Twin Brocade

Chapter 858 Mind Reading

Chapter 858 Mind Reading

Quan Moxian smiled and said: "The lower officials will handle it themselves."

Princess Baochang acted like this, which made him very angry.

It wasn't enough to harm Lin Chenfei, but now he wanted to harm Fang Jinshu.She thought that by forcing a driver of a chariot and horses to make a move, she would be able to hide it from him, it was too naive!

This time, he wanted her to learn a lesson.

"Thank you, Mr. Quan, thank you, Mr. Commander." The criminal kowtowed to the ground, overjoyed.

On the day he was arrested, he was already desperate, and he never thought that there would be a day when he would see the light of day again.

"You don't need to thank me." Wu Zhengxiang pointed at Quan Moxian and said, "You need to remember the kindness that Master Quan gave you. There is no room for sand in my eyes, if it wasn't for him, I would not let a sinner go."

The prisoner turned around and kowtowed to Quan Moxian.

Quan Moxian helped him up with both hands, and said: "When you get out of prison, you can live a good life. If you can, stay away from the capital."

Luoyang City is the most prosperous place in the world, but it has also become a place of right and wrong.

He has passed the current hurdle, if Princess Baochang holds grudges, she can put him to death at any time after the matter is over.

Quan Moxian could help him this time, but he couldn't stare at him and protect him all the time.

"Thank you sir." He bowed his body and said, "The villain originally thought that if he could escape this disaster, he would bring his wife, children and old parents back to his hometown."

Although his hometown is poor, without these dignitaries who can wantonly trample on the common people, his life can always go on.

Having someone take the criminals down, Wu Zhengxiang said, "I will keep an eye out for those who assassinated you."

With the ability of the Xiao cavalry guard, no matter how well the opponent hides, it is not difficult to find out the clues.

This matter was beyond Quan Moxian's expectations.

Wu Zhengxiang has this ability, but he doesn't have to help him.

The main purpose of setting up Xiaoqiwei is firstly to build a team that is only loyal to Emperor Qinglong, and secondly to monitor all officials and investigate rebels.

The assassination of Quan Moxian, Xiaoqiwei can take care of it or not.

Coming here today, Quan Moxian's main purpose is to find out the mastermind behind the startling horse case.Now that the goal has been achieved, he never thought that Wu Zhengxiang would help him again.

He got up and stood up, bowed deeply to Wu Zhengxiang, and said, "Thank you, Commander, sir."

"No need." Wu Zhengxiang smiled and said, "Tell me everything you know." Dare to assassinate the imperial court official is to challenge the emperor's authority.He's going to take care of it, and no one can say he's wrong.

Quan Moxian said everything, including his guesses about these groups of people.

He didn't hide Wei Yixin's manpower either.

Since the other party wanted his life, why did he bother to cover it up for them?
With the intervention of Xiaoqiwei, these behind-the-scenes masters must have a headache for a while.

And the turmoil caused by this matter in the court will become more intense.

"To tell you the truth, my lord, I returned to the Ministry of Punishment to report to my order yesterday, and I have written a report on this matter." Quan Moxian said.He explained in advance, so as not to cause misunderstandings about his use of Xiaoqiwei.

Everyone is a smart person, he deliberately told this matter, Wu Zhengxiang understood his thoughts in an instant.

"Okay." Dealing with sensible people is refreshing, Wu Zhengxiang said with a smile: "I'm only in charge of investigating cases."

He doesn't care what kind of political purpose Quan Moxian wants to use this matter to achieve, it's a court dispute.He just investigated the case and presented the results to Emperor Qinglong's desk.

"Thank you for your help, my lord."

Quan Moxian saluted again before leaving.

Watching him go out, Wu Zhengxiang was thoughtful.His trusted confidant Feng Yi couldn't help asking: "Master, why do you treat a civil servant with such courtesy?"

He is still a mere fifth-rank civil servant who begs to come to his door.

Wu Zhengxiang shook his finger and said, "This son is not something in the pond."

In the court, age is often directly proportional to seniority, but Quan Moxian cannot apply such a standard.

Feng Yi agreed: "Yes. The subordinate watched him solve the case as if he was watching a magic trick. Master, how did he know that that person is from Princess Baochang's residence?"

"How does he know? According to my guess, he is at most six or seven percent sure." Wu Zhengxiang said.

"He doesn't know?" Feng Yi asked in surprise.

"How many people dare to act recklessly in Beijing? Who are the people who can't get along with him?" Wu Zhengxiang explained: "Even those aristocratic families, who in Luoyang City don't behave with their tails between their legs."

"Combined with the clothes of the prisoner, so that the two sides are confirmed, there are not many suspicious candidates left."

"Ah!" Feng Yi suddenly realized: "So that's the case. The subordinates thought that he could read minds, and he could know the origin of the other party just by looking at it."

Wu Zhengxiang laughed, and said: "Even you have been concealed from him, he really has something special." Feng Yi's ability is one of the best among his subordinates.

Therefore, the criminal was cheated out of his real identity by Quan Moxian all at once.

"It's nothing." Wu Zhengxiang thought for a while, and said, "I admire his mind."

Quan Moxian was similar in age to him, but he was able to forgive the murderer who was right in front of him.Not only that, but also advise the other party to avoid right and wrong.

This pattern made Wu Zhengxiang feel ashamed.

He couldn't do it, he had hatred in his heart, and he had to use blood to wash it away.

Feng Yi fell silent.

He knew the past and hardships of his master, and he also knew what kind of abuse Wu Zhengxiang had suffered.

Walking out of Xiaoqiwei's yamen, the eyes of the people around them all changed a little when they looked at Quan Moxian.Xiaoqiwei has few people, but the news about this place is the focus of people's attention in Beijing.

Quan Moxian visited the Commander of the Xiaoqiguards and walked out unharmed.

Then connect the few things he encountered before getting married, people will inevitably have imaginations.

In the princess mansion, Princess Baochang was so angry that she dropped a pastel porcelain cup and said angrily, "Everyone is so incompetent! They can't do anything well."

If it wasn't for fearing that Quan Moxian would be angry, she would have sent someone to smash up the Quan family's wedding hall, or simply take Fang Jinshu away.

Why do you hide it and ask people to find some coachman?

Who came up with this bad idea!

She opened her eyes wide, stared at Jinque and said, "Who came up with the idea? Call him to this princess."

"Princess, it's the son-in-law." Jinque knelt on the ground and said tremblingly.


Princess Baochang was taken aback when she heard the name, she was really dizzy with anger, and she forgot that it was the son-in-law who said to do this so that she would not be suspected of going to the princess's house.

"What about others?"

"I'm telling the princess, my son-in-law left Beijing for hunting the day before yesterday."

Quan Moxian married his wife, and the son-in-law knew that no matter whether Fang Jinshu could be successfully murdered or not, Princess Baochang would definitely not stop here.Instead of staying in the princess mansion and being angered, it is better to stay away from the center of the storm.

Go hunting?

Princess Baochang was so angry that she had nowhere to vent her anger. She brushed all the things on the table to the ground with her backhand, and sat down on the chair to sulk.

There was only a loud rattling, and Canary was too frightened to look up.

 Thanks to "Book Friends 161222223914195" and "cissyXX" for each voting for 2 precious monthly tickets, and thanks to "Long River Gradually Falling" and "Yu Feixu" for voting for their precious monthly tickets^_^
(End of this chapter)

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