Twin Brocade

Chapter 871 Not So Complicated

Chapter 871 Not So Complicated

Fang Jinshu knew that Qian Feng, the owner of the Hefeng Escort, was really not a simple person.It is a good thing that Quan Moxian established a relationship with him by mistake.

"Princess Zhaoyang is getting married soon." Fang Jinshu said, "Husband, you can tell the caravan to prepare in advance and go with the princess."

"Before I went to Bozhou, the shopkeeper of the caravan came to report to me." Quan Moxian said, "They are already buying goods, and they plan to go north to Khitan with the pro-team."

The princess married her relatives far away, and she was escorted by the army, so it was safest to follow the marriage team.

The business route of the Hefeng Caravan is not limited to Khitan. After several years of operation, they found two large tribes in Khitan and set up two fixed tents to sell goods.

Goods from the Central Plains have always been the most popular when they arrive in the north.Especially luxury goods like silk and tea.They collected furs and medicinal materials that were only available on the grassland, and brought them back when the caravan arrived.

This trip back and forth, due to the long distance, and removing the heavy snow in winter to seal the mountains, it would be good to be able to go up to three times a year.

But the profit is really considerable.

"How many do you plan to go to?" Fang Jinshu asked.

Quan Moxian said with a smile: "How can such a rare opportunity be wasted? The caravan plans to send two. If there are more, I'm afraid that if there is any accidental damage, I can afford it."

How can there be no risk in doing business, let alone such a distant place.

It is safest to calculate the loss first without calculating how much you earn.

"Two are missing." Fang Jinshu said: "Trust me, talk to the caravan and send two more. If the capital is not enough, Guangying Merchandise can deliver the goods of one of the caravans."

She knows best what great achievements Princess Zhaoyang will make when she goes here.

From the perspective of others, this is a risky thing, but Fang Jinshu knows that not only is there no risk, but it will make a lot of money.The merchants who followed this time have all received the grace of Princess Zhaoyang.

"Okay." Quan Moxian trusted what she said unconditionally.

"These deeds were originally kept by Steward Liu for me." Quan Moxian said: "With you, you will take care of them for me, my lady. I still have a few days before I go back to the yamen. If you are interested, I will accompany you out for a walk."

"Let them all get to know the head wife, and we have the right to relax."

He has already arranged everything at hand.Once the rest is over, he will become extremely busy, Quan Moxian wants to spend more time with Fang Jinshu now.

Fang Jinshu took a box, put the stack of deeds in it and locked it, looked at him with a smile and said, "Give it to me, so you're not afraid that I'll use it all?"

"Mine belongs to my wife." Quan Moxian looked at her with doting eyes.

"For the interest collected every year, just leave 1000 taels of silver and put it with Steward Liu. The rest is up to the lady, and you can buy anything."

"Tsk tsk." Fang Jinshu joked, "I'm still an adult. You are an upright official, but you are also a nobleman."

"A gentleman loves money, and he gets it in a proper way." Quan Moxian said with a smile: "Could it be that one must treat money like dung, is that a good official?"

He received an orthodox Confucian education since he was a child, but because he has seen too much of the world, he does not believe in the sour Confucianism in his bones.If he can't even guarantee his own life, how can he help others.

"My husband is right."

"My lady still understands me. How about it, do you want to go to the suburbs of Beijing for a few days?" Quan Moxian asked again.

In Beijing, although Madam Quan did not interfere with the two of them, he always felt a little uncomfortable.What's more, there are two people, Ren Yingqinyu.

He couldn't wait to be with Fang Jinshu, just the two of them.

Fang Jinshu gave him a sideways look, and said, "The matchmaker is coming tomorrow, and the house hasn't settled down yet. I just kicked him out of the house, and now he's leaving, what's going on at home?"

Quan Moxian embraced her: "Family matters are in a hurry for a few days. Besides, isn't Madam Hua still here?"

"Get someone to clean it up first. To buy someone tomorrow, it will take half a day at most." Quan Moxian counted with his fingers: "We'll leave after lunch, and rest at the village in Beimang Mountain at night. You see , without any delay."

"How is it as simple as you said?" Fang Jinshu said: "Whatever, you have to say hello to Zhuangzili in advance. There is no one like you who just goes as soon as you say it."

Quan Moxian rubbed his chin on her shoulder: "It's not that simple, and it's not that complicated. As long as you agree, I'll let people talk about it today."

His tone was half coaxing and half lying.

In fact, Fang Jinshu was quite moved.

After living a new life, he has been thinking about the fate of the Fang family every day.

The matter of preventing Fang Shuyu from becoming Zhan Shi of Prince Qi's Mansion failed, and she only realized the meaning of living in this life after a serious illness.

But in the end, she couldn't completely live for herself.

Thinking about it carefully, the few days she married into the Quan family were the most real days of her life.In the past few days, because of Quan Moxian's existence, she even thought less about her own mission.

Let go of everything and go out for a few days, which sounds full of temptation.

"My lady, how are you doing?" Quan Moxian obsessed for a while.

Fang Jinshu patted his hand and said, "It's broad daylight, Mr. Quan, you should pay attention."

"Call me Lord Quan again!" Quan Moxian pretended to be angry, grabbed her head and kissed her.

After a long while, Fang Jinshu let go of the panting Fang Jinshu, walked towards the door while talking, and said, "I'll go out to make arrangements, and say hello to my mother first. You can ask someone to pack up and leave tomorrow afternoon." .”


Fang Jinshu was so angry that he threw a pillow towards him and said, "When did I promise you?"

"My lady, don't be angry." Quan Moxian quickly caught the pillow, placed it on the soft couch by the window, and said with a smile, "If you are so angry, do you want to be a husband to death?"

Before Fang Jinshu could answer, he dodged out.


Fang Jinshu stroked his hair, sat on the chair and laughed.

After a while, Fangzhi entered the door and said: "Grandma, the young master explained that he is going to live in the village for a few days, and the servant girl came to ask you, what luggage should I pack?"

Fang Jinshu was taken aback, this Quan Moxian was too good at making decisions for her.

However, I owe him a heart, and in this matter, let him go.

"Just pack some commonly used clothes and belongings. You don't need to bring too much for a few days." Fang Jinshu ordered: "This time, I'll take you and Chunyu. Fangfei is looking after the house in Qingyingju. In addition, you Go and invite Madam Hua in."

She just went out to play with Quan Moxian for a few days, so she couldn't take everyone away.

With Fang Fei looking at Qingyingju, no trouble can arise.

"Grandma." Nanny Hua came in to greet her.

"Mother, please sit down." Fang Jinshu said: "Tomorrow morning, the matchmaker will bring someone to the house, so you and I can choose together, Mother."

(End of this chapter)

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