Twin Brocade

Chapter 840 Change Your Clothes For You

Chapter 840 Change Your Clothes For You
This time it was his fault. He expected the opponent's counterattack, but he didn't expect several forces to attack him one after another.

Fortunately, he brought enough manpower, including the police from the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment, the bodyguards from the Hefeng Escort, and people trained by Butler Liu.Otherwise, they will not be able to return to Beijing safely.

Without Quan Lu's presence, this marriage would have become a joke in Luoyang City.

He didn't care at all, but it was about Fang Jinshu, he couldn't let others laugh at her.

"It's serious!"

Peng Changsheng cupped his hands and said, "When you finish your work, we will meet again, brothers."

Quan Moxian got married and originally had seven days to rest and bathe.But he just came back from Bozhou, and he hasn't returned to the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment to hand in his errand.Besides, seeing how he had just returned home, Peng Changsheng also knew that this matter was not easy.

However, Quan Moxian didn't tell him, so he knew that he couldn't help Quan Moxian in this matter.

The two are classmates and close friends, the only thing he can do is to stand up when Quan Moxian needs him.If it doesn't work, it's good to have a drink with him.

Sending off Peng Changsheng, Quan Moxian returned to the inner courtyard.

This house is really big, and Quan Moxian, who was used to living in the old house before, was not used to it.

When holding a wedding banquet, there are people everywhere, but I haven't realized it yet.At this moment, the people had almost left, and the servants withdrew the banquets that had been set up in the yard, so it seemed a bit empty.

There are bright red happy characters posted everywhere, and red lanterns are hung.

Under the shroud of red lights, the courtyard showed a kind of festive warmth.

On the way back to the inner house, Quan Moxian walked faster and faster.Thinking of the person in the new house, his heart couldn't help beating wildly.

After all, Quan Lu is the daughter-in-law of the Peng family, so she can't stay with Fang Jinshu in the new house all the time.At this moment, she had gone home with Peng Changsheng.

After Fang Jinshu finished washing, he changed into a red hang silk pajamas with cross collar.

The pajamas were rolled with silver silk thread, and they were styled with wide sleeves and a waist. They were easy to wear on Fang Jinshu's body.On the sleeves, Fang Jinshu embroidered a butterfly with fluttering wings. With her movements, the butterfly was flexible and vivid.

She was leaning on the Begonia Red Pillow, resting her forehead with her right hand, and gently turning the pages of the book with her left hand.

The large red sleeved gown slipped down her forearm, and it was shockingly red on the couch.The arms that were exposed to the outside, bullying Frost Saixue, were like the best gelatin.

She has already removed all the hairpins and jewelry, and there is no modification on her body.Even her smooth long hair was tied loosely with a red ribbon, hanging down her shoulders.

This kind of red, so unadorned, made her as beautiful as a lotus in clear water.

Quan Moxian pushed the door open and entered, and what he saw was such a picture of a beauty under a lamp.

He stood where he was, slowing down even his breathing, for fear of waking up this beautiful picture.

"Are you back?" Fang Jinshu gently closed the book in his hand, looked at him and smiled slightly, "Why are you standing there so stupidly?"

Her attitude was so relaxed and natural that Quan Moxian felt in a daze that the two had been married for many years.And she waited here every night, waiting for her return.

How beautiful and unreal.

"came back."

Quan Moxian stepped inside and said, "I'll go take a shower and change clothes first."

In the afternoon, before he changed into auspicious clothes, he had already washed them briefly.But this is her wedding night, and he doesn't want to be unsatisfactory in the slightest.

"I'll change your clothes for you."

It is the duty of every wife to change clothes for her husband.

Quan Moxian stood there, his body stiffened, looking at her close in front of him, he didn't know how to place his hands.

The style of Xipao is complicated and exquisitely embroidered, and it is very troublesome to take it off.Fang Jinshu unbuttoned his belt for him, put his bare hands on the buttons on his chest, and undid them one by one.

It must be because the climate has not yet warmed up, and the ground dragon is burning in the house.

Fang Jinshu only felt his face beating hotly, and even his fingers were trembling slightly when he untied the back.

The buckle starts from the waist and goes obliquely to the stand collar.The one-by-one Ruyi pine needle pattern buckles are generous and solemn, but it takes some time to untie them.

Her fingers were slender and nimble, but at this moment they seemed to be out of order.

Feeling the inadvertent touch of her fingers, Quan Moxian's breathing gradually became heavy.

His breath was hot, and standing in front of him, masculinity rushed to his face.Fang Jinshu found that her hands were becoming more and more out of his control.

A buckle that could be undone with only two or three strokes, but now it can't be undone after several strokes.

Finally, only the last one on the collar of Xipao remained.

Quan Moxian carefully controlled his breathing, not letting himself appear too eager.

Such a beautiful day, one night, why would he interrupt this beauty?

Because it is a collar, the position of the last button is at his neck.Fang Jinshu raised his face, raised his hands and tried to untie it.

Quan Moxian is not a martial artist, but he has a figure that is envied by everyone.

He has a tall and slender body, broad shoulders and narrow hips, and any robes on him look very good-looking.

The light from the dragon and phoenix wedding candles shone from his side, outlining a perfect line of his profile.In the projection of light and shadow, his Adam's apple looks extremely sexy.

Fang Jinshu found that not only his hands were trembling slightly, but his heart was also trembling.

Quan Moxian patiently let her undo the last button, and couldn't bear it any longer, and embraced her in his arms.

Fang Jinshu let out a low cry of "Yeah", and fell into a warm embrace, which was fully embraced by him.

He stretched out his hand to stroke her long hair, marveled at the smooth touch under his hands, and sighed contentedly: "Jin Shu, my Jin Shu."

Does such beauty really exist?
I thought it was an unattainable dream, but has it really come true at this moment?

Fang Jinshu buried his face in his chest, feeling the strong heartbeat in his ears, and gently stroked his heart with his hand.

Her fingers were beating with his heart.

one more time.

Just a hug makes the two intoxicated physically and mentally.

"I'm going to take a bath." Quan Mo let her go reluctantly.

Tonight, what he wanted was more than a hug.

"But, not yet..."

She had just unbuttoned it, and she didn't even take off her robe for him.

"I will do it myself."

What a joke, it's wonderful to let her take it off, but Quan Moxian feels that he will be tortured crazy by such beauty.

He already felt the pain, the pain that wanted to possess her immediately.

After finishing speaking, he strode away and walked towards the clean room behind.

Hearing the sound of water coming from the clean room, Fang Jinshu sat back on the soft couch holding his hot cheeks.

What exactly happened just now?
It's just changing clothes for him, why is he so disappointing?
It was her own initiative to marry him.

Now that you are married, the bridal chamber wedding night is unavoidable.

(End of this chapter)

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