Twin Brocade

Chapter 860 Confession

Chapter 860 Confession
At that time, he was full of resentment, and he only wanted to pay the blood price for those who hurt Lin Chenfei, and he didn't care about these at all.

Later, they all formed the habit of eating a few mouthfuls indiscriminately when they got busy, and came back to order a bowl of noodles after forgetting dinner.

Looking at his appearance, Fang Jinshu knew that he hadn't had a good life these past few years.

"Grandma." Mu Chuan interfaced outside: "You have to take good care of our young master. He doesn't eat according to the order, it's not a day or two."

He followed Quan Moxian, worrying about his food every day, but he himself didn't care.

Originally, he wanted to make Ren Ying and Quan Moxian together, but also because he wanted a woman to take care of his daily necessities.

When Fang Jinshu asked about it, he seized the opportunity to complain.

Quan Moxian said helplessly: "You brat, look back and see how I deal with you!"

Fang Jinshu burst into laughter, and said with a smile, "You two have such a good relationship."

She has seen all the people who follow Quan Moxian.Quan Moxian has a good eye for employing people, and all of them are extremely loyal.

Quan Moxian smiled, pulled out his hot hands, pulled Fang Jinshu and said, "They are all brats, ignore them! Let's eat first."

Fang Jinshu pursed his lips and smiled, stopped mentioning the matter, and ordered the dinner to be served.

After dinner, the two walked hand in hand in the yard.

"I'm going back tomorrow." Quan Moxian said: "I went to Xiaoqiwei Yamen in the morning, and I went shopping in the afternoon. I packed a car in the front yard so that I can accompany you back to your mother's house."

It is a big day for the newlyweds to return home in three dynasties.

The two things he said surprised Fang Jinshu: "I thought you couldn't take care of it, so I asked Nanny Hua to prepare the return ceremony first."

Quan Moxian squeezed her hand, smiled and said, "No matter how busy I am with such a big matter, I won't neglect it. How can I use your dowry for the return ceremony?"

Looking at his doting eyes, Fang Jinshu's heart felt sweet, and he said apologetically, "It's my fault, it's your fault."

Quan Moxian looked down at her, and said, "You and I will never apologize."

The two walked a few steps, and Fang Jinshu asked, "You went to Xiaoqiwei because of the incident on the day you got married?"

That day, thanks to Wu Zhengxiang, it was only a false alarm.

Quan Moxian nodded, and said: "I have to find out whoever wants to harm you."

"Thank you." Fang Jinshu stopped in his tracks and thanked him sincerely.

Xiaoqiwei is a daunting existence to many people.Especially the civil servants of the imperial court have a natural hostility and resistance to Xiaoqiwei.

Quan Moxian went to Xiaoqiwei for his own sake, but he didn't know what rumors would be caused.

Her worry was beyond words, Quan Moxian stroked her cheek with the back of his hand, and said with a light smile, "Don't worry, there are too many lice and it doesn't itch."

The so-called clear is clear, and turbid is turbid.

His reputation, under the slander of those aristocratic families who have spared no effort, has already been bad enough.

Coupled with a reputation for clinging to the powerful, it's no big deal.

"How did you find out?" Fang Jinshu asked.

The criminal fell into Wu Zhengxiang's hands, Fang Jinshu was not worried.In any case, she and Xu Wanzhen always had a relationship, and she also had contact with Wu Zhengxiang.

Even for Xu Wan's sake, Wu Zhengxiang would take care of her.

In her previous life, she knew that Wu Zhengxiang and Xu Wanzhen were more in love than gold, and they had a deep affection that she could not understand.In this world, nothing can separate the two of them.

Wu Zhengxiang was unparalleled in resourcefulness and martial arts, but he couldn't have been more kind to Xu Wanzhen.

Even, Ai Wu Ji Wu took care of the whole family of the Xu family, as well as the relatives of the Xu family.Just like right now, although Xu Wanzhen is in a coma, Wu Zhengxiang has never lacked concern for her and the Xu family.

"I met Lord Wu." Quan Moxian looked at her and said, "Have you met him before?"

Fang Jinshu said "Yes", and said, "He is sister Wanzhen's fiancé."

She had revealed to Wu Zhengxiang the day when Xu Wanzhen woke up, but it was a long story.Before she can't be honest with Quan Moxian about the fact of her rebirth, she might as well keep it secret.

"No wonder, he said that I am very similar to you."

"He means you are very courageous?" Fang Jinshu couldn't help laughing when he thought about Wu Zhengxiang's meeting with Quan Moxian.

Quan Moxian also laughed, nodded and said: "Yes. He is not like what the rumors say, and he asked me to personally interrogate the criminal."

Fang Jinshu chuckled and said, "Master Quan, isn't your reputation also very bad?" If the rumors are credible, there is nothing really credible in this world.

"That's true." Quan Moxian told the story of the man being coerced by the princess mansion, his eyes darkened, and said: "Princess Baochang, you really acted recklessly."

Seeing the wound hidden deep in his eyes, Fang Jinshu felt very distressed.

She couldn't forget, couldn't forget his lonely figure standing in the courtyard amidst the bleak whiteness.

That kind of sadness goes deep into the bone marrow.

And the culprit who brought all that was Princess Baochang.

She put her hand on his cheek, and Fang Jinshu said softly: "It's all over, you have to live well. I think Sister Fei'er has a spirit in heaven, and I don't want to see you torture yourself like this."

Quan Moxian nodded, held her hand and said, "Fei'er, I have always regarded her as my own sister, but I have harmed her. If I didn't want to fulfill her wish, how could she have died?"

He couldn't remember how many times he had said these words to himself.

But right now, it's the first time he's talking to someone.

The innocence and persistence when I was young thought that I could fight against the rich and powerful with my blood.In the end, it was Lin Chenfei who paid the price with her life.

He didn't want to think about these self-blame and remorse, but they reminded him all the time.

"You said, did I do something wrong, so wrong?!"

"Brother Mo!"

Fang Jinshu embraced him distressedly, smoothed his frown from pain with his hands, and said softly, "It's not your fault, nor is it sister Fei'er's fault."

They are wrong, how can you blame you?

His body was a little chilly, and Fang Jinshu hugged him for a long time before he felt that he had warmed up.

"This time, I must not let her go." Quan Moxian hugged her and whispered in her ear, as if reassuring her, as if telling himself, and as if swearing.

"Don't act recklessly." Fang Jinshu said, "Look, I'm fine, aren't I? Her clumsy tricks can't hurt me."

She is not Lin Chenfei, not a weak woman who is slaughtered and has no power to fight back.

That day, even if she was sitting in the wedding sedan chair and was hit by the startled horse, she was sure that her life would not be in danger.Although it is inevitable that you will be injured, you will never die because of it.

Quan Mo Xiancai, a fifth-rank official, what would he use to fight against Princess Baochang?
Even if the other party is far less favored by Emperor Qinglong than before, she is still a princess.

"No." Quan Moxian shook his head, and said, "I've been preparing for a long time."

 Thanks to "Yunjihong" for the two precious monthly tickets, and thanks to "Meowma. Moluo", "Yutian", "zzfffffff" and "Pippi Love Mom" ​​for the precious monthly tickets^_^
(End of this chapter)

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