Twin Brocade

Chapter 833 Farewell

Chapter 833 Farewell
Fang Jinpei and Fang Jinju, one planned to become Gong Wenjue's official wife, and the other wanted to be Chu Mo's noble concubine.It's just that the ending is not very good.

Gong Wenjue sternly rejected Fang Jinpei, and she was sent to Sansheng Nunnery.But Fang Jinwei heard that she was no longer in the nunnery, and her whereabouts were unknown.

Where can a woman go?Her whereabouts are a taboo of the Fang family, and no one mentions it.

However, Fang Jinju's luck was better, and she managed to climb into Chu Mo's bed, but because Fang Jinshu resolutely withdrew from the marriage, she had nowhere to go.

As for Chu Mo, he re-arranged his marriage with Si Huixian.After getting married, she was not taken into the mansion either.

It is heard that Fang Jinju lost her first child, and she still lives in Chu's village for no apparent reason.

Her best ending is that after Si Huixian got a son-in-law, Mrs. Chu would remember her mercifully, fulfill the promise she made to her at the beginning, and carry her into Chu's house in a small sedan chair to be her aunt.

But a woman's youth is extremely limited.If she continues to consume like this, she still doesn't know what kind of ghost it will become.

Chu Mo himself had no idea, Fang Jinju really made a mistake in paying for his life.

Now, Fang Jinju's innocence has been lost, and her life is completely in the hands of two women, Mrs. Chu and Si Huixian.If they don't let go, her life will be over like this.

All these gossips were from Youshi who was worried that his second daughter was going the wrong way, so he tried every means to inquire quietly and told Fang Jinwei.

Its purpose is to warn her not to change her mind and follow Shang Jinpei's old path.

You know, no matter how unbearable the Fang family's second bedroom is, the uncle's grandfather is also the minister of the Ministry of Rites.As Fang Jinpei's daughter-in-law, the rich and powerful can't find it, and the Ming media is marrying Xu from a wealthy family, so it's not a problem.

So, hearing what Fang Jinyi said, Fang Jinwei hurriedly warned her.

The two of them are similar in age and status, and they are more familiar with each other than the first few sisters.

"Where did my sister say that?" Fang Jinyi blushed pretty, and said, "I just lamented that Mr. Quan's poems are well done, there is no other meaning."

No matter how good Quan Moxian is, Fang Jinshu's marriage is also a continuation.Even if it wasn't, she wouldn't dare to take Quan Moxian's idea.

Fang Jinpei and Fang Jinju, no matter what the process was, didn't they all end up in this way because they plotted against the husband-in-law of the two elder sisters?

She doesn't want to make the same mistakes again.

"It's better not to be." Fang Jinwei felt relieved.

The marriage of the two of them is settled, they are not outstanding young talents, but they are also well-matched.The two hid aside, and their whispered words were not noticed by others in this lively atmosphere.

Fang Fei took the makeup reminder poem in both hands, and presented it to Fang Jinshu.

Wu Wanqing came up to take a look, smiled meaningfully, and said: "Keep your eyebrows for someone to draw. Sister Shu, Mr. Quan means to draw your eyebrows for you, why don't you wipe them quickly?"

This poem comes from the allusion that Zhang Chang is his wife's thrush, and he has a deep love for his wife.

Hearing this, the Si family girls giggled.

Fang Jinshu only felt that his face became hot in an instant, and he secretly rejoiced in his heart: Fortunately, the makeup was so thick that there was no visible change in his face.

She calmed down and retorted: "If sister Qing thinks it's okay, I'll tell my sister-in-law to bring a message back to Qiao's house." Wu Wanqing decided to give it to Qiao Shijie, which all the girls present knew.

A girl from the Si family cheered and asked, "Sister Shu, why is this?"

"Naturally let the elder brother of the Qiao family practice his eyebrow drawing skills hard, so that he can draw eyebrows for sister Qing in the future." Fang Jinshu said slowly, with a smile in his eyes.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone burst into laughter.

Wu Wanqing stomped her feet and said, "Okay, sister Shu! Next time I want to eat plum dew, but I don't have any here!"

There was a lot of laughter in the room, Quan Lu coughed outside, and said: "Dare to ask, can I come in?"

Fang Jinshu nodded, Fang Fei opened the door and invited Quan Lu in.

"Fourth Miss, please." Quan Lu made a gesture of invitation, Xi Po supported Fang Jinshu's hand, and led her to Ci'an Hall to bid farewell to her parents and elders.

Fang Mu sat in the main seat, looked at Fang Jinshu with a look of relief, and said, "After marrying the Quan family, you must be filial to your mother-in-law, and the husband and wife are harmonious." This granddaughter is the most sensible, but also the most difficult in marriage.Fortunately, with the queen's gift of marriage, the marriage went smoothly.

Mrs. Fang followed with a few instructions, Fang Jinshu respectfully kowtowed farewell, and Quan Lu kowtowed with her.

There were tears in Si Lansheng's eyes.

When Fang Jinshu's marriage was undecided, she was very worried.But when it came time to get married, all that remained in my heart was reluctance.Holding the delicate daughter in his hand, he has become someone else's daughter-in-law ever since.

Fang Shuyu sensed her emotions, looked at her comfortingly, and admonished: "When you are married, don't be as willful as you are at home." What he didn't say was that no matter how willful you are at home, you will be spoiled by your parents. People may not have such patience.

Fang Jinshu agreed, and he said again: "If there is anything, feel free to send someone back. As a father, I will definitely make the decision for you."

When he said this in front of Quan Lu, it was not just for the occasion, but to show his determination to support his daughter.If Quan Moxian greeted him personally, he would have to speak more seriously.

Thinking of marrying her daughter to that little fox Quan Moxian, Fang Shuyu felt his teeth itch.

Fang Jinshu didn't expect him to say such a thing, he was moved and kowtowed seriously.

"Shu'er, just listen to your father." Si Lansheng pressed the corners of his eyes, and said with a slightly choked tone, "When you marry, you must do your duty as a wife. Don't be afraid of everything, we are here."

Fang Jinshu kowtowed to leave, and when he stood up again, tears were in his eyes.

Quan Lu got up and said sincerely: "Please rest assured, parents. The fourth girl is both a daughter-in-law and a daughter when she comes to our house. If the Quan family has treated her badly, parents can send someone to ask her at any time."

She is the daughter of the Quan family. Although she has become the daughter-in-law of the Peng family, since she can replace Quan Moxian to greet the bride, it represents her status in the Quan family.

The promise she made represents not only Quan Moxian himself, but also the Quan family.

Quan Moxian couldn't come to greet him in person, logically the Quan family lost a lot.Coupled with the fact that the Quan family's family background is lower than that of the Fang family, Quan Lu's attitude is also very low.

With her promise, Si Lansheng looked much better, and said gently: "Our daughter will be handed over to you. She has been spoiled since she was a child, and if she does something wrong, please forgive me."

She was self-effacing, so Quan Lu naturally couldn't follow suit, and said with a smile: "The fourth girl is very good-looking, it is an honor for our Quan family to have such a daughter-in-law!"

There was constant sound of blowing and blowing outside, and the master of ceremonies sang at the door: "The auspicious time is here!"

 Thanks to "Yiyan" and "ycz006004" for voting for 2 precious monthly tickets ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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