Twin Brocade

Chapter 851

Chapter 851
"it is good."

Fang Jinshu responded cautiously.

Regarding this matter, she never thought that she could hide it from the thoughtful Quan Moxian.

The two have always had this tacit understanding in their hearts, and this is the first time they have spoken out and reached an agreement in terms of words.

Putting this matter aside, Quan Moxian said: "Fang Jinpei, after all, is the eldest daughter of the second wife of your Fang family. How do you think about her affairs?"

If she is left alone, her identity will be exposed sooner or later.

Bozhou is not a remote place.Quan Moxian will meet her, and so will others.

Fang Jinshu thought for a while, and said, "Get her out first, and then I'll go back and tell my parents. Maybe, she'll just live her whole life incognito."

Fang Jinpei ended up like this, but she deserved it.

Saving her was not to see her in pity, but for the future of the Fang family.

Fang Shuyu has now become Zhan Shi of Prince Qi's mansion, and is the leader of civil servants on King Qi's side.He and the prince's faction sometimes fought in the court, winning and losing each other.

Fang Jinshu didn't hope that Fang Jinpei, a pawn controlled by a third-party force, would one day become a handle to blackmail the Fang family.

"Okay, leave it to me." Quan Moxian responded to the matter, saying: "Before I came back, I left people in Bozhou to watch over her. Send people there again to secretly pick her up."

"On behalf of the Fang family, I thank my husband for his help." Fang Jinshu bowed his knees and gave a blessing.

"Do you have to be so polite to me?" Quan Moxian was unhappy, grabbed her waist and put it in front of him, bowed his head and kissed her.

"You..." Fang Jinshu's eyes widened in surprise, and he placed his hands on his chest.

Quan Moxian flicked her eyes with his hand in dissatisfaction, and said, "Can you concentrate?"

His breath was warm, invading her space.

His strong heartbeat came from his subordinates, Fang Jinshu closed his eyes, and his heartbeat accelerated.

She tasted so sweet that Quan Moxian gently kissed her, reluctant to let go.

Fang Jinshu pushed him and said softly, "This is outside."

"I, I can't help it." Quan Moxian lowered his voice, and said in her ear: "You know, you are attracting me every moment."

Her soft body was held by him like this, almost clinging to her.

Sensitively aware of his reaction, Fang Jinshu couldn't help but blushed, thumped his shoulder and said, "You... how could you do this?"

"What's wrong with me?"

Quan Moxian looked down at her, his eyes were full of her reflection.His tone was like trying to lure an ignorant child with candy.

Does that make her say anything?

"Let go of me." She pushed his shoulder.

"Don't let go." Quan Moxian played tricks.

"Lord Quan, did you forget what you said when you were in the palace?" Fang Jinshu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Could it be that you forgot, I'm 'Kefu'? This is what you said yourself, sir, don't blame me for relying on you."

She knew his difficulties, but who stipulated that women must be considerate of men?For his bitter plan, he can say, can't he let her care about it?
She hasn't settled with him yet.Today, let's do the math together.

Quan Moxian was stunned, he had imagined her reaction to this matter countless times, but he didn't calculate that she would settle accounts with him at this time.

"Also." Fang Jinshu poked his shoulder with his index finger, and said, "What did you promise me when you went to Bozhou to handle the case this time? Then, you used yourself as bait again, didn't you?"

Everything she said made sense, but Quan Moxian was speechless.

He grabbed her finger and put it on his lips, kissed her, and said, "It won't happen in the future. In Bozhou, I have limited manpower and limited time, so I have to take risks."

Investigating the case was really not a difficult task for him.

After gaining Chen San's trust, he had already figured out the ins and outs of the whole matter.After a little investigation, he found out that Wu Zhanchong had done evil and acted like a dominator in Bozhou.

What's more, the case was not complicated from beginning to end.

The complexity is only the human heart.

It is the fear of Wu Zhanchong from the people of Bozhou, and Xia Zelin's courtesy and concern for Wu Zhanchong.

And Wu Zhanchong's interior is not monolithic.If he had time, as long as he was willing to spend time with him, it would not be difficult to solve the case.

But at that time, he was only thinking about coming back to marry her, so he didn't have the spare time to spend time with Wu Zhanchong.

"Girl, you don't know how much I miss you." Quan Moxian sighed softly, and rubbed the hair on the top of her head.He wanted to do this a long time ago.

His words of love came quietly inadvertently.

The sincerity in it made Fang Jinshu blush quietly, and couldn't bear to blame him anymore.

She brushed his hand away and said angrily, "You messed up my hair."

"It's so late, let's go back to the room, I'll untie the bun for you." Quan Moxian had thought about the joy of loosening her hair with his own hands for a long time.

"Don't just fool around like this." Fang Jinshu tried to wake himself up, resisting his tenderness, and said, "What happened on the way back?"

"Don't think I will forget, what happened when you came back yesterday?"

Fang Jinshu could never forget how he felt when he appeared in Xitang.Seeing him come back safely, she breathed a sigh of relief.In the blink of an eye, the blood on his robe made his heart hang high.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

"You really think your life is hardened, huh?"

Seeing that he couldn't be fooled, Quan Moxian had no choice but to tell the truth with a bitter face: "There are people from Lu's family and people from Wei Yixin. In addition, there are two groups. I guess they are from Guan Jinghuan, and other families who have made trouble."

It turned out that there were four groups of people. No wonder he had a hard time coping even though he was well prepared.Even if he didn't mention the danger along the way, Fang Jinshu could still imagine it.

The members of the Lu family who were able to catch up so quickly must have something to do with Wei Yixin.

Guan Jinghuan wanted to take this opportunity to pull out his nail, and then take this opportunity to push it to Wu Zhanchong or the aristocratic family, which is his consistent style.

Even if Quan Moxian showed his refusal to be courted by King Qi, an uncontrolled pawn would be safer for Guan Jinghuan to die than to live.

The other aristocratic families could not deal with him because of Quan Moxian's rebellion, but because of Emperor Qinglong's support.Therefore, it is not surprising to regard him as a thorn in the side and want to fish in troubled waters to get rid of him.

But Wei Yixin's shot, did she really want his life?
Fang Jinshu thought carefully, and asked, "What's going on with Wei Yixin?"

Quan Moxian replied: "I was wary of her early in the morning, and she really showed up at the last moment."

He suddenly remembered something, and said: "She has a red pill in her hand, which claims to make me bow to her. I see, this kind of pill is also very precious to her, she is not willing to use it on me, and intends to persuade me .”

red pill?

Fang Jinshu was startled, recalled a distant past, and asked, "What was it like, tell me in detail."

Could it be that Wei Yixin really developed that medicine?
(End of this chapter)

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