Twin Brocade

Chapter 863

Chapter 863 Back to the Door
"Grandma." Nanny Hua said: "Fang Fei and Fang Zhi have been friends with you for several years, so it's common sense to plan like this. But the people who serve you around Young Master, I'm going to talk a lot to persuade you, it's better to make plans early."

Quan Moxian didn't have a concubine around him, so after a long time, he would inevitably be tricked by various parties.

Rather than being stuffed with people, it is better to take the initiative.Prepare two first, and save time and effort.

"You are a sensible person, with the deed of sale in your hand, no one will be able to make a fuss." Madam Hua said earnestly.Fang Jinshu is newlywed, and with these words, no one else would be so confiding with her.

A husband taking a concubine is something no wife would like to do.

If I persuade them, Fang Jinshu might think that they have ulterior motives and think too much about it.

"I see." Fang Jinshu thought for a while and sighed leisurely.

If, just a hypothesis.

If she married Tan Yang, I'm afraid she would not be so concerned about the wedding, asking about everything, embroidering the wedding dress herself and so on.Moreover, before she gets married, she will ask her mother to prepare another dowry maid for her, ready for use.

But if it was Quan Moxian, for some reason, she didn't want to see a woman beside him.Even, thinking that he was going to be with other women and do the same thing as her, she felt blocked.

Sister Hua watched her words and expressions carefully, and said cautiously: "Grandma, have you really fallen in love with the young master?"

Moved the truth?

Fang Jinshu was startled, thinking about her various emotions towards Quan Moxian, gently stroked his heart with his right hand.

No, she has to guard her own heart so as not to get hurt.This is the survival instinct that she learned with great difficulty in her previous life.

"My son is really very kind to you, grandma. The relationship between you two is harmonious, which is the best thing." Aunt Hua sensed her resistance and said, "Since we are husband and wife, husband and wife will last forever."

"Young master loves you, so you have to think more about him." Madam Hua lowered her voice and said, "Women should hold on to their husband's heart firmly, and you should let him care about those things between the bed and the curtain." .”

"Let him be full, and naturally he won't have the energy to think about other women."

Madam Hua has lived most of her life, and she has seen all kinds of men, including the former emperor and the current emperor.

In her view, a man's love is short-lived and temporary.What kind of vows are not worth the fresh and good color.

Therefore, while Quan Moxian's heart is still in Fang Jinshu's body right now, he should close his heart and seize the time to give birth to a son-in-law, which is the right way.

As for the concubine's room, there is no cat in this world that does not steal.

Instead of being sad in the future, it is better to guard your heart and be a virtuous housewife.In a few years, these love affairs between men and women will become less visible.

At that time, for women, the most important thing is to educate the sons and daughters well.

Mammy Hua chose to say these words to Fang Jinshu today because she was afraid that she would be dazzled by the tenderness in front of her eyes and sink in.

In Beijing, are there still few women who will be miserable for the rest of their lives because of this?

Among other things, the well-known Mrs. Zhong Guogong did something wrong because of jealousy.Now, there is nothing more than the status of a Duke's wife.

Fang Jinshu understood what she meant, blushed slightly, and said, "Don't worry, mama, I'll save it."

She suppressed the resistance that arose in her heart, thinking that it was time to make good plans for the future.Since it's okay to marry Tan Yang, why can't it be changed to Quan Moxian?
However, I always feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Two quarters of an hour later, the carriage stopped in front of the second gate of Fang's house.

Quan Moxian got off his horse at the gate, and now he was waiting in front of the carriage, and stretched out his hand to help Fang Jinshu out of the carriage.

Fang Jinshu's face turned pale, Quan Moxian looked worried, and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter, but the car is too stuffy, and I feel unwell?"

The Quan family's carriage was not as spacious and comfortable as the Fang family's carriage, and he was worried that Fang Jinshu would not be used to it.

He looked at her, his eyes were so focused, and his expression was so warm, Fang Jinshu's heart was suffocated, and he smiled, "I'm fine."

Maybe, the sweeter you are, the more you are afraid of losing?
With him like this, she couldn't imagine what it would be like for him to have a concubine in the future.

Quan Moxian was about to ask again, when Yan Xia, who was waiting at the side, greeted him, smiled and saluted, "I've met Fourth Aunt, Fourth Aunt, and Fourth Aunt. Madam was talking about it early in the morning, and she sent people to visit three times."

Fang Jinshu withdrew those thoughts, and asked with a smile, "Where is mother now?"

"Madam is in Ci'an Hall."

Yanxia led the way, and the group headed towards Ci'an Hall.

Nanny Hua and Fang Zhi waited on Fang Jinshu, while Fang Fei stayed behind to instruct the servants to unload the return gifts from the car one by one.

This return ceremony full of cars is not as precious as Fang Mudi's return, but it is all Quan Moxian's wishes.There are clothing materials, food, medicinal materials, etc., which have been carefully prepared.

Fang Fei and the servants of the Fang family chatted and laughed, checked the gift list, and unloaded the gifts one by one.

Only a few days after leaving Fang Mansion, when they came back, they all changed their identities.

For Quan Moxian, it was even more so.

All the way through the hall and into the room, the familiar scenery came into view, and he sighed in his heart.

Yao remembers the scene when she stepped into Fang's house for the first time.

Not far from the Chuihua Gate, seeing the excited lady of the Fang family, she almost ran over and hugged Fang Jinshu, who was only eight years old, tightly in her arms.

At that time, did he ever think that one day, he would be able to marry this pearl-like girl as his wife?

When the group arrived at the Charity Hall, Mrs. Fang, Pang Shi, Si Lansheng and other female family members of the Fang family were all present.Today is a big day for Fang Jinshu to return home, and Fang Jinhui, who is married, has also rushed back.

Quan Moxian supported Fang Jinshu, knelt down in front of the brocade mat placed in the room, and greeted his elders.

"Get up."

Mrs. Fang looked at the pair of Bi people in front of her, and said with a smile.

In the past few years, the girls of the Fang family have been married well, so how can we not make her happy?Although Fang Jinshu's marriage to Quan Moxian is a continuation, it has the honor of a marriage bestowed by a decree.

She is a woman herself, and she knows that being well-matched is important, and whether she can find a lover is related to her life's happiness.

Quan Moxian and Fang Jinshu's meticulous and considerate, clearly let everyone feel it.

After a few days of marriage, Fang Jinshu's eyes and brows faded, and Fang Jinshu became more charming than before.

She obviously didn't sleep well, and covered the dark spots under her eyes with powder.But her complexion did not look haggard, but glowed with a different kind of brilliance, soft and radiant.

Her posture has also undergone obvious changes, becoming more graceful.

At this time, Fang Jinshu possessed the shyness of a girl and the maturity of a woman at the same time, exuding an astonishing beauty.

Seeing such a daughter, Si Lansheng finally let go of her heart, and said with a smile, "I'll take a good rest for a day when I come back today. The Cuiwei Courtyard is still the same, so you two sisters can talk quietly."

(End of this chapter)

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