Twin Brocade

Chapter 857 Bold and Careful

Chapter 857 Bold and Careful
The clothes he was wearing were still the gray linen clothes from that day.After being held in prison for two days, the dusty appearance was even more inconspicuous.

Wu Zhengxiang made a gesture for Quan Moxian to come for interrogation, Quan Moxian thanked him, got up and went to the prisoner, and walked around a few times.

Ever since he was caught as a Xiaoqiguard, the prisoner was in a panic.

In this city of Luoyang, who doesn't know the name of Xiaoqiwei?That is the place where even the courtiers can be directly arrested. It is said that as long as you enter the Xiaoqiwei, you will lose a layer of skin if you don't die.

Xiao Qiwei's reputation can stop children from crying at night.

Quan Moxian walked very slowly, but his steps were heavy.

This step, one step, seemed to be walking on his heart.

It's as if he knew that he would face severe punishment next, but it was too late.This kind of psychological torture frightened him more than physical pain.

After Quan Moxian walked around a few times, he stopped behind him and reached out to pull out the inside of his collar.

Wu Zhengxiang took a closer look, the fabric pulled out by Quan Moxian was fine fine cloth.This contrasts too much with the gray linen jacket he wears outside.

How can a man who can only wear gray linen afford fine linen as an underclothes?Either they were hiding their identities, or they got ill-gotten gains suddenly.

He smiled slightly, Quan Moxian really has something extraordinary about him.Immediately made up his mind not to speak anymore, waiting to see Quan Moxian reveal the identity of the criminal.

"You were instructed by someone." This was Quan Moxian's first sentence, not a question.

Of course he was instigated by others, otherwise, even if he had a hundred guts, he wouldn't dare to drive his horse against the county magistrate.

The prisoner shrank his neck and shivered.

"It's the princess." Quan Moxian's second sentence was still so firm.

"No! No!" The prisoner was startled, waved his hands, and said, "It's not Princess Baochang!"

Wu Zhengxiang laughed out loud.

Xiaoqi guards always interrogate prisoners quickly, but today he opened his eyes and saw faster ones.

Quan Moxian only used two sentences, without using any punishment, and let the other party obediently confess to the mastermind behind the scenes.

This seems very simple, but behind it requires excellent observation and judgment.It is no exaggeration to describe it as bold and careful.

Wu Zhengxiang possessed internal strength, and his laughter pierced through the sky.

The inmate was puzzled by his smile and looked flustered.He realized that he seemed to have committed some unforgivable mistake.

Quan Moxian smiled, squatted down on one leg and looked at him, and said, "I didn't say it was Princess Baochang."

This is the capital city. Although the Gaomang Dynasty has only gone through two dynasties since its founding, there are quite a few princesses.Not counting those who are unknown, there are several princesses with names and surnames in Luoyang City.

Quan Moxian only said it was a princess, but didn't say which princess it was.

The criminal was revealed by him, and he himself said the name of Princess Baochang.After reacting, his heart was ashamed.

Xiao Qiwei is terrible, and so is Princess Baochang.He can't afford to offend both sides, so what should we do?

Seeing his weeping face, Quan Moxian said: "How Princess Baochang ordered you, you have explained in detail, and I can intercede for you in front of Commander Wu. Perhaps, you still have a way out."

There was a glimmer of hope in the prisoner's eyes, and he asked, "Really?"

Quan Moxian smiled and said nothing.

At this time, besides believing in himself, is there any other way for him to go?

"Okay, I say, I say!"

The criminal turned over and fell on the ground, ignoring the injury to his ankle, knocked his head several times, and confessed honestly: "The villain is a handlebar driver in a carriage and horse dealership, and he is familiar with horse nature. Earlier this month, A housekeeper from a rich family came to me and promised me money and asked me to do something."

"I heard that it was intended to hurt Master Quan to marry the wife who entered the door. Originally, he didn't do it." The prisoner kowtowed to Quan Moxian and said, "I have a distant nephew, and it is thanks to Master Quan that he didn't do it." is convicted."

"But the man saw that I would not follow, so he showed Princess Baochang, and threatened me that if I didn't obey, he would take my family and my family under the knife." In his eyes, there was anger and helplessness.

"My lord, tell me, what can I do?"

On one side are close family members, and on the other side are respected adults.This made him fall into a dilemma, and finally chose his family.

Quan Moxian let out a long sigh, and the only sound in the room was the sound of Wu Zhengxiang tapping his knuckles on the table.

Princess Baochang is still the arrogant and domineering Princess Baochang who never thinks of others.To her, the lives of the common people are like worthless things, which can be manipulated at will.

This is what Quan Moxian hated her the most.

After the prisoner finished his confession, there were tears of resentment in his eyes.

"Lord Quan, the villain has admired your great name for a long time. Please save the villain and save my family!" He kowtowed vigorously a few times, blood oozing from his forehead: "In the past two days in prison, I have been worried day and night. .”

"I'm afraid that I will be arrested if I don't do my job well, and the Princess House will take revenge on my family. I don't know how they are doing now."

This is the accusation and struggle of the little people at the bottom of society.

They are humble, but they are also human.There are joys, sorrows and joys, as well as my own life and family, and I work hard to live a better life.

What right does Princess Baochang, who is so high above her, have to put her in such a situation?

"Lord Wu, I will not pursue this matter." Quan Moxian cupped his hands and said.

He can't be the one who helps the evildoers.


Wu Zhengxiang was really surprised when Quan Moxian said this.

He himself is also a member of Wu Xun. Although he has a special experience, he is also a real privileged class.For him, he was used to seeing such things, and his heart was far less touched than Quan Moxian's.

"My lord, please be merciful and let him go." Quan Moxian knew this request, and it was a bit embarrassing for Wu Zhengxiang.

The person captured by the Xiaoqiwei was really guilty, so how could he be released from prison without any punishment?

This damages the reputation of Xiaoqiwei.

A smile flashed across Wu Zhengxiang's lips, and he said, "It's not difficult for me to let him go. But for this matter, Master Quan needs to guarantee it, and you owe me a favor."

"Okay!" Quan Moxian responded immediately, "Tomorrow I will have the Criminal Department arrest the person quickly."

In this way, it is a normal transfer of criminals between yamen. After they arrive at the Ministry of Punishment, it has nothing to do with Xiaoqiwei.

"Even so, you can't guarantee his safety." Wu Zhengxiang said.

For this person, the biggest threat comes from the Princess Mansion.

"Master Wu, please don't worry, this matter will be negotiated with the princess mansion." Isn't Princess Baochang's deliberate plan just to get rid of the woman who married him?
This matter started because of him, and only he can solve it.

Wu Zhengxiang smiled brightly, and said, "Lord Quan, please forgive me for talking too much, but you are still newly married."

At this time, Quan Moxian ran to see Princess Baochang, and there would be new excitement in Luoyang City.

(End of this chapter)

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