Twin Brocade

Chapter 827 Retribution

Chapter 827 Retribution

Stepping out of the door, Quan Moxian looked back at the blurred figure on the bed in the room, and said in a low voice: "Leave one more person down and keep an eye on her."

Intuition told him that Fang Jinpei's matter was not simple.

Who is the person controlling her, and what is their purpose?It's not as simple as she wandering in prostitution and being ashamed to see her old friends.Quan Moxian vaguely felt that there was a meticulous conspiracy brewing behind this.

Bozhou City, like Luoyang City, has a night curfew.

Quan Moxian has the badge of the Ministry of Punishment, so he can naturally pass through without hindrance.Haifeng called to open the city gate, and a group of people boarded the boat and sailed towards the capital at night.

"Master, master!" Xia Zelin was awakened by a hasty knock on the door.

Xia Zelin opened his eyes in dissatisfaction, touched the soft and smooth skin of the woman beside him, and muttered: "It's not even dawn yet, why are you arguing?"

He invited Quan Moxian to Fengyue Pavilion, so naturally he would not treat himself badly.

After being turned into a red wave, he fell asleep contentedly.At this time, I don't want to wake up.

"Master! Master Quan is gone!"

"Let's go as soon as he leaves!" Quan Moxian had originally planned to leave today, so it's not surprising.

"Last night, he took Mr. Wu away!"

"Take it away... just take it away..." Xia Zelin came to his senses in an instant, and suddenly turned over and sat up: "You, what did you say?! Who did he take away?"

"Master Qi, he has captured Mr. Wu."

"Quick, quick!" Xia Zelin hurriedly got off the bed in a panic.

It was just because of the passion last night that the clothes on the bed were thrown all over the bed, and he couldn't find them all for a while.

The beauty beside him was woken up by him, helped him put it on, and said softly: "Don't worry, my lord, I will let the slave wear it for you."

"What do you know?!" Xia Zelin was in a bad mood. She just hit the muzzle of the gun, scolded her, and then opened the door with her clothes tucked in. "Come in and tell me! How dare he arrest people?"

"My subordinates heard that Mr. Wu sent someone to assassinate Mr. Quan last night, and he caught him right away."

"Is there such a thing?" Xia Zelin was taken aback: "What happened last night, why are you coming back and forth with me now?"

The master groaned in his heart, and said: "Your Majesty Quan's affairs are confidential, and he did not disturb the people of the Wu family when he arrested the officials of Wu. When he left the city, he gave the soldiers guarding the gate a password."

This Quan Moxian, it seems that he underestimated him!
Annoyed, Xia Zelin ordered, "Hurry up, follow me back home. I want a handwritten report to the Lu family, and I'll send it out today."

What was thought to be the best of both worlds turned upside down in a blink of an eye.

It turned out that what Quan Moxian showed before was just a disguise.This person, who was young years ago, has such a city.

That's it!

What happened to Wu Zhanchong was his own fault.Just report the news by yourself, so as not to let the Lu family get angry.

That's right, the big backer behind Wu Zhanchong is Fan Yang Lu's family.The Lu family is one of the seven hundred-year-old families of the Gaomang Dynasty.

In the capital, fearing the majesty of the emperor, the aristocratic families shrank their heads and did not dare to act recklessly.But in a place like Bozhou, the prestige of a century-old family would even surpass that of the imperial court.

The county magistrates are better off now.

If you offend your boss, you will not be punished.Offending a family with deep roots and luxuriant roots, they will encounter difficulties in all aspects until they cannot move an inch.

Even the parents and officials of Mushou's side had to bow their heads to the aristocratic family in order to get a peaceful official.

This is also the reason why Xia Zelin has been quite patient with the white Wu Zhanchong.

After leaving the Fengyue Pavilion, the sky gradually brightened.

He rushed the sedan chair all the way, and entered the magistrate's office through the back door.

The gate of the city opened, and pedestrians catching up with the early market gradually appeared on the street.There was an irrepressible look of excitement on their faces, and they couldn't wait to find someone to tell and share the joy in their hearts.

After looking around, I couldn't help whispering even to people I didn't know.

"I heard that Wu Dachong was arrested by the Ministry of Justice, is it true?"

Wu Dachong is what ordinary people call Wu Zhanchong in private.Tigers specifically refer to tigers. Wu Zhanchong runs rampant in the countryside, oppresses goodness, and steals and robs. How is he different from tigers?
"I heard that too!" Another person excitedly said, "Just in the middle of last night, he was taken away."

"Wu Dachong has done all kinds of bad things, he deserves retribution!"

"My distant nephew was guarding the city gate. He whispered to me that in the middle of the night, Mr. Quan called the city gate open and escorted Wu Dachong away."

There was a small, muffled cheer from the crowd when the news was confirmed.Wu Zhanchong's remaining prestige is still there. People hope that this is true, but they are cautiously afraid that it is just a fantasy.

I don't know who it was, who proposed to go to the gate of Wu Mansion to see if it was real or not. Scattered pedestrians gathered towards Wu Mansion, gradually forming a flow of people.

People in Wu's mansion were panic-stricken, and when they learned that many people had come outside, the old lady became furious, and ordered her servants to leave the mansion with sticks in their hands, trying to disperse these onlookers.

It's just that, it exposed the fact that the Wu family was strong outside and inside out.

Not only did the crowd not disperse, but they got bigger and bigger.

By noon, the news of Wu Zhanchong's arrest spread to Bozhou City.The people cheered and the atmosphere was even more festive than during the Chinese New Year.

A servant carried Xia Zelin's handwritten letter and stepped onto a small boat. His purpose was Fan Yang.

On the same waterway, a two-story official ship was going upstream, and the river wind blew the flag of the Ministry of Punishment on the bow of the ship to rattle.

Quan Moxian stood at the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, his robe flying.

"My lord, Wu Zhanchong has been clamoring to see you," Mu Chuan reported.

Quan Moxian nodded: "Don't worry about it, let him calm down."

When the dust settled, his thoughts had already drifted to the is she doingHave you missed or worried about yourself?The auspicious day is getting closer and closer, and the family does not know how the preparations are going.

Wu Zhanchong's case was solidly proved. He just wanted to return to Beijing quickly, so he didn't have the thought to interrogate Wu Zhanchong.

He wanted to see himself, nothing more than coercion and temptation to escape guilt.

Lu family?

Back then when he rebelled against Quan's family and established his own family, the Lu family often made things worse for him.

He wasn't even afraid of his own family anymore, so he was afraid that a minion of the Lu family would fail?

Wu Zhanchong could ignore him, but he couldn't ignore one person.He turned around, walked to a cabin, and knocked lightly on the door.

A few weak coughs came from inside, followed by a voice: "Please come in."

Quan Moxian pushed the door open and entered, Chen San quickly got up from the couch and saluted at a loss: "My lord, why are you here?"

"Get up quickly." Quan Moxian helped him up with his own hands, and said, "Chen San, what will you do from now on?"

"My lord, the grassroots don't know either." Chen San looked bewildered.

"It's all because of your passion that those who died unjustly didn't die in vain." Quan Moxian said: "Because of emotion and reason, I want to thank you for him."

Chen San was terrified and wanted to bend down again, but Quan Moxian supported him and said, "You don't have to be so humble."

 Thanks to "Broken Heart 33" for the 2 precious monthly tickets, and thanks to "Book Friends 20170119000922504", "沇yiTik", "Peach Amoy", "Summer Summer 999" and "Love Never Came" for the precious monthly tickets ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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