Twin Brocade

Chapter 839 Wedding Banquet

Chapter 839 Wedding Banquet
"Come in." Fang Zhi replied on behalf of Fang Jinshu.

Qin Yu came in with a tray, put a bowl of lily porridge, a plate of crystal jelly, and a plate of stewed asparagus slices on the table, and saluted: "Maidmaid Qin Yu, I have seen grandma."

She was dressed as a maidservant, but when she moved her hands and feet, she had an unmistakable coquettish charm, her waist was slender and her shoulders were slender.

Fang Fei looked at her with an unkind expression, and said, "You can go down now."

"Grandma, this is what the young master personally ordered." Qin Yu said: "The young master is worried that you have been hungry for a long time, and eating too much will hurt your stomach."

Fang Jinshu smiled lightly and said, "Understood."

Qin Yu stood for a while unwilling to give up, seeing that no one paid attention to her, she took the tray and retreated.

"Girl, I can't wait for this piano language!" Fang Fei said.

"What girl?" Nanny Hua pushed the door open and came in, said seriously: "Since we've arrived at Quan's house, I've changed everything, it's just a joke."

"Yes." Fang Fei admitted her mistake, bent her knees and said, "Grandma."

Fangzhi pursed her lips and smiled, it had been several years, and Fangfei was still as straightforward and short-tempered.

"Mummy, come and take a look." Fang Jinshu pointed to the porridge and side dishes on the table.

Mammy Hua used an empty bowl to fill out a little bit of each, first looked at it carefully, then tasted it slowly, and said: "No problem, grandma can use it with confidence."

Fang Jinshu knew medicinal materials by himself, and it was the wedding night again, as long as Qin Yu had no problem with his mind, he would not mess with it.

But these insidious means, Madam Hua knows better.It's safer to let her see it too.

Even though he was so hungry right now that his heart was flustered, Fang Jinshu didn't intend to take himself into danger.

The lily porridge was cooked well, and the other two side dishes were just right.After Fang Jinshu finished eating, he just filled his stomach, but he didn't feel full.

The delicate thoughts in this are naturally due to Quan Moxian's thoughtful and careful consideration for her.

After a while, Quan Lu opened the curtain and came in, smiled and sat by the bed, and said, "Sisters and sisters, you all know the situation in our family. There are no other sisters-in-law, so I have to accompany you to warm the house."

Quan Moxian left the Quan family instead, and has nothing to do with the Quan family in Tangzhou.The relatives over there have also cut off contact.

Fang Jinshu smiled and said, "Miss hard work, I don't even have time to be grateful."

For their marriage, she saw everything that Quan Lu had done.This thank you is sincere.

"From now on, we will be a family, so don't say such kind words." Quan Lu said: "It's better than anything else if you live a good life."

"I will." Fang Jinshu said.

The Quan family has a simple population, which naturally has the advantage of a simple population.

There are not so many complicated relationships to deal with, so she can concentrate on doing what she wants to do.

Besides, Quan Moxian had a lot of troubles, and she hadn't had time to ask them in detail during this trip to Bozhou.

The city of Luoyang shrouded in night is a little less prosperous than in the daytime, but under the illumination of the lights, it has a different kind of beautiful charm.Like a beautiful woman under the lamp, she exudes a mature and charming style.

The wedding banquet in Xiuwenfang gradually dispersed.

Different from Quan's family, those who came to Fang's mansion to have a banquet were all countable families in Beijing.

The Fang family's in-laws, such as the Si family, the Qiao family, the Gong family, Fang Muli's colleagues, Fang Shuyu's colleagues and subordinates in the Zhan Shifu, and some indirect relationships, as long as they can get a little bit of contact, they will try their best Congratulations.

In the court, the prince and the king of Qi were evenly matched, and they were at a stalemate.

Prince Guan Jinghuan's senior official Li Bao even recruited him from the Tian family's family to help him.

King Qi did not show any weakness, Fang Shuyu won the support of a large number of young officials for him.Their official positions may not be high, but there are many of them, and they are also the backbone of each yamen.

Prime Minister Zhu Zihou has been silent and impartial.

Emperor Qinglong allowed the two to compete against each other. In many matters, the two fought against each other, each winning or losing.

In addition to the two factions of the Prince and the King of Qi, there are more centrists in the court who have not stated their positions.In other words, it is a wait-and-see school.

It's not that they don't want to express their position, it's that the situation is stalemate, they don't understand it, and they don't want to bet at this time.

At this time, Fang Shuyu, a member of King Qi's direct lineage, is marrying a daughter, and those who are waiting and watching all want to take this opportunity to find out the direction of the wind.Therefore, the Fang family had an exceptionally large number of guests who came to congratulate them today.

When it was time for the dinner, King Qi's personal arrival pushed the wedding banquet to a climax.

Fang Shuyu was an official of his palace, King Qi not only asked for a marriage gift for his daughter, but also congratulated him personally.He respected his subordinates so much that many people were moved on the spot.

King Qi raised his glass and drank with everyone, talking and laughing happily, without any pretensions of a prince.

The eldest son Wei Jiayun who was following him had open eyes, and his demeanor was very royal.He has not reached the crown yet, but he has clear eyes and something to say, and the scholars get along very well with him.

Most of the people present were officials. When they saw King Qi and his son, they couldn't help but compare them with the prince and his son.

The prince is handsome in appearance and decisive in his actions.

A few years ago, he was still a little impatient and unable to hold his breath.But since he was impeached by Yushitai on the day of Empress Dowager Xiao's birthday banquet, he has gradually become calmer.

After returning from disaster relief on behalf of the emperor, with the help of Guan Jinghuan, he has become more sophisticated in his work in the past two years.

However, Wei Jiaren, the grandson of the emperor under his knee, is far inferior to Wei Jiayun.

Today's marriage is Fang Shuyu marrying a daughter.The one who married was none other than the champion Lang Quan Moxian who lost his wife in his early years.

As for Quan Moxian's first wife, Lin Chenfei, she was made things difficult by the prince because of Princess Baochang.The late Wei Jiahang and Bao Chun even teamed up to deal with Fang Jinshu.

These things, people will not bring it to the table, but everyone knows it in their hearts.

Such a comparison between the two sides makes a judgment.

With a smile on his face, King Qi had a panoramic view of these people's thoughts.

This time, he didn't come in vain.

Thousands of dollars to buy horse bones.

Fang Shuyu is his horse bone.

He wants everyone to see that he is valued by the other party.It's not just as simple as respecting him, but it will also benefit his family and family.

Only in this way can he win people's hearts.

Compared with the crown prince, he does not have the favor of Emperor Qinglong, and all he can rely on is the people's hearts gathered bit by bit.

Because of King Qi's arrival, Fang Mansion was very lively and brightly lit.

Compared with the hustle and bustle of Fang Mansion, the Quan family's wedding banquet ended earlier.

Quan Moxian sent the congratulatory guests to the door one by one, Peng Changsheng blinked narrowly, and said, "You don't need to send them off anymore, I'll come. The night of weddings and candles in the bridal chamber is a good night but a short one."

"Thank you for your kindness." Quan Moxian cupped his hands.

What he thanked was not this matter, but Peng Changsheng's strong support for Quan Lu.

In order to be able to welcome the bride for him, Quan Lu learned horse riding and archery, and appeared in public in men's clothing.These, without Peng Changsheng, Quan Lu could not have done.

 Thanks to "Moongrass" for the precious monthly tickets, and thanks to "Shallow Bay-2008" for the 2 precious monthly tickets for "Red Makeup Against the World" ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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