Twin Brocade

Chapter 824 Mantis Catching Cicadas

Chapter 824 Mantis Catching Cicadas
Yuzhu was lying on the bed without any sleepiness, and she could hear the tiny voice.

This is her yard, and she is very familiar with the movement at night.

Could it be that the thieves entered?
She half embraced the silk quilt and sat up from the bed, just about to ask questions.But he saw Quan Mo Xian Shi Shi ran to her side, brushing her nose with his right hand.She smelled a strange fragrance and immediately fell asleep.

Quan Moxian didn't even look at her, turned around and opened the door.

Steward Liu carried a man in black in his hand, and Mu Chuan and several escorts escorted the two men in black into the room.

"Young master." Butler Liu threw the man in black in his hand to the ground, and bowed his hands in salute.

Quan Moxian nodded, Mu Chuan went out and turned around quickly, turned around and closed the door, and said: "My lord, everything has been arranged."

"Thank you!" Quan Moxian said.

Steward Liu stepped forward and held the arm of one of the men in black with his right hand. With a little effort, the man in black woke up, his expression painful but he couldn't make a sound.

He widened his eyes, looking at Quan Moxian who was close at hand, terrified.

At the previous moment, they were hunters, and they came to hunt and kill Quan Moxian under the order of Wu Daguan.Unexpectedly, in an instant, he became the other party's prisoner?
He thought in horror: It turns out that the other party has already prepared.This is a trap that has already been laid.

"You recruited the mastermind behind the scenes honestly, and I will spare you from dying."

After finishing speaking, Quan Moxian motioned Steward Liu to untie his dumb acupoint, and motioned to the other two men in black with his eyes, and said, "If you don't say it, someone will."

"I..." The man in black hesitated again and again, the prestige of Mr. Wu made him dare not betray easily.

Seeing this, Mu Chuan bent down and whispered in his ear: "You have testified, and I promise to send you far away afterwards, and no one will find you."


Quan Moxian said indifferently: "It's just a little effort, I don't have to lie to you. I will give you another 100 taels of silver, and you don't have to work your life for anyone."

One side is death, the other side is a guaranteed way of life, this choice is not difficult.

The man in black asked, "Why should I trust you?"

Butler Liu smiled coldly and said, "You don't have to believe it when you're dead."

There was a ruthlessness hidden in his smile, so that the other party did not dare to doubt his determination.Originally, she had suffered a big loss at the hands of Butler Liu, so she had a deep fear of him.

At this point, he can only gamble.

"Okay!" The man in black gritted his teeth and agreed.

Mu Chuan took the pen and ink in the room, recorded a statement, and asked him to sign it.Afterwards, the other two men in black were slapped awake.

With this confession in front, the two had no room to struggle, and obediently pleaded guilty.

Quan Moxian wrote an arrest warrant by hand, took out the official seal and stamped it, saying: "Arrest Wu Zhanchong immediately, and escort these people to Beijing overnight."

Wu Zhanchong is exactly the name of Wu Daguan.

"Yes! Son."

He has endured until now, and deliberately stimulated the other party.It was precisely to make Wu Zhanchong unable to hold back his actions that he could be justifiably arrested and brought to justice on the charge of murdering a court official.

With the help of Gao Lou and others, he had already found out the serious crimes committed by Wu Zhanchong a few days ago.

But there are too few clues about the murdered outsider, and Wu Zhanchong is powerful.

Quan Moxian judged that if the case was judged according to common sense, Wu Zhanchong would definitely use someone to cover the crime to escape punishment.There is no way to convict him without solid evidence.As it turns out, it did.

Therefore, he set up a chain plan.

First, the ghost trial was used to attract the crowds of Bozhou people.The knee prints and bloodstains that appeared out of thin air were all his hands and feet that Gaolou had done in advance.

Then fish out the bones of the stranger and make the case real.Sure enough, Wang Zhong, who was the scapegoat, appeared in time, and he pretended to close the case with this.

After Quan Moxian arrived in Bozhou, Wu Zhanchong ordered people to fish out the corpse and buried it deep in the outskirts of the city.

That's why Wu Zhanchong was so astonished when he saw two corpses being fished out of the well.He didn't know that it was Yechen who found the body and threw it back into the well.

So far, Wu Zhanchong's defense suffered the first blow.

He was full of confidence in everything he had arranged, but the first accident occurred: the unwarranted ghost can really lead the way?How could a buried body appear in a well?
Fortunately, Quan Moxian believed Wang Zhong's words and took him away.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief and thought that the matter could be resolved perfectly, the voice of him oppressing the people broke out in the crowd.As a result, Quan Moxian became suspicious and arranged for someone to investigate him.

As Bozhou's local snake and local emperor, Wu Zhanchong couldn't bear such a challenge to his authority, and a huge hole appeared in his defense.

In addition, Quan Moxian's mediocrity all the time made Wu Zhanchong mistakenly think that he was a civil servant easy to deal with, so he ordered the murder.

As everyone knows, all of this is in Quan Moxian's scheme.

Everything is for the purpose of arresting him and bringing him to justice.

Murder pays for life, not to mention that Wu Zhanchong has a lot of blood and debts in his hands.As long as he can be arrested legitimately, Quan Moxian doesn't care what kind of crime he is charged with.

Wu Zhanchong was secretly arrested at night, escorted to the Ministry of Punishment and interrogated immediately.Quan Moxian wants to expose all the crimes he has committed, not just the foreigner.

If you are wronged, you will be rehabilitated.

After everyone retreated, the room regained its calm.

Quan Moxian stood up, but suddenly felt dizzy.He held onto the table with his hands, turned his head with great effort, and looked at a corner in the darkness.

In the darkness, there were a few chuckles.

A graceful figure swayed forward and came to him from the darkness.

She is naturally charming, with a lake-like spring in her eyes.The corners of her mouth turned up slightly, and she said with a slight smile: "Lord Quan, you really deserve your reputation."

"This strategy of inviting you into the urn is really well-used!"

Wei Yixin.

Quan Moxian shrank his black pupils abruptly, and slowly supported the table to sit down: "The daughter of the princess, come to Fengyue Pavilion. Quan has the courage to ask, what is your purpose?"

Wei Yixin smiled coquettishly, and said, "Master Quan, there is no need to delay. Your people just left, and they won't be back for a while."

"You!" Quan Moxian said angrily, "What did you do to them?"

"My lord really loves the people like a child. It's this time, why don't you worry about yourself." Wei Yixin walked half a circle around him, put her jade hand on his shoulder, leaned over his ear, and exhaled like a rand : "It's just a little trouble, doesn't Mr. Quan trust your subordinates?"

Quan Moxian kept his mouth shut and slowly adjusted his breathing.

"My lord, aren't you curious, what am I doing here?" Wei Yixin smiled complacently.

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

She hid in the dark and had a panoramic view of all of Quan Moxian's arrangements, so she set up this trap.

When Quan Moxian closed the net, it was the best time for her to make a move.

At this time, Quan Moxian was most relaxed in defense, and she was sure of everything.

"If I don't ask, you will tell."

(End of this chapter)

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