Twin Brocade

Chapter 872

Chapter 872
"Yes." Madam Hua agreed, and asked: "Tomorrow, grandma wants to go to Zhuangzi with young master?"

Fang Jinshu sighed helplessly, and said, "He was so excited, how can I spoil his interest?"

"It's a good thing." Nanny Hua said with a smile: "Just go, grandma, and leave the house to the old man. I'm sure you won't be disappointed."

"Hard work mother."

"It's hard to talk about the things in the old status. It's rare for grandma to relax for a few days, so don't worry about home."

After Nanny Hua left, Fang Jinshu called Fang Fei and said, "You are the maid I can trust the most. In the past few days, you will take care of Qingyingju for me, and don't let anyone step in."

"Especially Qin Yu and Ren Ying."

"Don't worry, grandma. The servant girl assures you, not to mention the two of them, not even half a fly can fly in here." Fang Fei should be firm.

After arranging the manpower and checking the luggage, it was time for dinner.

He went to ask Mrs. Quan for Ann, and Fang Jinshu told her about going to the Zhuangzi tomorrow.

"In a few days, Hei Lang is going back to the yamen. You guys have fun while you have free time." Quan Moxian had already told her in advance in the afternoon, and Aunt Quan was happy to see the result.

Fang Jinshu agreed and said, "Mother, I won't be able to perform my filial piety in front of you these few days."

"You two are doing well, that's better than anything else." Mrs. Quan said with a smile, "I'm still looking forward to it, you will give me a big fat grandson sooner."

Fang Jinshu blushed and bowed his head in response.

When the two were talking, Quan Yiting sat obediently aside.When Fang Jinshu came in, he greeted her and said nothing more.Hearing that his father was going to take the new mother out, he didn't make a fuss to follow him, very well-behaved.

"Dudu, mother will take you to play next time, okay?" Fang Jinshu coaxed softly.

"En!" Quan Yiting nodded his head heavily, looking extremely cute.

In his past and present lives, he was the only child Fang Jinshu had ever seen who was so sensible and well-behaved.Even King Qi back then was no match.

Back at Qingyingju, Fang Jinshu and Quan Moxian said with emotion: "Dudu is so sensible, so sensible that it makes people feel distressed."

Quan Moxian said with a smile: "Don't praise him. However, I often find it strange, and I don't know where he is from." Quan Yiting was raised by him in Shantang, and he doesn't know who his biological parents are .

"He is so smart, his parents must not be ordinary people." Fang Jinshu said.

"I also thought about whether to investigate." Quan Moxian said: "But after thinking about it, no matter what the reason is, his parents always abandoned him. Since I have a destiny with him, treat him well That's right."

Fang Jinshu gave a "hmm" and agreed, "Don't mention the past."

"You wash up first, I'll go to the outer courtyard." Quan Moxian said.

Tomorrow he was going to go out, so he had to go and count the arranged staff again, so that he could rest assured.Going out this time is not as good as before.With Fang Jinshu around, he must be even more cautious.

Fang Fei came in with water, and Fang Zhi removed Fang Jinshu's hairpin and bun.

After waiting for her to finish washing, the two of them walked towards the kitchen with the used basin and other things.

Fang Fei said: "I'll be on duty today, you go down and rest first. Tomorrow, you have to accompany Grandma to the Zhuangzi. You have to recover your energy before we talk about it."

"Okay." Fang Zhi was not polite to her, there was a tacit understanding between the two of them.Serving Fang Jinshu well is the most important thing.Everything else is nothing.

Fang Zhi went to the small kitchen to fetch a bucket of hot water and returned to the room, and soaked her feet in a wooden tub.

Being a big servant girl is the most glamorous job among servants, but it is not easy.It's not easy work just to say that you can stand by the master's side at any time, one stop for a day.

There is still time to rest when doing rough cleaning, but the big maid can't.

She rubbed her sore feet.At the end of the day, this is the most relaxing time.

Chun Yu knocked lightly on the door twice and called out, "Sister Fangzhi, can I come in?"

Fangzhi raised her head and said with a smile, "Yo, it's the spring rain, come in quickly. It's so late, what's the matter?"

Chun Yu entered the door, moved a small stool and sat in front of her, and said, "Sister, will I accompany Grandma tomorrow?"

Madam Hua had already told her, but she still couldn't believe such a good thing happened.When he was in Fang's house, the two people who followed Fang Jinshu all the year round were Fang Fei and Fang Zhi.

Even if he wanted to take her there sometimes, he didn't serve her right next to him.

Fang Zhi added hot water to the basin, and said with a smile, "Why, there's nothing unbelievable about this." Fang Jinshu had long wanted to cultivate Chun Yu, and Fang Zhi could tell.

Chun Yu thought for a while, but stopped talking.

"What's the matter, just say what you want."

"Sister Fangzhi, are you going to get married in the future?" Fang Jinshu's plan had already been revealed through Nanny Hua.It is to let the servant girls who follow her know it in their hearts.

"Damn girl!" Fang Zhi spat at her, and said, "You are only so old that you already want to marry someone?"

Chun Yu hurriedly waved her hands and said, "No, no! That's not what I meant."

"Isn't it?" Fangzhi asked her with a smile, "Then what do you mean?"

"I... I just think that you and Sister Fangfei will get married in the future, and I'm very reluctant." The maids Fang Jinshu brought from Fang's house were only the three of them.

With the two of them around, Chun Yu felt that there was someone she could rely on in the Quan family.

"Stupid boy." Fang Zhi said, "In this yard, newcomers will come in tomorrow. In front of Grandma, we are the only ones serving you, what do you think?"

"Even at the old lady's place, there are not many people who are useful."

"I'm just worried. I'm afraid I won't get along well with the newcomers." Chun Yu looked uneasy.

No matter how capable she is, she is still a maid with limited vision.She has already seen the servants of the Quan family.Thinking that many people will come in tomorrow, I feel faintly worried.

Fang Zhi laughed: "What are you thinking? After Fang Fei and I are gone, you will be the big maid next to Grandma, cheer me up!"

"When these people come in, they have to go through the eyes of Grandma and the training of Nanny Hua. What are you worried about? You can't trust me, can you still trust Grandma?"

"That's true." Chun Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Sure enough, I was right to look for Sister Fangzhi. Grandma, that's a first-class person."

After solving the problem in her heart, she looked at Fangzhi with bright eyes and said: "Sister Fangzhi, just tell me, what happened this morning? Sister, I was stunned when I heard it. .”

"What's the matter?"

"Look, Grandma hasn't done anything in the past few days. Why, there is such detailed evidence from Madam Hua." Chun Yu took the foot towel and wiped Fang Zhi's feet flatteringly. He smiled and said, "Good sister, just tell me."

 Thanks to "Linda Xiaozhou" for the reward of 100 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Thanks to "Jiang 101628", "An Xiaoliang" and "Pippi Loves Mom" ​​for their precious monthly votes ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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