Twin Brocade

Chapter 848 Buddha Beads

Chapter 848 Buddha Beads
Ren Ying made things difficult for Qin Yu, but at this moment, the two of them are on the same front.It would be of no benefit to both of them if Fang Jinshu could put the Quan family in order.

Qin Yu rolled her eyes in her heart, but she had no choice but to cooperate with Ren Ying, and said softly: "The cousin girl is right. But the old lady is relieved, the maidservants know that the old lady is kind, how can they take this Is it related to the Quan family?"

Without making a fuss, she put some eye drops on Fang Jinshu.

Those who know the meaning of this sentence will not be surprised, but those who don't know will naturally feel that the Quan family is unkind.

Madam Quan hesitated.

Before Fang Jinshu married in, Quan Moxian told her in advance that Fang Jinshu would be the director of the family.On this, she is also very recognized.

But this was the first day Fang Jinshu got married, and he kicked out the servants who had worked in the mansion for several years.

She didn't know whether it was good or bad, but she only knew that it was really bad in terms of reputation.

Ren Ying took a good look at her words and said, "My cousin didn't come to tell your aunt about such a big matter in advance. She didn't pretend to be aunt in her heart, did she?"

She spared no effort to sow discord.

"If you weren't my real aunt, I wouldn't say that this screwdriver is hated." Ren Ying said with a deep heart: "I have no father or mother now, and I can only rely on you, aunt. Who would dare to treat you Being disrespectful is just going to make things difficult for me."

"Even if my cousin is standing here, I'll tell the truth, and I'm not afraid of offending anyone."

Her appearance of thinking about Mrs. Quan was sincere.

She lived in Quan's house for more than half a year, trying every means to please Aunt Quan's favor.Compared with Fang Jinshu, her relationship with Mrs. Quan is deeper.

Ren Ying's words made Mrs. Quan believe in Fang Jinshu and her heart was shaken.

"Then tell me, what should I do?" Aunt Quan asked her idea.

She was waiting for this sentence, and hurriedly said: "According to my niece, someone should bring them back. On this happy day, there is no need to make things unhappy for two servants, right?"

That's true, but she urged Mrs. Quan to bring these two back. Didn't she tell everyone that Mrs. Quan didn't like Fang Jinshu's actions just because of these two servants?

If it was as she wished, and the two women really returned to the mansion, where would Fang Jinshu's face be?
There was bound to be a gap between Fang Jinshu and Aunt Quan.

For Quan Moxian, it is also difficult to choose between his wife and mother.

At that time, she can fish in troubled waters.

It's just that, although she had a good idea, the reality was not as good as she wanted.

"Cousin is right, there is no need to be unhappy because of the two servants." Fang Jinshu stepped into the door with a smile, nodded to her and said: "Thanks to my cousin for thinking about me, otherwise, I would have explained it to my mother. "

How did she come?

Ren Ying and Qin Yu thought at the same time.

Fang Jinshu often does things unexpectedly.

It's only been a day since she got married, yet she dared to drive someone out of the house.Instead of hiding at this time, instead of sending it to your door?

"My cousin is too polite." Ren Ying said with a false smile, "As long as my cousin doesn't think I'm meddling in my business, that's my blessing."

Fang Jinshu greeted Aunt Quan with a smile, and said, "Mother, I'm here today. I want you to see something." She waved her hand, and two servants came in at the door, carrying in two cypress boxes.

"What is this?" Mrs. Quan asked.

Fang Jinshu helped Aunt Quan get off the seat, asked someone to open the box, and said, "Mother, come and see."

Aunt Quan took a closer look and found that there were many things in these two unremarkable boxes.

There are high-quality ginseng slices, a few feet of silk, a jar of Xinfeng wine, two packs of wolfberry, etc. The things are very miscellaneous and placed in a mess.She even saw a string of Buddhist beads inside.

"Qin Yu, pick out that string of Buddhist beads for me." Aunt Quan thought it was her eyesight.

After Qin Yu delivered the string of Buddhist beads to her, Aunt Quan looked carefully and said, "Isn't this the string I dropped a few years ago? Why is it in this box?"

"So it belonged to my mother?" Fang Jinshu said in surprise, "I just said how could they have such a good red sandalwood Buddha beads with the two of them."

"Of course!" Mrs. Quan said angrily, "It was still in the old year, and I couldn't sleep well for a while, so Hei Lang specially sent someone to find peace of mind for me."

"So that's how it is. These people are too courageous! They even dare to steal from their mother." Fang Jinshu said angrily, "It's too cheap to just sell them out of the house!"

"It's them?" Mrs. Quan asked.

Fang Jinshu nodded and said: "Daughter-in-law thought that they had worked in Quan's family for several years, and they worked hard without credit. When they sold their family, they were allowed to pack up their personal belongings and leave."

"Where did I expect that they dawdled for a long time and refused to leave. Mu Chuan felt that there was something tricky, so he asked the prostitute to take them away forcibly, and searched their house thoroughly, and found these things."

"With their monthly money, how could they buy such a good thing. Mu Chuan felt that there was something wrong, so he told his wife back and forth. I was in charge of the house the first day, and after thinking about it, I had to ask my mother to give me an idea."

"It seems that these are all secretly obtained by them, or even stolen."

What he said was justified and well-founded, and he was full of respect for Mrs. Quan.This is the most powerful counterattack against Ren Ying's previous smearing of her.

Ren Ying's heart was pounding, her face was hot.

Could it be that Fang Jinshu can read minds?Otherwise, how would he know that he was talking about her just now.

Aunt Quan held the lost and found Buddhist beads in her hand, and she had no sympathy for the two women at all.What's the use of staying in Quan's house with such dirty hands and feet?

"Well done." Aunt Quan said: "If you don't send them off, you've already given them a way to survive. If something like this happens in the future, you don't have to go back and forth with me, girl, just make up your own mind."

She looked at her daughter-in-law with a smile, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became.

It was only the first day after entering the door that two moths in Quan's house were caught, and her lost prayer beads were also found.

The son's vision is really good.

"Then how?" Fang Jinshu said with a smile: "My husband asked me to be in charge of the house, just to take care of some trivial matters in life. These important matters should be reported to the mother, and the mother should be the one to decide."

"Mother, these two women are just ordinary servants in the kitchen, and they can save so much. The daughter-in-law feels that if the beam is not straight, the beam will be crooked."

If the person in charge is clean, the people below would not dare to have such courage.

Aunt Quan thought for a while, and said: "Hei Lang's daughter-in-law is right, the house should be cleaned up. It's all my fault, I didn't take care of the house."

She has lived in Luoyang City for the past few years, even if she has never eaten pork, she has seen pigs running.

 Thanks to "Shenqin" for the reward of 100 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Thanks to "Su Hai", "Grey Ling" and "Originally Strange" for their valuable monthly votes ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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