzhu herself has already gotten used to it.However, she felt an indescribable shame in wearing such a suit to meet her old friend.

At this time, there were tears in Yuzhu's eyes, and her brows were slightly frowned, with an indescribable charm.

This is really a wolf before a tiger!
She complained in her heart, why did she end up in such a situation?
Yuzhu is hesitant to move forward, but the maid can't wait for her.Stretching out his hand to support her, he said with a smile, "Miss suffers from abdominal pain and is here to serve Master Xia, thank you for your hard work!"

As he spoke, he almost dragged her into the room.

Yuzhu staggered, and quickly glanced at everyone in the room.When he saw Quan Moxian, his heart trembled, his eyes quickly slid past him, and landed on Xia Zelin, and said with a coquettish smile: "I'm late, please don't blame me."

As she spoke, Jiaojiao bowed softly, picked up a glass of wine from the desk and drank it with her head up.When putting down the cup, a drop of tear fell on the plush red carpet on the ground, with a particularly delicate posture.

The matter has come to this point, she can only pretend not to know.I hope that Quan Moxian can also learn more, and don't come to expose her.

Yuzhu's weak Liu Fufeng, except for Quan Moxian, the eyeballs of the men present wanted to stick to her body and refused to come off.

Xia Zelin coughed a few times, and said: "It turns out that the girl is sick, but Xia has no heart for flowers and jades! Brother Quan is leaving tomorrow, so you can sit next to him. Take care of me. There will be a big reward!"

Yuzhu was secretly annoyed, she was really afraid of something.

However, it doesn't matter.With Quan Moxian's eyesight, even if he wasn't sitting beside him, he would have recognized him long ago.

After the jade beads were settled, Xia Zelin called a few more girls in, and the room suddenly became lively.

On Quan Moxian's face was a smile appropriate to the occasion, but his eyes were extremely cold.In such a place of sensuality, she maintained a rare sobriety.

Yuzhu half-kneeled in front of him, poured out a glass of wine, and held it in front of him with her slender hands.

Quan Moxian didn't answer, and glanced at her indifferently: "Yuzhu?"

It sounded like he was confirming her name.But Yuzhu could hear the questioning meaning in his words.

She bit the bullet and replied: "The slave's family is Yuzhu."

"Okay." Quan Moxian hooked his lips, took the glass of wine and took a sip slowly, and said: "I see that you look familiar, like the daughter of an old friend."

Yuzhu was startled, picked up a chopsticks dish for him, and said softly: "You are joking! What is the status of your lord, your old friend must also be of high status, how dare you compare with a person who is as dusty as slaves?"

"Dust..." Quan Moxian gave her a meaningful look, shook his head and laughed.

Xia Zelin listened from the side, and said with a smile: "It seems that Yuzhu and my brother have a good relationship! Tonight, I will reluctantly give up. You show off all your unique skills, and you can take care of Mr. Quan comfortably."

Yuzhu responded sweetly, only to feel her face burning hot.

It's not the first time she heard the nasty talk in these romantic places.These rich and powerful people, no matter how dignified they are outside, they are all so dirty when they come here.

But tonight, in front of Quan Moxian, she felt extremely ashamed and angry, but she had no choice but to continue acting the play.

After drinking for three rounds, under the service of the girls, everyone ate to their heart's content.After Yuzhu played two songs, Xia Zelin yelled and broke up the banquet, and went back to their rooms to rest with a beautiful lady in their arms.

"My lord, watch your steps carefully." Yuzhu helped the half-drunk Quan Moxian back to her room.

(End of this chapter)

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