Twin Brocade

Chapter 834 The Dowry

Chapter 834 The Dowry
Seeing Quan Lu and Fang Jinshu leave the door, Si Lansheng's tears welled up all at once, as if the bottom of her heart had been hollowed out, empty.

The sons and daughters get married separately, and the feeling of marrying a daughter-in-law is completely different from marrying a daughter.

A married daughter, a splashed water.

Whether she lives well or not depends entirely on herself.

The natal family can support the daughter and make the decision, but in the final analysis, it still depends on the daughter's own ability, whether she can stand up and hold the ground in the husband's family.

Fang Jinshu leaned on Fang Ziquan's back, turned his head and took a last look at the grandparents, parents, and mother in the hall. Xi Po covered her with a red hijab to block her view.

She sighed leisurely.

Unexpectedly, what she wanted to do was not done, and she was about to leave Fang's house.

When Quan Moxian went to Bozhou, he didn't know what happened to him.What's Wei Yixin's plan?
The vow that was originally made when she was just reborn, became very difficult because of Wei Yixin's existence.

The future is unpredictable, but when she thinks of those deep black pupils, her heart settles down.

In the future, two people will face together.Maybe it's easier than her alone?
He is really someone who can be relied on.

Fang Ziquan carried her back into the sedan chair and sat down. Qiao Tongxuan stepped forward to straighten her red hijab, so that the peony pattern with blossoming flowers in the middle was facing the sedan chair door, and said, "We will wait for you to come back in three days."

Fang Jinshu gave a soft "hmm", Qiao Tongxuan backed out, and the bearer picked up the sedan chair.

Walking in front of the wedding sedan chair was Fang Jinshu's dowry.

64 The dowry, which was stuffed to the brim, was carried out of Xiuwenfang and walked around half of Luoyang City before being sent to the house of Ancongfang.

As soon as the head was raised, it was the jade ruyi handle bestowed by the empress in the palace, and beside it was the decree for marriage.

These two things alone are not available in the dowry of ordinary people.Not to mention the families of ordinary people, even the families of princes, may not be able to get marriages from the royal family.

Just this one makes everyone envious.

What followed was the makeup gift prepared by Princess Jing'an for Fang Jinshu.

The box was tied with red silk and carried by four strong men.The oily and smooth bars are as thick as a child's arm, but they are all bent downward by the weight of the box, which shows how heavy the things inside are.

There are many good things in there.

As early as when Fang Jinshu had settled on his marriage with Chu Mo, Princess Jing'an saw something good and put it aside, keeping it as a dowry for Fang Jinshu.

As the emperor's aunt respected by Emperor Qinglong and the princess with the highest status today, she has a lot of good things.Some are rewarded by the palace from time to time, some are filial in the clan, and some expect her to say good things in front of the emperor.

Over the past few years, without knowing it, he has saved a lot of dowry for Fang Jinshu.

The things are a bit miscellaneous, including antique calligraphy and paintings, ornaments and jewelry, etc., but they are all first-class good things.Some are even masterpieces, such as a pair of five-color lacquer bells with a history of hundreds of years, and no second pair can be found in the world.

Without blinking an eye, Princess Jing'an put it in Fang Jinshu's dowry box.

Just about this, her daughter-in-law Qin often muttered behind her back.

After being found out by her, she called Mrs. Qin directly to reprimand, saying: "Most of my things will be left to you in the future, and those grandchildren! If you are so shallow-sighted, I won't get a cent." Keep."

Only then did the Qin family stop.

Further behind is the makeup of the Seventh Princess.A box full of high-quality furs is enough for Fang Jinshu to make winter clothes for several years and wear them in rotation.

The makeup of Fang Mudi, the lord of the township, was copied by her herself and enshrined in front of the Buddha statue in the Dabei Temple.In addition, a Zhuangzi in the eastern suburbs was generously given away.

This Zhuangzi was added by Cui Sheng's insistence.

Fang Mudi knew that Fang Jinshu was not short of money, so he copied the scriptures to congratulate Fang Jinshu on his wedding.

But Cui Sheng felt that this alone could not reflect the face of Xiang Jun.The next day, he ordered someone to go to the eastern suburbs to buy a Zhuangzi and bring it back together with the land deed as a decoration for Fang Jinshu.

The land in the eastern suburbs is flat and fertile, and there are fertile fields everywhere.

Zhuangzi there is not only more expensive than other places, but also has owners in good terrain.If Fang Jinshu went to buy it himself, even if he had money, he would not be able to buy the same Zhuangzi.

But Cui Sheng is different.

Firstly, with the Cui family as the backer, secondly, he also relied on the status of returning to the Chenghou Mansion, coupled with his reputation as a domineering king, he quickly found someone who was reluctant to give up his love.

Seeing such a dowry, the people onlookers in Luoyang City were all dumbfounded.

Both are 64 lifts, why is there such a difference?

Fang Jinshu raised his head four times, followed by the empress, Princess Jing'an, the seventh princess, and the last one was a village lord.Leaving aside the value of the dowry, the name alone is enough honor.

After that, it will be the Fang family's dowry.

On a red lacquer tray, there are 12 yuan cyan tiles with red happy characters on them, which represent the twelve rooms in Zhuangzi.Si Lansheng gave Fang Jinshu two Zhuangzi, one big and one small.

Ten adobes wrapped in colored paper represent ten fertile fields.

The two deeds represent Fang Jinshu's membership in Guangying Goods and Baicao respectively.

Si Lansheng said in front of everyone that this was Fang Jinshu's investment with his own vision and money, and the Fang family did not take advantage of their daughter.

Sure enough, this was sent to the Quan family together as a dowry.

Large pieces of furniture, such as beds and wardrobes, were carried to Quan's house in advance yesterday.At present, the furniture in the dowry is composed of huanghuali duobaoge, nanmu boxes, camphor wood boxes, hanging screens, mother-of-pearl inlaid Kang tables, copper wax skewers, pastel tea pots, plain three-color fruit plates and other small items. pieces.

There are so many categories and details of these small items that people are dazzled.

For example, nanmu boxes are divided into sets, dressing boxes, medicine boxes, cosmetic boxes, etc., with different sizes and different uses.

In addition to furniture decorations, there is also a dowry that represents good fortune: such as a jar of Chen privet wine, red embroidered shoes buckled in a copper basin, and hanging paintings of four happiness patterns such as Tongxi Bamboo Plum and Double Happiness.

Then there are the daily toilet utensils, bed bedding, four-season clothing, footwear, silk and satin for the newlyweds.

Just the boxwood combs used for grooming are full of six boxes, not to mention the box after box of silk and satin cloth.

From Hangzhou silk muslin for pajamas, to silk and satin materials in different seasons, to sheepskin and rabbit fur in winter, and so on.

However, what makes the big girls and young daughter-in-law who are watching the excitement on the side of the road most envious are the jewels in the dowry:

Coral, sapphire, beeswax, and agarwood bead strings, one each; white jade, crystal, pearl, and emerald, each of which has two pieces; emerald hairpins, silk hairpins, emerald hairpins, and white jade hairpins, two pieces each of different styles .

Some bun flowers, silk flowers, and honeysuckle flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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