Twin Brocade

Chapter 870 Alliance

Chapter 870 Alliance
Fang Jinshu supported Fang Fei's hand, turned around and walked back into the room, Mammy Hua said, "That's it, they're all gone."

All the servants in the courtyard prostrated themselves on the ground: "Congratulations to Grandma."

From the beginning to the end, Qin Yu was among the group of servants who were not named.At this time, she fell on the ground, secretly startled.

The grandma of the Quan family, the fourth girl of the Fang family, really lived up to her reputation.As expected, he was rewarded by the empress and loved by Princess Jing'an.

Qin Yu can stand out from the crowd of women, not relying on her beauty, but her intelligence.

In just two quarters of an hour, Fang Jinshu managed the whole courtyard clearly and clearly.How does this method look like a newly married woman who just got married?

Publish the criminal evidence of the instigator and escort him to the government.Then order the most corrupt people to hand over their accounts and drive them out of the house.

These few people have big and small rights in the Quan family's back house, and there are some people gathered around them.Drive them out, and there will be nothing left of the cliques they formed.

How can the rest of them dare to mess around?

After this time, I'm afraid everyone will be a man with their tails between their legs.

This is nothing, what surprised Qin Yu the most was that Fang Jinshu even dared to touch the servants of the Mercy Hall.

If it were someone else, Qin Yu would only think that she was overthinking her abilities.But instead of Fang Jinshu, Qin Yu only felt that she dared to do this because she had won the trust of Quan Moxian and Aunt Quan.

Back at the Charity Hall, Qin Yu was full of worries.

Halfway along the road, a little girl who had just cut her hair hurriedly almost bumped into her arms.

"Going in such a hurry, what are you doing?" Qin Yu grabbed her tightly.

"Ah, Elder Sister Qin Yu." The little girl saw the ceremony, and said: "The old lady remembered that my aunt brought back a piece of clothing material in the past. It is very suitable for making clothes for the young master. Let me look for it."

Fang Jinshu called all the people in the yard to give them a lecture, and those little girls who had just grown their hair were left to serve.

This little girl doesn't know what kind of clothing material, when she saw Qin Yu, she hurriedly asked for help: "Sister, do you know what kind of clothing material it is?"

Qin Yu nodded and said: "Go down, I found it and took it to the old lady."

"Thank you, sister." The little girl couldn't help but leave happily.

Qin Yu went to the storeroom, found the piece of clothing Aunt Quan had mentioned, put it on a tray, and came to the door of the room.

"Old lady, the clothes you want."

"Come in." Mrs. Quan said from inside.

Ren Ying sat under Mrs. Quan, looked at the material and said with a smile: "My aunt is really hurting, she is willing to make clothes for him with such a good material."

"Children grow up fast, and even the best clothes can only be worn for one season."

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Quan said cheerfully, "Hei Lang said, there is no need to save this money. No matter how good the material is, it must be worn on people. It is useless to keep it in the warehouse."

She touched the piece of material and said: "Look, the color is so bright, it's just right for children to wear. When Dudu came, I asked someone to measure his size and make it for him."

After a while, Quan Yiting arrived holding the nanny's hand.

Qin Yu retreated with the empty tray and returned to her room, dazed in a daze.

"Qin language."


She turned her head suddenly, and saw Ren Ying standing at the door, holding the door curtain with her hands and looking at herself.

"I've seen Biao girl." Qin Yu hurriedly got up to salute, muttering in her heart: Why is she here?

Ren Ying stepped into the room, Shi Shiran sat down and said, "You sit too. You don't have to be polite in front of me."

"In front of the cousin girl, the maid does not dare to be presumptuous." Qin Yu bowed and said.

Ren Ying laughed and said, "Are you afraid that I'm here to find fault? Don't worry, right now, I don't have such thoughts."

After Fang Jinshu entered, she realized that things were far from what she imagined.

So what if she is in front of Mrs. Quan all day long?How about coaxing Mrs. Quan into a smile?
Her goal is Quan Moxian, not Aunt Quan.

As for Quan Moxian, he could only see him briefly when he said goodbye in the morning and evening.In such a short period of time, there was still Fang Jinshu who was an eyesore standing beside him.

If it goes on like this, she has nothing to do at all.

Qin Yu understood what she meant, and then sat down on the stool: "I don't know the girl condescending to come here, what's your order?"

"Who are you, you know in your heart." Ren Ying didn't know the origin of Qin Yu, but she knew that she must not be simple.Otherwise, Fang Jinshu would not be able to accommodate her in Quan's house.

Ren Ying said slowly: "I think you can guess the purpose of my coming here."

She leaned close to her ear and said softly, "Fang Jinshu is our common enemy. Help me, as long as I can fulfill my wish, I will definitely help you fulfill your wish."

Qin Yu bowed his head and remained silent.

Ren Ying's status is more favorable than her, but before she understands Ren Ying's purpose, how dare she agree indiscriminately.

"Think about it carefully." Ren Ying said again: "Look, she cleaned up all the servants in the yard in a few strokes today, and it won't take long for her to gain a firm foothold."

"At that time, it will be too late for you and me to do anything."

These words touched Qin Yu's heart.

"Cousin girl, how do you want the maid to help you? In front of the old lady, your words carry more weight than the maid." Qin Yu asked.

Ren Ying laughed and said: "As long as you have the heart, wait for my words."

"There are some things I can't do." Qin Yu said.

"You don't need to do anything. When the time comes, you just need to attract the old lady." Ren Ying had already thought up the whole plan, but she was short of staff.That's why she came to find an alliance with Qin Yu who has common interests with her.

Fang Jinshu, let's be proud and arrogant again.I will definitely let you die without a place to bury you!She gritted her teeth thinking.The expression on his face was ferocious, destroying the original beautiful face.

After noon, Quan Moxian returned to Qingyingju from the outer study, and handed over a thick stack of deeds to Fang Jinshu.

"So many?" Fang Jinshu asked in surprise.

Quan Moxian raised his eyebrows triumphantly, and said: "I didn't expect that, your husband doesn't have nothing either."

Seeing his embarrassing appearance, Fang Jinshu gave him an angry look, and flipped through the contract in his hand.

Here, there are land property, Zhuangzi, members of the Hefeng caravan, the deeds of everyone under Mo Xian's name, and the ticket stubs stored in the bank.

"Back then, Master Gao gave me a large amount of money to thank you." Quan Moxian said, "I took the money to buy some land and became a caravan shareholder. In the past few years, the trade route to the north has gone very fast. When you get used to it, your profits will increase.”

"It turns out that the relationship between your husband and the Hefeng Escort is so close?"

Fang Jinshu knew that among the people around him, several bodyguards followed him in and out.Unexpectedly, it turned out that he was also a member of the caravan.

Quan Moxian nodded, and said: "Because of what happened to Fei'er's sister back then, He Feng Escort was almost implicated. Fortunately, their boss was loyal and didn't blame me."

"Later when he came to the capital to open up commercial routes in the north, I asked if I could get a share, and he readily agreed."

It turned out to be the case.

 Thanks to "Stone 620", "Linlin" and "People who are old and dying casually" each voted for 2 precious monthly tickets, and thanks to "calm lyh" "I don't know what to get" "hmily412333" "It turned out to be strange" "Qingwanwan" "Qingfengmingyueyi", "Yuyuan", "Yutian", "Linda Xiaozhou", "Sour", "hz1129", "沇yiTik", "Little Turtle", "Pippi Loves Mom", "Love Fruit/wx", and "Tao Mom" ​​voted The precious monthly pass ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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