Twin Brocade

Chapter 823

Chapter 823
Quan Moxian's footsteps were unsteady, his robe smelled of alcohol, and even his bun was a little messy.A few locks of hair fell from his forehead, and his black eyes were bottomless.

He looked deadly indolent and mortally dangerous.

As the door closed with a bang, a black figure flashed in the shadows outside the door.

Inside the room, Quan Moxian brushed off his sleeve robe, brushed away Yuzhu's hand and stood up straight.His eyes are clear and his body is loose. How can he look drunk?

He paced to the window, gently lifted a finger-sized gap with his hand, and looked out for a moment.Behind a big tree in the courtyard, an arc-shaped knife light flashed, which was the secret signal that Steward Liu had agreed with him.

Seeing the spatula light, Quan Moxian put down the window lattice, turned to look at Yuzhu, raised his chin slightly, and said, "Fang Jinpei, you are always unexpected."

As Fang Jinshu's benefactor, Quan Moxian has met everyone in the Fang family, including the female family members.

Fang Jinpei failed to calculate Gong Wenjue back then, so he was sent to Sansheng nunnery, and then disappeared.

It's not that Fang's second wife has never looked for it, but it's fine if she can't find such a woman who has ruined her reputation.For Dafang, Fang Jinpei's life and death would not be taken seriously.

In the past few years, the Fang family has assumed that there is no such person.

Quan Moxian would never have thought that today, he would be here to see her again.

Yuzhu supported the table, trembling all over, shaking like leaves falling in the wind.

She knew that Quan Moxian would not let her go easily.At the banquet, he didn't expose her immediately, which only showed that he had other purposes.

The experience of the past few years has made her no longer the naive Fang Jinpei who wanted to be the young mistress of the Gong family.If it was Fang Jinpei, he would definitely think that Quan Moxian deliberately saved face for himself because of his old relationship with the Fang family.

Unfortunately, she is no longer innocent.

"There is no Fang Jinpei here, only Yuzhu, a prostitute who has the blood of the former royal family but has fallen into dust!" Yuzhu straightened her back, vaguely showing her arrogance back then.

However, she deliberately emphasized the word "prostitute", revealing her inner anxiety, fear, and inferiority complex.

Quan Moxian smiled lightly, and said, "It's none of my business what your name is. What I care about is who is behind you?"

Yuzhu backed up half a step while supporting the table, her eyes widened in shock, and it took her a long time to close her mouth.

"What... what are you talking about?"

Quan Moxian walked around to the coat rack, took off a cloak and threw it into her arms, saying: "Put it on first, we will talk later." Her dress is not much better than not wearing it.

Yuzhu was taken aback, took the cloak and wrapped herself in a random way.

In front of Quan Moxian, she just felt ashamed and couldn't bear to show off her charm.

When she left Luoyang City, Quan Moxian's reputation was not yet obvious.But she is in a romantic place, this is where the news is the most well-informed, and she has heard many good and bad news about Quan Moxian.

Seeing him at this time, the intuition developed in the past few years told her that the man in front of her was by no means easy to get along with.

In front of him, being silent is better than showing off in a panic.

Quan Moxian sat down in front of the window, lit up the candle, and said: "You have fallen into prostitution, but you didn't ask for help when you saw me."

Yuzhu trembled, but did not speak.

A daughter of a boudoir was deceived into such a place, even if she swallowed her breath and lingered, she was ashamed to see others.But when she saw someone she knew, who was still a fifth-rank doctor in the yamen of the Ministry of Justice, shouldn't her first reaction be to ask Quan Moxian to rescue her from this pit of fire?
There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

"You, is there anything you want to say to me?"

"No." Yuzhu said stubbornly, "I've done it myself, so I don't need to bother you."

"You think I'm willing to take care of it? If it wasn't for such a coincidence, I would rather not have met you." Quan Moxian hated what Fang Jinpei did.But after all, the blood of the Fang family flows through her body, and it is related to the reputation of the Fang family.

And he will become Fang Jinshu's husband in a few days.

Fang Jinshu's cousin was also his cousin.

Yuzhu sneered with a "huh": "Then please, my lord, forget about this humble person from the slave family."

"I want to forget you." Quan Moxian said lightly, "How long have you been able to hide Miss Yuzhu's huge name? The first person I met was me, so it's your luck."

"Bozhou has a lot of business contacts. You must have heard that your cousin's business is getting bigger and bigger. One day, he will appear in front of you."

Because Fang Jinshu took a stake in the Xu family's "Baicaowei", Fang Shufeng also invested in some of the Xu family's business.

Ever since the Dong's family was released from prison, the Xu family had no idea how lucky they had been, and their business was booming.Fang Shufeng originally wanted to join in the fun, but he didn't expect that the business at hand also snowballed, increasing his profits several times.

For Yuzhu to show her face like this, even if she hadn't met Fang Shufeng herself, it would be a matter of time before she was bumped into by the steward and shopkeeper of the Fang family.How could these old shopkeepers who were used to by the Fang family not know the third girl of the Fang family?

What Quan Moxian said was exactly what Yuzhu had been worried about all along.

Although she did not expect that the first ones to appear were not Fang's family, but Quan Moxian.

"My lord, do you have a problem with your ears? There is no Fang Jinpei here." She clenched her teeth and refused to admit it.

She can't go, can't leave.

Before receiving the next order, no matter how frightened she was, she could not leave this Fengyue Pavilion.

None of the people who wanted to escape, and who wanted to take the opportunity to redeem themselves, could achieve it.They were all captured and secretly sentenced to the cruelest punishment for women, life would be worse than death.

Yuzhu watched several times and vowed never to experience such a thing.

leave here?

Her life was already gloomy, and she didn't want to go through any more storms.

Once my heart was higher than the sky, but now my life is thinner than paper.

More often, she can still deceive herself: she was born with such a humble life, and she never had Fang Jinpei!The third miss of the Fang family who has no worries about food and clothing is just a dream she wove.

It was by such self-anesthesia that she survived.

Yuzhu doesn't want to face the future, just live day by day.If they really met someone from the Fang family, they must have made their own arrangements.

Quan Moxian flicked his fingers and said with a smile: "Since Miss Yuzhu is unwilling, how can a gentleman force others to make things difficult for him?"

Hearing what he said, Yuzhu breathed a sigh of relief.

The room was silent for a long while, and she said: "My lord, it's late at night, let the servants serve you to bed!" She was determined to forget Fang Jinpei's identity.

Quan Moxian removed the outer robe by himself, leaving only the white jacket, pointed to the bed and said, "Go to bed first."

Yuzhu didn't understand what he meant, so she climbed onto the bed and covered herself with a silk quilt, feeling mixed feelings in her heart.

After a while, only a few shouts were heard outside, but they disappeared in a flash.If you don't listen carefully, you won't find it at all.

 Thank you "Originally Strange" for your precious monthly vote ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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