Twin Brocade

Chapter 836 Missed the auspicious time

Chapter 836 Missed the auspicious time
He stood proudly in the field, rebellious and unruly.

The air suddenly became stagnant, everyone held their breath carefully, and even their movements became frozen.

Except, the horse Quan Lu was riding was panting heavily.

He glanced at the horse, and the horse shivered and became quiet.It is said that horses can understand human nature. Seeing the end of the yellow pussy horse, how dare it be presumptuous?

Only then did Quan Lu relax and let out a long breath.

Her hand holding the rein was worn out and bleeding.Because I hugged the horse too hard before, I felt that every joint was aching when I relaxed now.

But fortunately, she didn't fall off the horse, which was considered a blessing among misfortunes.

Who is he?
Outstanding martial arts, coercive momentum.

Someone in the crowd recognized him and covered his mouth in surprise.

How could he be here.

It is said that wherever he is, there will be blood.

His gaze was like lightning, coldly sweeping over everyone present.Among the crowd, there was a man in gray sackcloth who was hiding behind the dowry box. He bent down slowly, with his toes turned backwards, preparing to flee.

I saw his right hand slowly raised, and his index finger tapped lightly at the man in gray linen.

In the air, there was a sharp piercing sound.


A crossbow bolt shot out from nowhere penetrated the heel of the man in gray linen, nailing him to the ground.

Blood splattered, deep bone was visible.

Such an injury distorted his face, he screamed while holding his calf, and then he gritted his teeth again, dripping with cold sweat.The people around were frightened, and hurriedly retreated in all directions, forming an empty space around him.

"County Lord, I'm shocked."

Fang Jinshu stretched out his hand and slowly opened a corner of the car curtain.

She had covered the red hijab again, sat inside and gave a half salute gracefully, and said, "Thank you Commander Wu for your rescue, please forgive me for not being able to give a full salute."

That's right, he is the commander of Xiao cavalry guards, Wu Zhengxiang.

Wu Zhengxiang smiled slightly, and said: "The county lord is being polite. It's my fault for disturbing the county lord's happy event."

He waved his hand, signaling his subordinates to grab the man in gray linen, and led his men back to the side.The Xiao cavalry guard also lifted the yellow pussy horse away to make way.

Only then did everyone slowly recover. The servant who carried the dowry box straightened the box, played the gongs and drums, and pressed his stiff fingers into the holes of the instrument. Xipo picked up the veil on the ground, and the surrounding people quietly loosened it. in one breath.

Wu Shan stepped forward to help Wu Baoquan to the side, and the Fang family followed the dowry steward to thank Wu Zhengxiang, and reorganized the dowry team.

Quan Lu stabilized her mind, tidied up her auspicious clothes, and rode forward again.

After this sudden shock, there was still a wedding party with drums and gongs, but they always felt a little more trembling, not as lively as before.

Those common people who followed the dowry team to watch the excitement quietly retreated a lot.

They don't want to encounter danger again because of watching the excitement.It was a crazy horse just now, who knows what the next time will be?
"Do you think the fourth girl of the Fang family offended someone? How can she get married and encounter such a thing?" A woman whispered to her companion.

"I don't think it's offending anyone, it's something wrong." Her companion curled her lips and said, "They're all married, but she made such a big fuss. You forgot, she divorced before, Kefu."

Fang Jinshu's marriage was not going well, and more people gloated about it.

It is always a pleasant thing to see people with better backgrounds than yourself have bad luck.

But in the end she got a marriage gift from Empress Cao, and became the head of the county.This surprised everyone, but also made them jealous.

This will bump into such a thing, and it will be immediately connected with the previous thing.

Even if it is a marriage gift, it can't stop these gossips.At most, it becomes a private discussion.

Fortunately, it was not far from Quan's house here, and after another quarter of an hour, the wedding sedan arrived at the door.

Quan Lu got off her horse and shot at the sedan door. Grandma Xi helped Fang Jinshu to step over the brazier, and everyone followed behind, walking towards the inside.

A shocking event has happened, and this meeting has missed the auspicious time.But at this moment, no one will mention it uninterestedly.

Aunt Quan sat in the hall, feeling uneasy.What happened, how could I miss the auspicious time?But the Quan family really didn't have any helpers, and Quan Lu was in the welcoming team, so she could only be anxious.

Quan Yiting came over, held her hand, raised his head and said, "Grandmother, don't worry."

How can you be in no hurry?
It was not easy for the son to marry his wife again, but there were many twists and turns.

But she couldn't show her traces in front of the child, so she forced a smile and said, "Good boy, grandma is not in a hurry."

That being said, she craned her neck and looked out, hoping.

Finally, when she heard the movement at the door and saw Quan Lu leading the bride in with a piece of red wedding silk, her heart fell back into her stomach.

Auspicious time is important, but it is not as important as the safety of the family.

As long as people are there, they are stronger than anything else.

Her intellectual horizons were limited, but she understood this simple truth.

The master of ceremonies stood at the door and kept winking with Xi Po.

Now that the auspicious time has passed, what should we do next?Should I pretend not to know and go to court to get married as usual, or recalculate the auspicious time.

Xi Po was also very flustered.

She has experienced so many marriages, and this is the first time she has encountered an auspicious situation.

She can't make decisions about this kind of thing.

Quan Lu paused her pace, thinking about countermeasures in her mind.

What should I do?
Fang Jinshu stretched out his hand, grabbed Xisi, and gently pulled it back.Quan Lu felt the strength and turned slightly to look at her.

With a red hijab covering his head, Fang Jinshu could only see an inch of space in front of him.The wedding gown under the hijab has a gold-edged skirt, and the tips of red embroidered shoes with pearls are slightly exposed.

She nodded cautiously in Quan Lu's direction, believing that Quan Lu could understand what she meant.

Missing the auspicious time has always been considered a bad omen.It cast a shadow over their unfinished marriage.

But in Fang Jinshu's view, she never pinned her happiness for the rest of her life on such illusory things.

Since God let her live a new life, she has her own things to do.

If she wanted to save Fang's family, she was doomed to face countless ups and downs.

This accident was nothing to her.

Getting married and becoming Quan Moxian's wife is the most important thing.

As for whether their married life is going well, she believes in the tacit understanding between herself and him.

Try to hold your destiny in your own hands.

Seeing her gesture, Quan Lu swallowed her saliva, secretly grateful.

Most of her hesitation came from Fang Jinshu.She was afraid that Fang Jinshu would mind that the Quan family could marry such a good daughter-in-law.

Just as she was about to signal to Xi Po that the ceremony would continue as usual, the guests who came to congratulate outside the door moved out of the way, and there was a sound of footsteps approaching from far away.

(End of this chapter)

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