Twin Brocade

Chapter 845

Chapter 845
"My daughter-in-law is more thoughtful." Aunt Quan was even happier.

She has believed in Master Guanyin all her life, but she has not worshiped it every day at home.At first, I didn't have that condition, but I didn't expect to be able to do so when I got it later.

"Then keep it safe for now, and offer it together when the Avalokitesvara statue is invited back." Quan Moxian made the decision.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Jinshu presented Quan Lu with a pair of peacock blue Ruyi beaded embroidered shoes, and gave Quan Yiting an exquisitely crafted satin-covered tiger.

Quan Yiting happily accepted his thanks: "Dudu thanked mother."

His mother's call was very smooth, not at all unnatural, but Fang Jinshu was slightly taken aback before he realized it.

"Be filial, do you understand?" Quan Moxian touched his head, smiling and exhorting.

"My child knows!" Quan Yiting responded decisively.

He has delicate features, red lips and white teeth, and he is still young, so it can already be seen that he will definitely look outstanding in the future.

In Fang Jinshu's memory, Quan Yiting was still a baby.

It was a joy to see him so sensible.

She is not afraid of getting along with young children, but Quan Yiting was originally an orphan brought back to Quan's family from Shantang, and was hit by the loss of her mother.

With such ups and downs at such a young age, it is most likely to develop an introverted, withdrawn, and sensitive temperament.

As a stepmother, she is irresponsible to him if she doesn't discipline, and discipline is easy to be talked about.

Fang Jinshu is not helpless, but it really takes a lot of effort.

She had already made this psychological preparation, but when she saw Quan Yiting, all these worries disappeared.

Quan Yiting's love for her when he saw her came from the heart.The clear eyes he looked at her were full of joy that reached directly to the bottom of his eyes.

"Mother, father is busy at court. In the future, can I come to ask you for my child's homework?" Quan Yiting raised his head, his eyes were shining, he was really cute.

Faced with such a look, only a hard-hearted person would refuse, right?

Fang Jinshu patted his head, and answered solemnly: "Mother promised you that it's not just about homework. If you want to come, just come to me."

After Lin Chenfei's death, Quan Yiting has been living in the back room of the Charity Hall, and Mrs. Quan took care of his daily life.

Now that Fang Jinshu has entered the door, she is his rightful aunt, who has the responsibility of discipline and upbringing.

It's just that she has just married in, so there is no rush.

Hearing her promise, Quan Yiting said "En!" seriously, with a bright smile.

"Biao sister-in-law." Ren Ying came up to her, and said in a jiffy, "Ren Ying has seen cousin-in-law." In terms of identity, she is also a relative of the Quan family.

Fang Jinshu smiled, took a long wishful tassel hairpin from Fang Fei, handed it to her, and said, "Cousin." He refused to say a word.

This hairpin is of excellent workmanship, and it is worth at least five taels of silver based on the market price.

It's just that the styles and patterns are all common, obviously not as careful as Fang Jinshu's embroidery work by himself.

Ren Ying thanked her and accepted it, outwardly respectful, but secretly hated Fang Jinshu's perfunctory treatment of her.

She lived comfortably in Quan's house.

Ren Ying hopes so much that she is the real cousin girl.If someone hadn't reminded her from time to time, she would have almost forgotten her true identity.

"Elder sister is coming back this time, how about returning after lunch?" Fang Jinshu turned to Quan Lu and said.

Quan Moxian patted Peng Changsheng's shoulder, and said, "I think it's good. The two of us may not have had a good meal for a long time. Yesterday was too hasty, and we didn't even have a proper conversation."

"Okay." Peng Changsheng responded neatly.

The two are in different yamen, and they are both very busy on weekdays, so they really don't have much time to get together.He also has many things that he wants to ask Quan Moxian.

It's rare that there are so many people in the family, Aunt Quan was very happy, and said repeatedly: "It's so good, it's so lively!"

Quan Moxian said with a smile: "Mother, there will be more days like this in the future. Don't worry about lunch, I'll ask Uncle Liu to clean up a banquet."

"You go and rest first, let the eldest sister accompany you. Chang Qing and I will go to the study to drink tea and talk, and I will come to invite you later."

Mrs. Quan agreed with a smile, and everyone dispersed in the Charity Hall.

Quan Moxian accompanied Fang Jinshu to the door of Qingyingju, and said in a low voice: "Go back and rest for a while, don't get tired."

He arranged it this way just to give her time to rest.

With Peng Changsheng waiting for him not far away, Fang Jinshu didn't say much to him, and agreed softly, and went back to the new house.

"Grandma, take a rest." Fang Fei knew that she was weak today, so she quickly helped her to lie down on the soft couch by the window.

Fang Jinshu didn't feel that he had been busy until now, but after a break, Fang Jinshu felt tired.Especially his legs, they were so weak that they were not like his own feet.

Fang Zhi twisted a hot towel to cover her face, said: "It's still early for lunch, grandma rests at ease, when the time comes, the servant girl will call you."

Fang Jinshu didn't sleep too much last night, the heat covered his face warmly, and he felt drowsy almost immediately.

She didn't fight the drowsiness.

Quan Moxian's arrangement was so proper that she got a precious half-day rest time, how could she live up to his intentions?
If the newlyweds sleep too much during the day, it is inevitable that they will get a notorious reputation for not cultivating women's morals.

But she believed in him, since such an arrangement was made, she would not let her be talked about.This kind of trust is not achieved overnight, but a tacit understanding cultivated in the past few years.

This time, Fang Jinshu slept soundly.

"Master, master." Fangzhi called softly, "It's almost time."

Fang Jinshu's long eyelashes trembled, he opened a pair of phoenix eyes, and immediately woke up.

"Make up for me."

After grooming, she put on a light makeup.Noon is just a family banquet, so there is no need to dress up as grandly as the recognition ceremony.As for hairpin jewelry, I also picked up simple and refreshing ones, yet elegant and dignified.

This family banquet was only Aunt Quan, Quan Lu and his wife, Quan Moxian, Fang Jinshu and his wife, Quan Yiting, and Ren Ying who came with them.

Just after the wedding banquet yesterday, there was still some rice and noodles bought by the mansion.Knowing that Quan Lu was coming back to attend the marriage recognition ceremony, Steward Liu made preparations for the luncheon.

At this time, the dishes are rich and delicious, and it doesn't look like there is no serious mistress in charge of the house.

After lunch, Peng Changsheng took Quan Lu to leave.

For Quan Moxian's marriage, the two have been busy for many days.Many affairs of the Peng family were put on hold, and the two children in the family did not take care of them.

Now, it's time for them to go back to their own business.

"Congratulations to elder sister, elder brother-in-law." Fang Jinshu bowed.

"Your brother and sister don't need to be polite to me." Quan Lu said with a smile: "When you sort it out, come to our house and have a sit down. Bring Dudu with you, and let the two monkeys in my house have a good look at what it means to be someone outside of others. .”

Fang Jinshu responded with a smile: "Don't worry, elder sister, I will definitely be there. When the time comes, please don't find me annoying."

After sending the two away, Quan Moxian and Fang Jinshu returned to Qingyingju.

He looked at her with a smile and asked, "Have you rested?"

(End of this chapter)

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