Twin Brocade

Chapter 828 Little People

Chapter 828 Little People

Chen San is just a low-level actor, but what he does is braver and nobler than most people.

On that day, his theater troupe was invited to sing in the Wu Mansion.

He went to the toilet before the show started, but he went the wrong way and came to a side courtyard.

He was about to turn around when he heard a strange noise and witnessed Wu Zhanchong hacking the stranger to death with a sharp axe.Immediately, he ordered his servants to throw the body into the well.

Chen San was frightened out of his wits, and originally wanted to pretend he didn't see it.But the unrepentant face of the foreigner repeatedly appeared in his mind, which made him unable to forget.

In the dark, he felt that since God let him see this murder case, it was a warning.

He couldn't just sit back and watch.

But he is just an actor, how can he complain for the other party, how can he rehabilitate that person?
He knew very well that if he went to the government office to beat drums and complain, there would only be two results.One was driven out of the yamen as a lunatic who talked nonsense; the other was revenged on Wu Zhanchong after he learned about it.

Chen San was afraid of death.

If he dies, there will be no one to take care of his widowed mother and no one to take care of his wife and children.

So, he came up with such a way.

The play "The Tale of Dry Bones" that the common people are familiar with is just a story about the old master Qingtian solving a ghost case.So he used his tricks and played the role of Qing Tian, ​​pretending to see a ghost in the play and complaining.

Sure enough, such bizarre things quickly spread throughout Bozhou.

But from Xia Zelin's attitude towards Wu Zhanchong, we can see that if he exposes Wu Zhanchong's murder to Xia Zelin, he will only die.

He has been waiting for an official who can call the shots to appear before he can tell the truth.

After pretending to be crazy for several months, he finally got Quan Moxian.

The so-called ghost trial is that he used his superb acting skills to cooperate with Quan Moxian to go to the Wu Mansion to retrieve the corpses of strangers.

He stepped forward, full of enthusiasm, and risked his life, how was he ever humbled?
He deserves a "thank you" from Quan Moxian.

"My lord, don't say that, grass people can't afford it." Chen San trembled with excitement: "It's all up to you, grass people can save this life."

Quan Moxian not only set up a bureau to arrest Wu Zhanchong, but also took him aboard the boat without forgetting his situation.

Once Wu Zhanchong was convicted, the Lu family would have nothing to do with the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and might find trouble with Chen San.

"Righteous men do not distinguish between high and low." Quan Moxian said: "If you wish, I will have someone send you to the northern part of the Great Wall, leaving the Central Plains, a place of right and wrong."

In the eyes of the aristocratic family, Chen Sanbei was too weak and worthless to mention.As long as he stays far away, the Lu family won't have to go to great lengths to find him.

Hearing this, Chen San hesitated: "Then my family..." He couldn't leave the trouble to them.

"Do you have any tokens with you?" Quan Moxian asked.

"Yes." Chen San untied a red rope around his neck, on which was tied a thin silver cleat with the word "Ping An" engraved on it.

Quan Moxian took it over, and said: "When I return to Beijing, I will send someone to pick up your family. You can go to Saibei and wait at ease. First, take care of everything and wait for the family to reunite."

Chen San was very grateful, kowtowed to the ground and said: "The grassroots thank you for your kindness of rebuilding! Your great kindness and great virtue, the little people will definitely be repaid in the next life by forming a grass ring and being a cow or a horse!"

This result was many times better than he expected.

Back then when he was pretending to be crazy and stupid, it was because of his passion.Later, I spent countless days and nights of fear.For fear that his real purpose would be guessed by Wu Zhanchong, he wanted to kill him.

He never thought that he would still have a stable life this day.

Quan Moxian helped him up with his own hands, and said: "You don't have to do this. Living well is better than anything else."

There is no doubt that Chen San is a small person.

Little people have power too.

All he can do and do is to protect ordinary people like Chen San and protect the light of goodness in their hearts.

Let them see the light of hope instead of finding an exit in the dark.

The identity of the murdered foreigner is still unknown, and he also does not know why Wu Zhanchong wanted to harm him.But these are not important. If Wu Zhanchong is put in the prison of the Criminal Ministry, he will be interrogated naturally.

With the crime of murdering the imperial court official, this case is only incidental.

Although, Chen San was an eyewitness, with his testimony, the progress would be much faster.But Quan Moxian didn't want to expose him, and would rather make more twists and turns to protect him.

The river was flowing slowly, but his heart was burning.

In the city of Luoyang on the upper reaches of the river, no one knew about the changes in Bozhou last night.

In Xiuwenfang, Wu Wanqing's carriage stopped at the side door, and Wu Wanqing helped the servant girl get out of the carriage.

Seeing that she was about to grow up, she looked more and more beautiful.

Fangzhi came up to welcome her, and said politely, "Miss Qing, our girl is waiting for you."

"She still has this leisurely time waiting for me." Wu Wanqing muttered softly, and quickened her pace towards Cuiwei Courtyard.

In the Cuiwei courtyard, Fang Jinshu made a pot of lily silver needle tea and set up the chess field.

Looking up to see her coming, she greeted with a smile: "I just got ready, and you're here. Come and taste this pot of tea, how does it taste?"

"It's really that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry." Wu Wanqing gave her a look and said, "What's the day, do you still have time to drink tea?"

Fang Jinshu smiled calmly, and said, "What's the rush?" She turned her head and told Fangzhi, "Bring me a few plates of dried fruit, as well as the freshly made Poria cocos cake."

"It's rare for you and my sisters to get together," she said to Wu Wanqing with a smile, "Sit down and have a conversation, isn't it good?"

She slowly poured a cup of tea for Wu Wanqing, and said, "When you get married, you won't have such leisure time."

Wu Wanqing took the cup, and said slowly: "Your Majesty, please make tea for me. The little girl really can't afford it. I still have a while to get married, and you are right in front of me, the county lord."

"That's why we should cherish the good times, shouldn't we?" Fang Jinshu smiled slightly.

Her clear smile made Wu Wanqing quite helpless, and said: "Are you really in no hurry? If Mr. Quan really can't come back in time, what will happen to you?"

"Isn't there an aunt in the Quan family?"

Wu Wanqing glared at her angrily, and said, "What's the matter? Marriage is a major event in life, why are you so indifferent?"

She knew very well that Fang Jinshu had never taken his marriage seriously.When Chu Mo was made at the beginning, it was also decided by the family. I didn't see her having any joy, as if she had completed a task that had to be completed.

After several twists and turns, she didn't see her in a hurry.

After finally getting the marriage gift from Yizhi, she began to seriously prepare for the wedding.

Wu Wanqing once thought that this time was different.But when things came to an end, Fang Jinshu was so stable that she couldn't figure it out.

Quan Moxian remarried after losing his wife, but Fang Jinshu was the eldest daughter of Huanghua. How could he neglect this wedding once in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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