Twin Brocade

Chapter 843

Chapter 843
Quan Moxian's hoarse voice came from inside, saying: "Get up."

Today is an important wedding ceremony.

Although the Quan family is small, their etiquette cannot be neglected.

After a night of fun, Fang Jinshu looked at the tent embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in the water, hugging the silk quilt without even wanting to move half of his fingers.She only felt that her limbs lacked strength, and her legs were even more sore and limp.

Clearly knowing that it's time to get up, but his body doesn't want to move at all.

"Girl." Quan Moxian looked at her with a smile and satisfaction in his eyes.

Fang Jinshu grumbled in dissatisfaction, his long phoenix eyes lost their usual clarity, and more of a spring like water that he had never had before.

Quan Moxian kissed her eyes gently, and coaxed softly: "It's time, it's time to get up." She was too sweet and charming last night, and he restrained himself repeatedly, but it was still too much.

It seemed that every time he was related to her, he would easily lose his proud calmness and rationality.

His eyes fell on the crimson mark on her fair neck, and the color of his eyes became dark again.

"Don't blame me if you don't get up again." He leaned over her ear and whispered.


Fang Jinshu glared at him, sat up swiftly, and said, "Don't even think about it!"

Quan Moxian laughed lowly, let go of her and said, "I'll go wash up first."

She is more attractive to me than I imagined.If he doesn't leave, I'm afraid it will really delay the time.

The recognition of relatives was carried out in the Mercy Hall where Mrs. Quan lived.

Aunt Quan woke up early, and the servants helped her wash and change her clothes.Wearing a very energetic crimson jacket with a swastika down to the head, and a fur-trimmed beanie over the outside, he feels refreshed.

After breakfast, she eagerly waited for someone to invite her.

Seeing this, Qin Yu stepped forward to help her by the hand and said, "Old lady, it's still early, it's not the hour yet. The servant girl will help you to take a walk in the yard, how about some refreshment?"

Among the maids of the Quan family, Qin Yu is definitely an outstanding existence.

Not only is she born graceful and graceful, but she is also very good at dealing with people.Even those servants who were jealous of her beauty couldn't tell what was wrong with her.

Quan Moxian put her by Aunt Quan's side, and she was reused easily.


Aunt Quan knew that the time had not come, but she was too happy and woke up too early.

For her son to marry the daughter of the Fang family, this was something she never even dared to dream about in the past.The young couple got married, don't know how the relationship is?
She wished to see the two of them immediately, so she could rest assured.

It's just that, as the oldest person in the family, she can't go to the yard of her son and daughter-in-law, right?Instead of waiting, find something to do for yourself.

Qin Yu helped her walk slowly in the yard, and when she saw a pothole on the road, she reminded her softly: "Old lady, please watch your step." Very considerate.

After walking slowly for two laps, Qin Yu glanced at the sun, pretended to mention it casually, and said, "Young master, why haven't you come here yet, could it be that something got you in your way."

She meant it.

On the second day of the wedding, what could have delayed Quan Moxian?Naturally, only his new wife was left.

She said it very cleverly, without pointing it out, but also leading Aunt Quan to think according to her meaning.

Sure enough, Mrs. Quan thought about it seriously, and said to herself: "Yes, usually at this hour, he would have come to pay his respects."

In order to marry Fang Jinshu, Quan Moxian repaired this big house, and it took only half a month to move here.Before going to Bozhou, he would come to accompany Aunt Quan to have breakfast first, and then go to the Yamen.

Qin Yu lowered her head and secretly rejoiced. She couldn't talk too much about this matter, so as not to show her traces.

Unexpectedly, Aunt Quan said joyfully again: "This person who has a daughter-in-law is really different, and knows how to love her daughter-in-law."

Yesterday was the wedding night in the bridal chamber, as a Chinese New Year, how could she not understand the pain and sweetness of a woman?From a girl to a woman is the most important step in every woman's life.

Her son's marriage was not going well, and Lin Chenfei made her heartbroken.It's finally hard to see that he is willing to renew his strings, and he has won such a great honor of being married, marrying such a scholarly daughter.

The more she thought about it, the happier she became.

Qin Yu twitched the corners of her mouth before agreeing: "Yes, the old lady is really blessed."

In her heart, a mouthful of old blood spit out.

How come this old lady of the Quan family has no other thoughts?It is heard that she lost her husband in her early years, and she worked hard to bring up her son, and she has such a promising future.

Could it be that she is not unwilling at all?This son who was brought up with great difficulty was picked by his daughter-in-law in the blink of an eye.

Qin Yu pursed her lips, not understanding what Aunt Quan was thinking.

Aunt Quan was on the sidelines, the more she thought about it, the more she laughed, and she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, which made Qin Yu feel very depressed.

"Old lady, my master invites you to the main hall." A maid came forward and said.

"Hey, it's here!" Mrs. Quan hurriedly said, "Let's go there quickly!"

Qin Yu rolled her eyes in her heart, she had never seen a mother-in-law who was so eager to see her daughter-in-law.

When Mrs. Quan just arrived, Ren Ying was already waiting at the door.

She was just a cousin girl, so she didn't have to attend, and the Quan family didn't notify her.But if she doesn't come, how can she be willing?She had to meet this girl married into the Fang family, the person who took her position first, before she could think of a countermeasure.

So, she came early and waited.

Qin Yu, who was supporting Aunt Quan, didn't even give her a wink, but turned sideways to block her way.

Ren Ying shot her a sideways glance, stepped to the other side of Aunt Quan, held her elbow and smiled, "Auntie, I'll help you."

She's already here, so we can't stop her from going in.

Just as Aunt Quan was helped to sit in the main seat, Quan Lu also arrived with Peng Changsheng.There are only a few people in the Quan family, so how could she not come to such an important occasion.

The nanny led Quan Yiting's hand into the door, and Quan Yiting greeted his grandmother and aunt first, and stood obediently on one side.

After a while, the maid who was guarding the door bowed down and said, "I have seen you, grandma."

Quan Moxian came in first, and after stepping over the threshold, he turned sideways to help Fang Jinshu who was following behind.

Fang Jinshu's cheeks were flushed, and he leaned back slightly to avoid his hand, and gave him a quick glance.

I don't even look at where this is, how can I gossip in public.

The corner of Quan Moxian's mouth was slightly raised, and he withdrew his hand and walked slowly in front.He deliberately slowed down his steps because he knew she was weak and weak.

Only Fang Fei, who was supporting Fang Jinshu, saw their little moves, and she secretly pursed her lips into a smile.Seeing her master and her husband in harmony, she was happier than anything else.

Seeing this pair of Bi people coming in, Aunt Quan's face burst into a smile.She sat up straight, leaned forward, and squinted at the two of them.

Ever since Lin Chenfei passed away, her eyes were not very good.Although it was early in the morning, it was backlight when they came in, so she couldn't see clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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