Twin Brocade

Chapter 849 Twist

Chapter 849 Twist
When visiting other people's homes, or chatting with others, Aunt Quan knew what it was like to be a housewife in the big families in Beijing.

She is the mother who has worked hard to bring up Quan Moxian, and the occasions where she is allowed to go are all families with a good relationship with Quan Moxian.I respect her from the bottom of my heart.

No one would blame her for the poor management of the Quan family's back house.

But she herself is in contrast, and she will vaguely know something.

Not to mention, after Quan Lu married into the Peng family, she became the head mother of the Peng family, and she would spend half a day every day dealing with these family chores.

The Peng family's population in Beijing is also very simple. If the Peng family is like this, why is it so easy for the Quan family?
It's not that many things were not reported to her because of coming here.

Even if she wanted to take care of it, she didn't know how to do it because of her lack of experience.

Now you will know that even two ordinary servants can secretly steal things at home, and even steal her prayer beads.Aunt Quan's heart was full of anger and guilt.

Angry at this kind of behavior, she felt guilty that Quan Moxian was weak, but she didn't manage the family well.

"Mother." Fang Jinshu shook her hand with a smile, and said, "In Beijing, everyone knows that it's not easy for you."

In the environment of Quan's family, she was able to send Quan Moxian to study in a private school and provide for his food and clothing. One can imagine the hardships involved.

It is no exaggeration to say that without her, there would be no Quan Moxian today.

"As long as mother is at ease, I will leave this family to me." Fang Jinshu said softly, "You can enjoy your life with peace of mind and don't have to worry about such cares. My daughter-in-law will tell you honestly about family affairs."

It is better to show it with actions than clever words, which will see people's hearts for a long time.

Her gentle and firm tone reassured Aunt Quan, and said with emotion: "Hei Lang's wife. From now on, I will hand over Hei Lang and this family to you."

"Before you got married, I knew you were capable." Mrs. Quan said, "Just let go and do it."

"Mother, don't say that." Fang Jinshu said: "Since I am married, I am your daughter-in-law. When I was in my mother's house, I was often taught by my mother. After marriage, I should serve my mother-in-law wholeheartedly and take care of my husband and children. This is my role." internal affairs."

Seeing the loving mother and the filial son, Qin Yu kept silent, Ren Ying almost tore a silk handkerchief.

She hated in her heart, seeing this great situation, as long as Mrs. Quan lets go, she can send someone to find the two women back.

At worst, news could spread to the Charity Hall.Let the servants of the Quan family know that in the Quan family, Fang Jinshu, a new daughter-in-law, has the final say.

As a result, Fang Jinshu was completely turned around by her when he came.

"Cousin," Fang Jinshu called her with a smile, and said, "Thank you, cousin, for thinking of my mother wholeheartedly. In the future, if my cousin does something wrong, I will ask my cousin to point it out from time to time."

As a cousin, her attitude towards Ren Ying is so low, it really gives her enough face.

This also let Aunt Quan breathe a sigh of relief.

For Aunt Quan, Ren Ying was the only blood left by her younger brother, and Fang Jinshu was her daughter-in-law.The palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh, and she didn't want to make Fang Jinshu and Ren Ying unhappy.

Ren Ying's background was suspicious, Quan Moxian didn't tell her in order to reassure his mother.

As Quan Moxian's wife, how could Fang Jinshu do something that disturbed Aunt Quan?That's why she lowered her stance and let Ren Ying step down.

When Fang Jinshu said this, Ren Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "My cousin doesn't mind offending me, so don't dare to say something."

She was secretly happy in her heart, fortunately, with her identity, she could win the favor of Mrs. Quan and make the other party have some scruples.

After uncovering the matter, Fang Jinshu and Aunt Quan talked for a while, and then it was time for dinner.

"My husband went to the yamen, and I think he will be back soon." Fang Jinshu said, "I have someone prepare meals. If mother is willing, I can send them here for dinner, okay?"

Fang Jinshu's companions were all carefully selected by Si Lansheng, and each of them had a certain skill.Naturally, there are also cooks who are good at cooking.

Fang Jinshu didn't let them enter Qingyingju before, because Fang Jinshu was just newly married and didn't want to bring too many people into Quan's house. He suspected that there were too many people.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to deal with these two talkative women, he selected a few servants who could be used to supplement them, and Aunt Hua took care of them.

What would Mrs. Quan not want to have dinner with her son and daughter-in-law?

She cheerfully agreed, and ordered: "Go and call Dudu over, and tell him that his mother has specially prepared meals."

Quan Yiting was adopted in Shantang, and has a very good relationship with Lin Chenfei.Aunt Quan was afraid that Fang Jinshu would be unfamiliar with him, so she deliberately let them spend more time together.

She knew that no matter how much she loved Quan Yiting, his future was still in the hands of Quan Moxian and Fang Jinshu.

Apart from other things, as far as his future marriage is concerned, his aunt will have the final say.

The Fang family's foundation in Beijing is now solid, and Fang Jinshu is the head of the county.As long as she is willing, she can find a good marriage for Quan Yiting.

But Fang Jinshu is in good health and will always have a child of her own, and she also looks forward to being able to embrace her own grandson.But for Quan Yiting, Mrs. Quan cherished it from the bottom of her heart, and she wanted to try to make him win Fang Jinshu's favor, so that mother and son could get closer.

"Grandmother, mother." Quan Yiting entered the room, stood firmly and saluted.

Aunt Quan responded with a smile, and said, "You didn't greet your cousin."

"Ah, is my cousin here?" Quan Yiting scratched his head embarrassingly, and said apologetically, "Excuse me for my stupid eyes, I didn't see it."

Ren Ying twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "It's all right."

She didn't know why, but from the moment she arrived at the Quan family, she had never been able to please the only young master of the Quan family.

What are you proud of?
It's just an adopted child, and he really thinks that he is a precious young master.

Ren Ying secretly slandered in her heart.

Aunt Quan laughed and said, "After all, I'm still a child. Go to your mother and tell me how many pages you've learned today."

In the past, whenever Quan Yiting came to her place, he would always stand by her.Now that she had Fang Jinshu, she asked Quan Yiting to get close to Fang Jinshu.

Quan Yiting complied obediently, walked up to Fang Jinshu and said, "Mother, today my child has reviewed "Children Learn Qionglin", and wrote more than ten pages of big characters according to the post written by father."

Fang Jinshu asked in surprise, "Has Ting'er finished studying "Jinglin"?"

She had just entered the door, and she hadn't had time to ask Quan Moxian about the pile of things in front of her, and the two of them didn't have time to communicate about Quan Yiting's studies.

"Really?" Aunt Quan was full of pride, and said: "I think Hei Lang hasn't had the time to tell you yet, our Dudu is an incredible little child prodigy!"

(End of this chapter)

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