Twin Brocade

Chapter 841

Chapter 841

Quan Moxian came out very quickly, within half a quarter of an hour, he cleaned himself up neatly.

On the big day, his pajamas were also made of bright red silk.The soft fabric fits snugly on his body, revealing his perfect body proportions without a doubt.

He held a large towel in his hand and wiped away the remaining water marks on his black hair.Following his movements, the placket of his clothes was slightly opened, and the lines of his collarbone were faintly visible in the light and shadow.

It was the first time Fang Jinshu had seen Quan Moxian like this.

Compared with the coldness and aloofness when he was wearing an official robe, Quan Moxian at this time exudes the charm of a mature man all over his body.The strands of hair fluttered on his chest, which looked a bit seductive.

Such a big contrast, such private Quan Moxian, made Fang Jinshu swallow involuntarily, and hurriedly lowered his head.

Quan Moxian threw the big towel on the clothes hanger, while he sat beside Fang Jinshu, his smile was full of jokes: "Jinshu, what's wrong?"

He was very happy that he could have such a big influence on her.

"Ah, it's nothing." Fang Jinshu quickly denied it, changed the subject, and said, "Your hair isn't dry yet, I'll go get a smoker."

These things, when she was in Fang's house, the maids took care of her.

But now it was the wedding night in the bridal chamber, and with him around, Fang Jinshu didn't want to have anyone else around, not even his most confidant maid.This is her selfishness, she doesn't want other women to see him like this.

So, after Fang Fei and Fang Zhi prepared everything, they all withdrew.

Seeing her leave as if fleeing, Quan Moxian took the time to straighten his clothes, leaned back on the couch and waited patiently.

This night is still long, he is not in a hurry.

Where can she hide?She will always come back.

The smoked cage is small and exquisite, and the innermost layer is filled with silver frost charcoal, which exudes heat.The outside is a hollow silver ball with small handles on both sides.It is safe, convenient and practical.

Fang Jinshu stood in front of Quan Moxian with a warm smoker in his hand, blushing and said, "Don't move, I'll dry it for you."

"Okay, listen to the lady." Quan Moxian said with a smile.

Hearing the title "lady", Fang Jinshu blushed even more.That's right, I'm already married to him, tonight, I'm his bride.

She held the smoker in one hand, stroked Quan Moxian's long hair with the other, and leaned close to the smoker to dry it carefully.

The dragon and phoenix wedding candle made a "cracking" sound, and the sweet lily incense was burning in the auspicious gilt censer at the corner of the wall, filling the entire room.

Quan Moxian sat on the soft couch, while Fang Jinshu stood and dried his hair.

Seeing how serious she was, he brushed away the hair on the other side, supported his body on the bed with his backhand, and looked at her half-up.

As a result, the straps of the pajamas, which were only loosely tied at first, became looser, and the skirts of the clothes almost reached the waist.

From Fang Jinshu's point of view, his chest muscles are broad and well-defined. Upward is the collarbone hidden in the shadow of the light. Looking further up, it is the Adam's apple that is particularly obvious because he is looking up.

He must have done it on purpose.

Fang Jinshu muttered something silently in his heart.

Seeing her blushing cheeks, Quan Moxian raised the corners of his lips, and the smile grew wider and wider around his mouth.

He did it on purpose.

Ever since he knew his attraction to her, he intentionally released more masculine charms to provoke her heart.

He wanted to see her out of control because of him.

Her dignity, her elegance, the faint smile that always hangs on her face, her unhurried tone, her calmness, her eyes that see through everything, her confidence...

These things in common constitute Fang Jinshu in people's eyes.

However, she was not the one Quan Moxian wanted to see.

He is more greedy.

He was greedy and wanted to see the real her.

The one who was buried deep by her and never revealed in front of others.

That, she who will feel helpless and confused in her heart; and that, the secret and mission that is heavy in her heart.

But she is also sensitive and delicate.

The two had just gotten married. At this moment, Quan Moxian didn't dare to startle the snake and touch the secret deep in her heart.

So, just change it!
Let him see her other side of reality first.

He sat up straight, put his palms on her soft waist, and pulled her closer to him.

The heat in his palm was so amazing that Fang Jinshu staggered and almost couldn't stand up.

"Master Quan... Master Quan..."

"What did you call me?" Quan Moxian narrowed his eyes, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.He has been dissatisfied with this title for a long time.

The two have known each other for a long time and treated each other with courtesy.

Fang Jinshu called him "Quanjuren" at first.Later, after he was selected as the number one scholar by Emperor Qinglong, Fang Jinshu called him "Jinshi of Quan".After he took office in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he has been called "Lord Quan".

It was easy to say, Fang Jinshu would know it for a while, but he couldn't change it.

She panicked inexplicably, and hurriedly changed her words: "Zixuan." That was his word.

"Do not."

There are too many people who call him Biaozi, Quan Moxian is not satisfied with this name, and slowly climbed up her waist with his hands.

Fang Jinshu patted his hand, and said helplessly, "Brother Xian." He was older than himself, so it was right to call him brother, right?

"Change to another one." Quan Moxian paused, his eyes darkened slightly.

This title reminded him of past pain.From childhood to adulthood, Lin Chenfei was behind him, calling him "Brother Xian."


This must be right, right?

"All the wives in the world call their husbands Husband."

Quan Moxian shook his head in dissatisfaction, he wanted a title exclusive to him.What belonged only to the two of them was the unique name she called him.

"Brother Mo!"

She concentrated her wits and shouted: "Brother Mo..." The usually clear voice fell in Quan Mo Xian's ears at this moment, with a bit of laziness and a bit of hoarseness.

Quan Moxian sighed, held her waist with both hands, lifted her up, put her on his lap and sat down, and whispered: "Girl, I like it when you call me that."

His slender hands reached into her long hair, palming the back of her head, forcing her to bow her head.

"look at me."

His deep black eyes are full of her shadow.

Under the eyes, there is undisguised affection and enthusiasm.

Fang Jinshu's legs were half-kneeling on the floor, and he supported himself with his knees.In order to maintain balance, he had to wrap his arms around his neck.

She lowered her head, and her long hair poured down, creating a space where only the two of them existed.

The fiery red silk and satin fit her icy skin, her slender neck and small and delicate collarbone were all in Quan Moxian's eyes.

"You, let me down." Fang Jinshu said softly.

Her red lips were like the softest petals, attracting all his attention, preventing him from hearing her appeal.He slowly retracted the big palm holding the back of her head, making the distance between the two of them closer and closer.

Fang Jinshu's heart was beating like thunder, his mind went blank, and he simply closed his eyes.

The long eyelashes fluttered like a frightened butterfly, casting a shadow, so charming.

 Thanks to "LYNNTEXTILE" for the 2 precious monthly tickets, and thanks to "Linda Xiaozhou", "Xiao Qi Qi Qi Fei", "Partridge" and "Sour" for the precious monthly tickets ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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