Twin Brocade

Chapter 837

Chapter 837
The footsteps are hurried and come in a hurry.

People seemed to have been immobilized, their mouths widened and their eyes widened in surprise.

Fang Jinshu withdrew his foot from the threshold and turned around abruptly.

"Jin Shu."

When the familiar clear voice rang in his ears, Fang Jinshu suddenly realized: So, I miss him so much.

She tore off the red hijab and stared blankly at him in front of her.

He was still as tall and straight as a bamboo, and looked at her deeply with black pupils like lacquer, with deep apology and longing in his eyes.

But the blood on his robe told her that this journey was not easy.

His bun looked messy and hastily rearranged.

In this cold February, sweat dripped from the corner of his forehead and dripped down the tip of his hair.A few locks of black hair fell from the corner of the forehead, messy by the wind.

Butler Liu followed behind him, his right shoulder drooping, obviously injured.To be able to hurt Butler Liu so badly, the other party must not be a character to mess with.

"Jin Shu."

Quan Moxian called her softly again.

"How are you? Are you injured?" Fang Jinshu came back to his senses and asked anxiously.

He shook his head and said: "I'm fine, these are other people's blood. I heard that you just met a frightened horse, did it scare you?"

What he encountered on the road was far more terrifying than a frightened horse.

But when he heard the news, he was only worried about whether she was injured or if there would be any accidents.

It wasn't until he saw her with his own eyes and saw her standing in front of him properly that his hanging heart was relieved.


After confirming that the other party was safe, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, they only have each other in their eyes and no one else.The bustling surroundings and the gazes of others seemed to be non-existent.

After a while, Fang Jinshu smiled slightly and said, "It's good that you're back."

Seeing Quan Moxian rushing back at the last moment, Quan Lu strode over, looked Quan Moxian up and down, and said, "Go wash up and change clothes."

With his body, he must have encountered something on the way back to Beijing.But right now is not the time to pursue these matters.When the person is back, we can talk about everything else slowly.

This is his marriage, since he came back, there is no reason to let Quan Lu take his place.

The auspicious time becomes even more unimportant.

Quan Moxian nodded to Fang Jinshu and said, "Wait for me."

He strode into the door, kowtowed to Aunt Quan and said, "The child is unfilial, and mother is worried! I hope mother will forgive me."

Aunt Quan lifted him up with trembling hands, and said, "Son, it's good that you come back."

"Father, my son will accompany you to wash up." Quan Yiting raised his head and hooked his sleeve.

"Yes, Hei Lang, go quickly, don't make the fourth girl wait too long."

"Okay." Quan Moxian responded cleanly, picked up Quan Yiting, and walked towards the back.

His auspicious suit had been prepared a long time ago, and it was changed out in a short while.How could he be willing to keep Fang Jinshu waiting?
The master of ceremonies rushed up to greet her, presented a yellow paper, and said, "This is the auspicious time that Princess Jing'an sent, and she asked Qin Tianjian to recalculate the auspicious time."

Fang Jinshu's surprise encounter had long been known to Princess Jing'an, who had been following her wedding.Only she has the ability to mobilize the officials of Qin Tianjian in a short period of time to recalculate the auspicious time for this marriage.

Fortunately, Fang Jinshu has the identity of the county lord, and it is barely the job of Qin Tianjian to calculate the auspicious time for her.

Quan Moxian took it respectfully, and saluted Liang Chen beside him, "Ma'am, please thank Your Highness the Princess for me."

Liang Chen turned sideways, only accepted half of the ceremony, and said: "My lord, you don't have to be polite, Your Highness ordered me to come and watch the ceremony."

As Princess Jing'an, no matter how much she loves Fang Jinshu, she can't come to Quan's house to congratulate her, which is out of etiquette.But what she did really helped them a lot.

Originally, according to the distance calculated by Quan Moxian, he could reach Luoyang City yesterday afternoon.

But he encountered several groups of assassins on the road, and he was delayed until he arrived at Luoshui Wharf not long ago, and hurried back.

He thought he had already missed the meeting with Fang Jinshu, but he didn't want Fang Jinshu to miss the auspicious time because of the frightened horse.If the negative is positive, it becomes a good thing.

How important is auspicious time if Quan Lu is not used instead?

But for this marriage, it is not a good thing to miss the auspicious time.Even if the queen bestows the marriage, it will inevitably not be talked about in the future.

Princess Jing'an made a move to plug this loophole for him, which made Quan Moxian very grateful.

Marrying Fang Jinshu is the most important thing in his heart.

If he can leave no regrets, even if he goes through many difficulties, he will not regret it and is willing.

According to the new auspicious time, there is another hour.

He came forward to appease the guests, and asked Quan Lu to temporarily put Fang Jinshu in a wing room, while Xi Po reapplied her smudged makeup.

Xi Po closed the rouge box, her heart pounding.

She has been in this industry for decades, and she is numb when it comes to auspicious words.And today is definitely the most exciting day for her.

First of all, the groom couldn't rush back, and the elder sister of the groom was married in men's clothing, which was enough to surprise her.Unexpectedly, the further you get to the back, the less it counts.

The frightened horse rushed into the wedding procession, but was subdued by the commander of the Xiaoqi guards who fell from the sky.

Moreover, it seems that this fearsome commander still respects the fourth girl of the Fang family.This made Xi Po suddenly think of Fang Jinshu's other identity - the county lord.

Perhaps it was because the Fang family was too low-key, and Fang Jinshu had never held the status of the county lord and played any privileges.In Luoyang City, people who know her or don't know her are still used to addressing her as the "fourth girl of the Fang family".

But this status was really rewarded by the queen, and it was included in the genealogy of Zongzheng Temple and had the small seal of the golden book.

It can play a role at critical moments.

Quan Moxian appeared covered in blood at the entrance of Quanjia Xitang, and then Princess Jing'an sent someone to send the new auspicious time calculated by Qin Tianjian.

These things, one by one, are more shocking than one.

Fortunately, it's all over, and this happy event has finally returned to the normal track.

There is a bridegroom and a bride, waiting for the auspicious time to come and get married.

Si Jiang's daughter-in-law hurried into the wing room to greet Fang Jinshu.

Si Lansheng heard about the frightened horse losing control, so she hurriedly asked her to find out.

Fang Jinshu said: "Go back and tell your mother that I am fine. Please don't worry about me."

Before Si Jiang's daughter-in-law came in, she had already heard about Quan Moxian's return and Princess Jing'an's newly calculated auspicious time.Besides being relieved, he had to see Fang Jinshu with his own eyes in order to feel at ease.

Seeing that Fang Jinshu was fine, she stepped back and returned to Fang's house to answer.

While waiting for the auspicious time, Quan Moxian arranged for Butler Liu to bring the people who worked hard to and from Bozhou to settle down.Wrap the wound, rest the rest.

He groomed himself carefully.

 Thanks to "Yiyan" for the 2 precious monthly tickets, thanks to "Haha" for the precious monthly tickets, and thanks to "StellaT" for the precious monthly tickets for "Red Makeup against the World"^_^
(End of this chapter)

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