Twin Brocade

Chapter 826

Chapter 826

Wei Yixin was startled, what's going on?

The medicine she prescribed was just too much.In any case, it is impossible for Quan Moxian to have the strength to stand up at this time.

After being stunned for a moment, she immediately touched her waist.

There is a short bamboo flute tied there, which can make a sharp sound.As long as she blows, her people will come immediately.

But her movements were not as fast as Quan Moxian's.

Quan Moxian strode towards her, quickly took off the bamboo flute, held it in his hand and played with it: "This bamboo flute is pretty good."

In a blink of an eye, the host and the guest changed positions.

After the bamboo flute was taken away, Wei Yixin quickly calmed down.She is also a person who has seen big scenes, how can she be intimidated by the changes in front of her eyes.

"Princess, you put the medicine in the wine, did you bribe the maid here?"

"You didn't drink?" Wei Yixin asked, she wanted to understand the reason.

Quan Moxian shook his head, and said: "I know that Wu Zhanchong's people are coming, so how dare I drink casually? Unexpectedly, it turned out to be wrong."

Before leaving, Fang Jinshu specially came to see him and reminded him that this was Wei Yixin's trap.Therefore, from the time Wei Yixin arrived at Bozhou Wharf, Quan Moxian has been keeping track of her whereabouts.

Pretending to drink the wine that Wei Yixin had spiked, he was not guarding against Wu Zhanchong, but Wei Yixin.

A reckless man like Wu Zhanchong can't think of this level, and he can't do it.

Naturally, there is no need to tell Wei Yixin about the twists and turns.Quan Moxian had to deceive her to the end in order to dispel her suspicion of Fang Jinshu.

Wei Yixin secretly hated herself for miscalculating, and felt that the person in front of her was as cunning as a fox.He was obviously not poisoned, but he still acted like he had been tricked.

Quan Moxian guessed what she was thinking, and said with a smile: "If not, how would you know the real intention of your visit, princess?"

He put the bamboo flute back in his arms and said, "Now, we can finally talk on an equal footing. Princess, I'm really curious. Why do you care so much about Xiao Pei's case?"

Wei Yixin lost the wind, looked at her fingertips and didn't speak.

"Let me guess." Quan Moxian said: "The princess's last sentence just now is the real purpose, right? I ask myself that I didn't offend the princess. You are not here for me, but for Fang Jinshu Yes, am I right?"

Wei Yixin had regained her composure, raised her head and chuckled lightly, and said, "Lord Quan, I think you love Fang Jinshu very much. Are you not afraid that in the future, you will end up being strictly controlled by a wife?"

Quan Moxian pretended that he didn't care about Fang Jinshu, but his behavior at the moment was not like that.

She is a favored princess, even if the plan against Quan Moxian fails this time, the other party will not dare to do anything to her.

With this amulet, she became more certain in her heart.You can't threaten, you can also use words to tempt.However, her original idea of ​​wanting the Red Crown Snake Pill to control Mo Xian fell through.

"The princess really knows everything." Quan Moxian said with a smile: "Not many people know about my thoughts, but the princess saw it."

He admitted it generously, but it made Wei Yixin's prepared words useless.

Wei Yixin was choked up, and said: "I'm afraid you didn't have this idea for a year or so? You are not afraid that if I make public, your official reputation will be greatly damaged?"

Fang Jinshu is ten years younger than Quan Moxian.Now that she is an adult, she can marry Quan Moxian.But the time will go forward a few years, enough to pour a pedophile's sewage on Quan Moxian.

Quan Moxian smiled: "Then how did the princess know, and how should he explain it?"

"A groundless rumor, do you need an explanation?"

"Water without roots will eventually be blown away by wind and waves." Without the name of the princess as an endorsement, the credibility is undoubtedly much lower.

The two exchanged words, but neither of them got it right.

Wei Yixin changed the tone, and said, "So, Master Quan's move to punish Xiao Pei is only for his own selfish desire?"

Since Quan Moxian fell in love with Fang Jinshu first, when he learned that Fang Jinshu was going to be married to Xiao Pei, he used his ability to quickly convict Xiao Pei. The cause and effect of this is really clear.

Quan Moxian smiled but did not answer, tapped lightly on the armrest of the seat with his fingers, and said: "Xiao Pei's crime is heinous, and his crime deserves to be punished."

He didn't answer directly, but his attitude said everything.

The whole matter became clear and clear in Wei Yixin's mind.It turned out that he thought highly of Fang Jinshu.

No wonder, no matter how I searched, I couldn't find any trace of Fang Jinshu in this matter.In fact, she doesn't exist at all.It's just that luck is good, and Quan Moxian can help her eliminate the disaster.

What a pity!

She glanced at Quan Moxian, regretting that she didn't use up the red crown snake pill.

Quan Moxian's outstanding ability is enough to match this medicine.

If she had such a person who was so devoted to herself, she would be able to save a lot of energy.

Unfortunately, since he knew of the existence of this pill, it was almost impossible to plot against him again.It was all because of my own negligence that I let it out.

"Princess, what other orders do you dare to ask? It's late at night and the dew is heavy, and I will send you out."

Wei Yixin stood up and said, "No need!"

What she wants to know is already known, and there is no point in staying.

Wei Yixin spread her hands and said, "Give me back the bamboo flute."

Quan Moxian shook his finger: "Princess, you are a noble person. I will personally send a jade flute to the palace some other day." She came and left whenever she wanted, and she charged a little interest for this bamboo flute.

Wei Yixin glared at him, opened the door and left.

For the first time in her life, she felt that she should practice some martial arts.Otherwise, the bamboo flute would not have fallen into Quan Moxian's hands.

After she left, the room became quiet again, only the sound of Yuzhu's shallow breathing could be heard.

Quan Moxian walked to the desk and sat down, thinking about whether there were any mistakes in the confrontation with Wei Yixin just now.Meanwhile, waiting for news.

Fortunately, Wei Yixin didn't notice Yuzhu, otherwise he would have to spend a lot of money.

After another half an hour, Haifeng's voice sounded outside the house: "My lord!"

"come in!"

Haifeng pushed the door open and came in, his bun was a bit messy, and two bloodstains were on his cheeks, and he didn't know if it was his or someone else's.He was panting heavily, with sweat stains on his forehead.

Quan Moxian pointed to the tea that was warming on the stove, and said: "Don't worry, drink the tea first and report back."


Haifeng picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea, gulped it down, and said, "My lord, we were ordered to arrest Wu Zhanchong, and we were ambushed by a group of men and horses on the way to the boat."

It was Wei Yixin who spread the news to Wu Zhanchong's direct lineage, and was ambushed.The purpose was to delay their return so that she could control Mo Xian.

"Is anyone injured?" Quan Moxian asked.

"One was seriously injured and two were slightly injured." Haifeng replied.

"Speak to Uncle Liu and set aside money to let the wounded recuperate on the spot." Quan Moxian ordered: "We set off immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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