Twin Brocade

Chapter 862

Chapter 862

"Thank you, mother." Fang Jinshu saluted.

Quan Yiting opened his eyes wide and hooked her sleeves.

"Why, does Dudu want to go too?" Fang Jinshu knelt down and asked, stroking his cheek.

Quan Yiting was such a cute and sensible child, but his background was so pitiful, which made Fang Jinshu feel a little more pity for him.

"Next time." Quan Moxian said.

In terms of title, Quan Yiting is his eldest son.Even if he was just adopted, even if he had his own flesh and blood in the future, Quan Moxian never planned not to give him this title.

However, going to Fang's house this time was different, it was Fang Jinshu's first time returning home.

What is it to bring back the eldest son left by his ex-wife?It seems too disrespectful.

Hearing this, Quan Yiting frowned, full of grievances.

"Why are you so fierce?" Fang Jinshu was dissatisfied, and instead coaxed Quan Yiting: "Mother has a lot of things to do when she goes back today, how about you stay at home and accompany grandma for me? Next time, I will definitely take you back."

Hearing what she said, Quan Yiting became happy in a blink of an eye, nodded seriously and said: "The children listen to their mother."

Seeing that the two mothers are kind and their sons are filial, Mrs. Quan is so happy that she can't hold her tongue from ear to ear.

Fang Fei and the others surrounded Fang Jinshu, Quan Moxian walked in the lead, and the group got into the carriage beside the Chuihua Gate.

Nanny Hua and Fang Jinshu rode in the same car, and the rest of the servants followed in the same car, and there was an extra cart to pull the return ceremony.Quan Moxian was riding a horse, guarding one side.

From Ancongfang to Xiuwenfang, the distance is not far or near.

The city of Luoyang was already prosperous, and at this time it was time for the morning fair, there were a lot of pedestrians on the road, and the carriages were moving very slowly.

Fang Jinshu leaned on the pillow, a little drowsy.

She didn't know when she fell asleep last night.In order to take care of her feelings, Quan Moxian tried his best to be gentle.This tenderness and consideration made her feel too greedy even though she knew she was going back home today.

"Grandma." Nanny Hua sat opposite her, looked at her, and said with a smile, "Young couples are passionate, that's a good thing."

"Nurse..." Fang Jinshu felt a little embarrassed.

Madam Hua laughed and said, "I drove them all to the back to sit, just to have a nice talk with Grandma."

In Qingyingju, Fang Jinshu was always surrounded by attendants.These words are not easy to say in front of the servant girl.

"Please teach me, Mammy."

"It's nothing to talk about teaching." Madam Hua looked at her with a look of relief.

When I was in the palace, I was ordered by the Fang family to teach the fourth girl, and I just regarded it as a task, and didn't pay much attention to it.

Unexpectedly, such a fate has been achieved.

She almost died in the palace, but the little marquis of Guichenghou's mansion entrusted her to leave the palace.When she arrived at Fang's house, she realized that it was Fang's family who wanted to ask Nanny Xi for advice, and Fang Jinshu told Xiangjun her name.

To put it simply, if it wasn't for Fang Jinshu, she would have died in that deep palace.

Fang Jinshu never mentioned this to her, and she only found out about it inadvertently.

Therefore, when Si Lansheng asked if she would like to be Fang Jinhui's dowry mother, she refused.At that time, she thought that no matter who Fang Jinshu married, she would be her dowry mother.

Madam Hua is a person with a cold face and a warm heart, and she is determined to repay this kindness with her whole life.

"Grandma, I have a few words, I don't know if I should say it or not." Madam Hua considered her words.

"Sister, please tell me." Fang Jinshu said: "With Mammy's ability, following me in Quan's house is really condescending. I was thinking in my heart that I would ask Mammy to be the nanny in charge of the house, so that I could enforce all the rules of the house." Stand up."

"So, here, it doesn't matter what the nanny says, no matter what it is."

She trusted Madam Hua and wanted to give her a heavy responsibility.

The sooner the Quan family's inner house is straightened out, the sooner she can free up her hands.

"Grandma." Mammy Hua didn't expect her to say such a thing, she was slightly stunned for a moment, and replied cautiously: "Please rest assured, Grandma, I will definitely not let down your trust."

Fang Jinshu smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, Madam, the Quan family is not big and the population is small. My husband has granted me the right to be independent in the back house, and my mother-in-law is also sensible."

She gave Mammy Hua a reassurance first.

Indeed, the population of the Quan family is many times simpler than those of the big families.This truth, even if she didn't say it, Nanny Hua would still understand it.

"Grandma, don't take it lightly." Madam Hua said, "The Quan family has a small population, but it's not simple."

This is exactly what she wanted to tell Fang Jinshu today: "I know it, and Grandma knows it well. Today, it's just a few words of nonsense. Dare to ask Grandma what's on her mind, so that I can make up my mind."

"Are you referring to Ren Ying and Qin Yu?" Fang Jinshu asked.


Mammy Hua watched these two days coldly. The purpose of the two of them was not pure.

"The mother is worried." Fang Jinshu said: "These two people have their own backgrounds. Even if I have no selfish intentions, they are not suitable to be my husband's concubine."

"So, I can rest assured." Nanny Hua let go of a worry in her heart.Fang Jinshu gave her an accurate word, and only then did she know how to treat these two people.

"Grandma is just newly married, so I shouldn't have said such spoiling things. But there are some things that I have to face sooner or later." Nanny Hua said again: "If you have an idea, just tell me."

Quan Moxian lives in the fifth rank, and is really lacking in the Ministry of Punishment.

For an official of his rank, not to mention three wives and four concubines, Tong Fang's aunt is indispensable.

Quan Moxian's situation is a bit special, but since he has married Xu Xian, people will be watching these things.Right now, no one would talk about the newlyweds, but in another year or so, if Fang Jinshu was still alone, there would inevitably be gossip.

Nanny Hua is planning for Fang Jinshu's rainy day.

"Naturally, I know the kindness of the nanny." Fang Jinshu looked at his fingertips and said slowly, "You know the maid beside me."

"Fangfei Fangzhi, it's not easy to walk with me all the way. They are also at the age of marriage, you should also pay attention to them, you can settle down if you have a suitable one."

Opening up one's personal servant girl to her husband is the most common method of obsessing over favor in the back house.

However, Fang Jinshu didn't intend to do this.

"I thought, in two years' time, the two of them will be married off happily." Fang Jinshu said with a smile: "At that time, I will add make-up to them."

Fang Fei escaped from the kidnapper with her, and accompanied her to the Jingyi Nunnery, loyal and loyal.She must find a good family for Fang Fei and watch her get married.

As for Fangzhi, she has been by her side silently for the past few years, working hard without complaint.He never pinches his teeth to be strong, and he doesn't talk too much. He is a very honest person.Fang Jinshu had made up his mind early in the morning to find a family for her to live in peace, so that she would not be bullied.

(End of this chapter)

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