Twin Brocade

Chapter 844 Drinking Tea

Chapter 844 Drinking Tea
"Greetings to mother." Quan Moxian bowed his hands in salute.

"Mother, all blessings." Fang Jinshu bestowed a blessing.

Aunt Quan lifted her hands up and said with a smile, "Good boy, get up quickly."

Two thick brocade mats were placed in the middle of the hall. Fang Jinshu knelt down on Fang Fei's hand, tried his best to control the trembling of his legs, and knelt firmly.

Quan Moxian knelt beside her and glanced at her guiltily.Seeing that she was fine, he quietly looked away.

The two kowtowed to Mrs. Quan three times in a polite manner, and the servants at the side came to Fang Jinshu with a tray.Fang Jinshu picked up the teacup with both hands, raised it above his head, and said respectfully, "Mother, please drink tea."

After drinking this cup of daughter-in-law tea, Fang Jinshu officially became the daughter-in-law recognized by the Quan family.

Aunt Quan was about to take the cup of tea with a smile on her face when Ren Ying suddenly slipped and staggered half a step forward.

Her position is next to Mrs. Quan's left.With this stagger, he happened to touch Aunt Quan's left arm, and made Aunt Quan's left hand hit the cup of tea.

Tea splash.

"Ah!" Aunt Quan exclaimed reflexively, and hurriedly withdrew her hand that was hit.

Fang Jinshu's hands were splashed with hot tea.Fortunately, the temperature of the tea prepared by the servants was just right, not boiling hot.

"Mother, how is your hand? Are you hurt?" Fang Jinshu asked calmly, still holding the cup of tea firmly.

"I'm fine, how are you?" Mrs. Quan was also worried about her.

"Go for a cup of tea." Quan Moxian ordered in a deep voice, and gave Ren Ying a warning look.

Ren Ying's heart trembled, and she hurriedly knelt and said, "It was my rough hands and feet that hurt my aunt and cousin."

"Since you know that you have rough hands and feet, don't rush forward in everything in the future." On the day of great joy, Quan Moxian didn't want to pursue it, but the warning in his tone was unquestionable.

Ren Ying didn't expect that she was just self-effacing, and when he said such a preaching, she felt infinite grievances in her heart.When I blinked my eyes, tears were about to fall.

Aunt Quan patted her hand and said with a smile: "Okay, it's all over, and you were not careful."


Among those present, only Madam Quan believed that Xin Ying was really careless.

Fang Jinshu hooked the corners of his mouth and knelt firmly.

No matter how unwell she is, she will not show cowardice and embarrassment in front of everyone.Want to see her jokes?Wait for the next life!
Quan Lu repeatedly urged the maid who changed the tea: "Why don't you come?"

She could see Ren Ying's thoughts.

But like Quan Moxian, she maintained an instinctive distrust of this cousin who appeared suddenly.

A mocking smile escaped from Quan Yiting's lips, this smile seemed very incongruous at his age.

After a while, the servants brought another cup of tea.

This time, Ren Ying didn't dare to do anything, and Qin Yu didn't want to make fun of this kind of thing.

Fang Fei quietly took half a step forward, protecting the tea Fang Jinshu was carrying in front of her.

Aunt Quan drank tea, took out a big red envelope that had been prepared and handed it to Fang Jinshu, and said with a smile: "Shu girl, the first time I saw you, I was very happy. When you marry in, treat this place as your own home. Think of yourself as my daughter."

"Anything, just tell me." Mrs. Quan glanced at Quan Moxian, and said, "If Hei Lang dares to bully you, I'll beat him up for you!"


A meaningful smile flickered on Quan Moxian's lips, he glanced at Fang Jinshu, and said, "Mother, don't worry, how dare your son bully your precious wife."

A red cloud rose from Fang Jinshu's cheeks, and finally stayed at the earlobe, which lasted for a long time.

"Get up quickly." Mrs. Quan asked her servants to help Fang Jinshu up, and said, "There are only a few people in our family, and you all know them. Hei Lang said, this family will be left to you, don't be restrained .”

When I was in Tangzhou, due to my poor family, it was not easy to support Quan Moxian to study, how could Mrs. Quan be able to order her servants?
Quan Moxian won the number one prize, so he bought her two little girl errands.

Later, she married Lin Chenfei, and there were more and more servants in the front yard and back house.Aunt Quan has never been in such a big family, and neither has Lin Chenfei.

The newly bought servant girl lacks training, and housekeeper Liu can't directly take care of the back house.Quan Moxian looked shameful, so he went to Fang's house for help. Si Lansheng sent Nanny Liu to sort it out for a while before he got on track.

Therefore, Mrs. Quan never thought about fighting for the right to be a housekeeper.

The only thing she wants is that this time, her son and daughter-in-law can be reconciled and beautiful, and there must be no more accidents.She just waited to hold her grandson with all her heart, and it would be best if the rest of the things could be left alone.

Fang Jinshu didn't shirk, and generously agreed.

She has known about the Quan family's situation for a long time. This is her responsibility and obligation as Quan Moxian's wife.

Ren Ying tightened the silk handkerchief.

In the past, when she lived in Quan's house, there was still room for her to take advantage of.Unexpectedly, Fang Jinshu had just married and wanted to be a housekeeper.

Under Fang Jinshu's hands, his life is not easy.

Ren Ying glanced at Qin Yu quietly, and found that she was also thinking about it, thinking a little.

Since Quan Moxian had explained the two of them in advance, Fang Jinshu knew it well.At this moment, she ignored these eyebrows.

Fang Jinshu signaled Fang Zhi to come forward, she was standing behind with a tray.

"Mother, please forgive my daughter-in-law for being clumsy. It took two months of embroidering to get such a hanging painting." Fang Zhi walked up to Mrs. Quan, and Fang Jinshu lifted the red silk on the tray with her own hands.

On the tray is a beautifully embroidered hanging painting of Avalokitesvara.

On the moon-white brocade, Master Avalokitesvara has a benevolent face, holding a clean bottle in his left hand, and chanting a formula with his right.The eyelids were slightly closed, and there was a look of pity and forgiveness in the eyes.


This word can only be used to describe the exquisiteness of this painting.

Aunt Quan praised from the bottom of her heart: "Good, really good! This is the best embroidered statue of Guanyin I have ever seen!"

"It's rare that mother likes it. My son can find a suitable place to hang it up, okay?"

"No need, just hang it in my bedroom."

In those difficult years in the past, Mrs. Quan survived by relying on her belief in Guanyin.

Seeing such a good embroidered portrait and hanging painting, her love is beyond words.

Seeing her so happy, Fang Jinshu and Quan Moxian looked at each other and smiled.Aunt Quan believed in the Great Master Guanyin, so it was Quan Moxian who told Fang Jinshu.

When recognizing relatives, the new daughter-in-law will present embroidery to everyone in her husband's family.Fang Jinshu put a lot of thought into this.

Marrying into Quan's family is what she wanted. Now that she is married, she will do her best to be a good wife.

"Mother, if you want to offer incense, it's not suitable in the bedroom." Fang Jinshu said with a smile: "Why don't you ask your daughter-in-law to find a suitable place outside for you, set up a Buddhist altar, and go to the Dabei Temple to invite a Guanyin statue back Enshrining, how about it?"

 Thanks to "屣远" for the reward of 100 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Thanks to "Mint Weiliang" for the two precious monthly tickets, and thanks to "Book Friends 2..." "lileo" "hmily16042508" "StellaT" "On the Water" for the precious monthly tickets ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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