Twin Brocade

Chapter 850 Willing to Wait

Chapter 850 Willing to Wait

"Grandmother, don't praise me!" Quan Yiting said embarrassedly: "Father said that mother is very knowledgeable, so I am nothing."

Fang Jinshu patted his head with a smile and said, "Our family, Dudu, is not only a child prodigy, but also knows how to be humble. It's really amazing."

Maybe it's because of the rough life experience that he is so sensible.

Looking at the little Quan Yiting, Fang Jinshu thought of Qiao Tongxuan.Everyone's maturity will pay a price.What a beautiful thing it would be if you could keep your innocence.

Thinking of this, she felt sorry for Quan Yiting.

Fang Jinshu stretched out his hand, embraced him by his side, and said, "In front of me, Dudu can laugh when he wants to, and cry when he wants to cry. If he feels uncomfortable, tell me, and if he is not happy, Wenshu can rest."

"You can, you don't have to be so sensible."

Quan Yiting blinked his big eyes, blinked back the tears in his eyes, nodded and leaned against her side.

Seeing the two getting acquainted so quickly, Aunt Quan smiled from ear to ear.

Ren Ying curled her lips angrily, what's so good about this Fang Jinshu?Just one day after entering the door, he won the favor of Quan's family.

"Master is back." A voice greeted Quan Moxian from the door.

Quan Moxian took off the cloak and handed it to the servants, and walked into the house.He just came back, before he had time to change his official robes, he came to greet Aunt Quan first.

Seeing Fang Jinshu was there, Quan Yiting snuggled up to her side like a chick, the smile on Quan Moxian's face deepened.

"It's just in time for you to come back," Mrs. Quan said with a smile, "I'll wait for you to come back and set the meal."

How long has it been since the Quan family has been this lively?

Looking at Fang Jinshu who brought warmth to this room, Quan Moxian's heart was full of warmth.

After eating, the two sat with Aunt Quan for a while.

"It's getting dark, you go back quickly." Aunt Quan urged the two of them, and then said: "You have just entered the door, and things are complicated, so you don't need to come to say hello to me these days, just take care of the current things Let's talk later."

Although she didn't know anything about housekeepers, she also knew that she would be in a hurry and there were many things waiting for Fang Jinshu.

"How can I do that?" Fang Jinshu said with a smile: "No matter how busy the daughter-in-law is, she still needs to visit her mother, so that her heart can be at ease."

"This child."

Aunt Quan complained in her mouth, but she was extremely relieved in her heart.

With such a sensible and polite daughter-in-law, what is she not satisfied with?

The two stepped out the door, and the sky outside was slowly getting dark, casting a dark blue sky over the courtyard.

Quan Moxian stood at the door waiting for her, and when Fang Jinshu came out, he covered her hand with his sleeve and said softly, "Hold your hand, and grow old with you."

This was still outside Mrs. Quan's house, he was so open about it that Fang Jinshu felt shy and sweet at the same time.

She twitched her hand, but was held tightly by him, so she simply let him hold it like this, and the two walked slowly towards Qingyingju.

This house is very big, Ci'en Hall and Qingyingju are the two closest courtyards, but they are still a little far away.

Quan Moxian gathered the collar of the cloak for her, and asked in a low voice, "How do you feel? I have a lot to tell you. How about we sit in the garden?"

When I arrived in Beijing yesterday, I first completed the major events in my life, and then I spent a night of lingering lingering death.

I haven't had time to tell her what happened in Bozhou and his party.

At this time, the sky was dim, and a round of bright moon quietly hung in the sky.The wind in February brings coolness, but it is not cold. The flowers and trees in the garden sway gently with the wind.

Such a beautiful evening, with her company, he was reluctant to end so soon.

But remembering his lack of restraint last night, Quan Moxian was worried about her body.

Fang Jinshu gave him an angry look, now he knows to ask himself?Why didn't he ask last night?
Thinking of last night, she felt that her legs were getting weaker and weaker, and said with a blushing face, "I haven't had time to go around the garden yet, so I might as well go and sit."

If they returned to the room so early, there would be only the two of them left.

She hasn't sorted out her feelings yet, and doesn't know how to face him.

In the twilight, this garden named "Qunfang Garden" by Fang Jinshu is very beautiful.Spring has not yet arrived, and the flowers and plants in early spring have begun to spit out new buds quietly.

A pair of Bi people wandered in it and walked slowly, like a poem and a picture.

The servants followed from a distance, for fear of disturbing the peace.

"Guess who I met in Bozhou?" Quan Moxian asked Fang Jinshu.

Since he asked that, he must have recognized this person.However, who can Bozhou have?Fang Jinshu shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Fang Jinpei."

"Her?" Fang Jinshu raised his eyebrows in surprise, and asked, "Where is she?"

"You would never have thought of it." Quan Moxian shook his head and said, "She is in Fengyue Pavilion, the largest brothel in Bozhou. She changed her name to Yuzhu, and she is a red card girl there."

This incident was so shocking that Fang Jinshu stopped in his tracks, "This..."

Quan Moxian explained the process of his trial in Bozhou in detail, and said: "Thanks to my lady, you let Gaolou come to help me. It was Yechen who found out, and Wu Zhanchong was a pawn that the Lu family placed in Bozhou to make money. "

"That's why I stayed put and didn't move until the deadline, in the name of the ghost trial, to anger Wu Zhanchong. Xia Zhifu invited me to Fengyue Pavilion, and I just took this opportunity to lure Wu Zhanchong, so that I can arrest him in a fair and honest manner." .”

"I really didn't expect to meet Fang Jinpei in Fengyue Pavilion." Quan Moxian said: "She has changed a lot, and she dare not ask me for help."

"Behind this, there must be some conspiracy." Fang Jinshu said.

"Yes, I think so too."

Fang Jinshu pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "Someone is behind this, using the control of girls like Fang Jinpei to plot something secretly."

"The brothel is the place with the best information. To collect information, you must be preparing for something." Quan Moxian said.

"This world is not peaceful." Fang Jinshu said slowly: "It looks like a bunch of flowers, but in fact it is undercurrent."

"You mean, the battle between the crown prince and King Qi?"

Fang Jinshu shook his head lightly, and said, "It's not just that."

The crown prince and King Qi are just the internal worries of the Gaomang Dynasty.There are also foreign aggressions, seeking to win this world.

Quan Moxian looked at her deeply, and asked, "Can you tell me?" The secret hidden in her body was her burden, and he wanted to share it for her.

"Not yet." Fang Jinshu said with a long sigh.

She's afraid, she's not sure.

She didn't know if telling Quan Moxian what was going to happen would change the existing track of history.After all, what an important figure he will be in the court in the future.

"Jin Shu, when you can tell me, please tell me first."

Love is tolerance and acceptance, not persecution or imprisonment.

He was willing to wait until the day she told him personally would come.

 Thanks to "Jiang 101628" for tipping 500 starting coins, "Linda Xiaozhou" for tipping 100 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Thanks to "Mint Weiliang" for the 2 precious monthly tickets, and thanks to "Book Friends 1612222222..." "Linda Xiaozhou", "It turns out to be strange" and "Book Friends 160425081644564" for the precious monthly tickets ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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