Twin Brocade

Chapter 869

Chapter 869 Escaped

Fang Jinshu raised his right hand lightly, Nanny Hua turned a page, and read slowly: "He Cuihua, female, has two sons and a daughter, and entered the mansion in the fourth year of Qinglong."

"In June of the fifth year of Qinglong, borrowing the convenience of buying silk thread, I bought a total of twenty rolls of Jiangnan silk thread, sold ten rolls privately, and made a profit of one tael."

"In August of the same year, I made autumn clothes for the old lady, and lied about the damage of the material and bought them again. In fact, I was greedy for ink and made a profit of eight taels of silver."

"In mid-October, I made winter clothes for the servants of the whole family. Using materials, silk threads, etc., I spent a total of 11 taels of silver."

In Madam Hua's voice, narrating without any emotion, she read out all her greedy things one by one, from the fifth year of Qinglong to this year.

All the servants were dumbfounded, and He Cuihua himself was even sweating.

There are many things that Madam Hua said, even she herself has forgotten, and only then did she suddenly remember them.

When she first entered the mansion, she was trembling for fear of taking a wrong step and saying a wrong sentence.The owner of this family is kind, she finally settled down, she just wants to do her job well, and she doesn't want to be betrayed again.

Lovely greed is always something that gets used to.

The child was still young, and she wanted to get an extra egg for him to eat every day, so she boldly swallowed two rolls of silk thread, embroidered a few purses, and sold them for some money.

At first I was still afraid, but later I realized that no one asked about this matter, so I became more and more courageous.

"For more than three years, you have used the convenience of the sewing room to fill your own pocket, with a total of 310 and five taels of silver. This is not counted, the mattresses in your house, and the clothes on your children."

It is shocking that just a daughter-in-law in charge of a sewing room can embezzle so much money.

It can be seen from this that the management of the Quan family's back house has been neglected to what extent!
What makes everyone's backs even more chilling is how this elegant and calm grandma has grasped such detailed evidence in just three days.

In the past few days, nothing happened.

The booklet in Madam Hua's hand was very thick, it looked like it had dozens of pages.Could it be that everyone's evidence is in that book?
Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and my heart is beating non-stop.

He Cuihua knelt down with a thud, and kowtowed repeatedly: "It's the maidservant's fault, the maidservant knows it's wrong! I beg Grandma to show you your hand and let this maidservant go!"

Without saying a word, Fang Jinshu picked up the teacup, slowly brushed off the foam from the tea with the lid, and took a sip.

He Cuihua landed on her knees and climbed several steps to Fang Jinshu. Fang Fei stepped forward and stopped her.

"Grandmother, as long as you are willing to let this maidservant go, I will repay your kindness like a cow or a horse!" She cried, "This maidservant is greedy for profit, so give this maidservant time for those dirty money! This maidservant will definitely return it in full! "

She was greedy for a lot of ink, some of which was used to subsidize her family, and even bought land.There are more than 100 taels of cash left, as long as she is given time, she can always get it together.

At this time, she couldn't stop regretting in her heart.

If I had known that such an evil star would come, I should have restrained my behavior in the past.

It's a pity that by now, the wrong thing can't be undone.

"Are you kidding me!" Fang Fei sneered, and said, "The money doesn't belong to you in the first place, so why don't you return it? Even you are the property of the Quan family!"

A slave who sold himself into the government is too reckless!
"Drag it on and send it off to the officials," Fang Jinshu ordered lightly.

Mu Chuan, who was waiting at the side, stepped forward and waved his hands to let the two servants carry her off.

"Grandma! Grandma! You can't do this!" He Cuihua kicked his feet and said without hesitation: "You are a woman, why are you so cruel! Aren't you afraid of being punished by God?!"

"You guys! Don't look at me, this woman has only been married for a few days, and you all end up like me!" Her hair was disheveled, her eyes were tearing open and she yelled at everyone.

As a servant, he was greedy for money from the master of Mo's family and stole property.The best outcome for He Cuihua after he was sent to the government office was to be sent to the most bitter and cold frontier for hard labor and died of exhaustion.

Fang Jinshu waved her hand, and the servant found a rag to gag her mouth and pulled her down.

All the servants present trembled.

Nanny Hua raised the booklet in her hand and asked, "Do you want me to read it one by one?"

The maids on the left all prostrated themselves on the ground, kowtowing vigorously.They have all committed crimes more or less, and they all know it well in their hearts.

Grandma doesn't seem like someone who can fool her around. At this time, if she admits her mistake and begs for mercy, she may still have a chance.

Fang Jinshu helped Fangzhi's hand to stand up, and said: "Selling yourself into slavery has a last resort. But, it's not a reason to deceive the public and benefit the public!"

"In my place, people who steal, rape, play tricks, be greedy, gossip, and betray the master will never be tolerated. Stealing the property of the master's house should be sent to the official for investigation. Since you have entered the mansion, you have worked hard without credit, so I can forgive you for the time being." through your life."

Hearing this, the servants who fell on the ground let out a sigh of relief.

As long as you don't send an official or get kicked out of the mansion, it's better than anything else.

In the eyes of everyone, Madam Hua picked up the frightening book again, read the names of several people, and said: "All of you, within five days, return all the property of Tanmo."

She didn't say the specific amount, and said: "If the payment is not enough, immediately send it to Jingzhao Mansion."

These people were the most powerful and greedy people among the servants of the Quan family, and He Cuihua was originally among them.

Several people kowtowed to thank them.

One of them boldly asked: "Mommy, what will happen after we pay?"

She asked the common question in their hearts, and they raised their heads one after another, looking at Madam Hua with longing eyes.

"Pay as much as you want, let the past go."

Before a few people were happy, Madam Hua said again: "Those who pay enough money for the body deed will be returned to the body deed, and they will leave the house cleanly. If it is not enough, they will all be sold."

They are used to living a comfortable life in this mansion, but suddenly they want to leave the mansion completely, where can they go?With a record of embezzlement of Mo's master's property, no good family would want them.

Even if you have a body deed, what's the use.

Mammy Hua glanced at a few people, and asked lightly, "How is it? Do you want to eat in prison?"

"no no!"

Compared with being escorted to the government, this ending is much easier to accept.

"Thank you, grandma, for your kindness."

"Retire!" Nanny Hua turned her head to Fang Jinshu and said, "Grandma, what should we do with the rest?"

There are more than [-] people left on the left.

They don't have that much courage, and what they commit is nothing more than stealing, cheating, gossip, and taking advantage of petty advantages.

"Small mistakes are also mistakes." Fang Jinshu said: "However, for the sake of your hard work, I will give you another month's chance. This month, if you can get Madam Hua's approval, you can continue to stay. "


After finally escaping, the rest of the people responded quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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