Twin Brocade

Chapter 861

Chapter 861
The main purpose of his hypocrisy with Princess Baochang was not to use her to open up business routes.

That's just incidental.

The most important thing is that he can lower Princess Baochang's vigilance and get the entire Princess Mansion to relax their vigilance towards him.Only in this way can he get the news that others cannot know.

For example, the son-in-law.

"Are you ready?" Fang Jinshu asked.She was not surprised that Quan Moxian had planned for a long time.

"Yes." Quan Moxian stroked her hair and said, "You don't have to worry, there won't be any risk."

Princess Baochang dared to attack Fang Jinshu, so he just took this opportunity to attack and asked her to pay a little interest first.

"You just let go and do it."

Fang Jinshu knew the hatred in his heart, all she could do was to support him with all her strength, just like he trusted her unconditionally.

"Today, I met everyone in the back house." Fang Jinshu told him about the family affairs, and said, "Uncle Liu has a good eye for buying people, but when there are too many people, it will inevitably become complicated."

In fact, it was due to long-term neglect of discipline.However, she couldn't say that. If she did, it would be tantamount to shifting the responsibility to Mrs. Quan.

Quan Moxian held her hand and listened quietly.

"Looking at the good servants, I will stay. Those who are selfish, talkative, and greedy, I will release them one after another in the next few days."

"You have the final say on the affairs of the inner house." Quan Moxian said.

It is not a good reputation for a newlywed to sell servants as soon as she arrives at her husband's house.She was willing to do such a thing for herself, and Quan Moxian was moved.

"I'm only worried that if you do this, people will criticize you." Quan Moxian thought for a while, and still expressed his worries.He couldn't let Fang Jinshu stand out for the sake of the Quan family.


Fang Jinshu looked at him with a smile, and said playfully, "My husband said that lice don't itch." She returned what Quan Moxian had said just now.


Quan Moxian raised his head and laughed, hugging her for a long time.

"We are a 'natural couple', right?" Quan Moxian thought of what Wu Zhengxiang said today, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became.He felt more and more that the little wife he married really suited him perfectly.

In a corner of the garden, the hearty laughter of the man and the crisp voice of the woman came.

Mu Chuan stood by from a distance, deeply moved.

How long has he not seen such a happy son?In other words, there are only a handful of times when Quan Moxian really had fun.

The Quan Moxian that Mu Chuan saw, fought alone and overcame obstacles for his family, to realize his own political ambitions, for the common people, and for the weak.

In the Ministry of Punishment, he is cold and solemn; in order not to be calculated by others, he alienates the crowd.

Surrounded by enemies, he has to think and think about every word he utters, how can he be happy?

Now this big grandma is really great.

He knew it was wrong, but Mu Chuan still couldn't help it, silently comparing Fang Jinshu and Lin Chenfei in his heart.

The relationship between Lin Chenfei and Quan Moxian is more like that of brother and sister than husband and wife.

She needs his protection, she is a woman living under his wings, she cannot resist the storms from the outside world.

As for Fang Jinshu, she is someone who can stand hand in hand with her son.

Before she got married, she gave Quan Moxian vital help in several key matters.As Quan Moxian's confidant, Mu Chuan has personally experienced all these things.

It's great that she can marry her son!

With her, the young master has someone to take care of him, let alone fight against those full of malice alone.

Not to mention anything else, just seeing that she has only been married for two days, the atmosphere of the Quan family has calmed down.A worry-free back house is the greatest support for Quan Moxian.

In early spring and February, the night breeze is slightly cool.

I don't know where there are wild flowers blooming in spring, and there is a fragrance of flowers in the wind.

Quan Moxian sniffed lightly, and lowered his head to smell the fragrance of the woman in his arms. His clear voice was full of affection: "It's getting late, and I have to go back to the door tomorrow, and rest early."

In his fiery embrace, hearing what he said, Fang Jinshu felt a little weak in his legs, so he responded in a low voice.

Quan Moxian gave a muffled smile, and said, "Don't worry, I will accompany you back to your mother's house tomorrow, and I will restrain myself."

As an adult man with sound body and mind, he only really tasted what a woman is after marrying Fang Jinshu.That's why, during the wedding night in the bridal chamber, he couldn't restrain himself and asked for it several times.

At night, Fang Jinshu's presence was the biggest temptation for him.

But he really loved her so much that he made him think for her and restrained his instincts.

Fang Jinshu's cheeks were hot. This man could always easily make her blush and heartbeat.

It's night, a room with beautiful scenery, so sweet and lingering.

The next day, just after dawn, Fang Fei poured hot water in lightly, and knocked on the door of the inner room: "Grandma, are you awake?"

Fang Jinshu gave an "um" and said, "I'm awake." Her voice was slightly hoarse, with a strong nasal sound.Sounds like a lazy sexy.

Fang Fei went in with water, saw Quan Moxian bowed his head and kissed Fang Jinshu's forehead, put on his outer robe and went to clean the room.

She hurriedly looked away, blushed and twisted the towel to wash her face, and waited on Fang Jinshu's clean face.

In her memory, the girl always moves neatly and refreshingly when she wakes up early.

When she was a girl, Fang Jinshu slept very lightly.No matter how tired you are on the first day, you will wake up as soon as you hear the sound on the second day.

Most of the time, Fang Jinshu wakes up earlier than her.

However, in the past few days after being married to Quan's family, Fang Jinshu was weak when he woke up early, and needed her support.In the corners of her eyes and brows, there was a bit of lazy sleepiness, and she was more like a young woman than before.

"Grandma, didn't you sleep well at night?" Fang Fei said: "My servant is thinking, it's better to come in and watch the night."

When they were at Fang's house, the maid who was on duty at night slept on the couch next to the bed, in case Fang Jinshu had any orders at night.

Fang Jinshu closed his beautiful eyes, concealed the shyness in his eyes, shook his head and said, "No need, you just need to be on duty outside." At night, Quan Moxian was so obsessed with her, how could she have the nerve to ask someone to come in to watch at night.

In a big family's house, the night watch in the master's ovary is usually the girl who let the master show his face.

But at least for now, Fang Jinshu has no such plan.

Fang Zhi came in with a food box and set up breakfast, Fang Jinshu and Quan Moxian ate together, and the two went to pay Mrs. Quan a greeting.

"Go home today, don't worry about the family, just come back after playing more." Aunt Quan said cheerfully: "This daughter is married, and the parents at home are thinking about it."

When Quan Lu got married, didn't she just miss her like this?
I just felt that three days was too long, and I didn't let go of my heart until I saw my daughter was doing well on the day I returned home.

(End of this chapter)

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