Twin Brocade

Chapter 873 Zhuangzi

Chapter 873 Zhuangzi
Fang Zhi snatched the towel from her hand, wiped her feet dry, and said with a smile, "That's all you want to know?"

"Hmm!" Chun Yu looked at her with bright eyes.

"It's not difficult to say." Fangzhi put on her embroidered shoes and said, "These servants of the Quan family are not monolithic. Those people swallowed money, do you think people who hang around them won't be jealous? ?”

"There are also those who work honestly. They don't talk about it, but they remember it clearly in their hearts."

Honest people often dare not speak up and are somewhat weak, but this does not mean that they are stupid.

"Nurse Hua asked one by one in private, and just sorted out such a volume." The matter is not complicated, but it needs someone who can find a way and do it.

Chun Yu opened her mouth and said in admiration, "Why didn't Madam say anything, she did so many things by herself."

"Grandma brought us a few people here, what can we say?" Fangzhi smiled and said, "Mammy said, each perform their own duties."

Chun Yu patted her chest and said, "Sister, don't worry. The new buyer has come in, and I will definitely not make Mammy so tired."

Mammy Hua is unsmiling, but she is a very warm person.

"It's fine if you think about it that way." Fangzhi took the water out and poured it, and said to Chunyu, "Hurry up and go back to bed now, there will be more things to do tomorrow. If you haven't taken good care of grandma, come back and take care of your skin!"

Chun Yu responded sweetly, and left bouncing away.

Fang Zhi looked at her back and shook her head with a smile, although Chun Yu was usually generous and decent, she was still a little girl in her heart.

Because of Si Lansheng's instructions early in the morning, the matchmaker brought a lot of people this time, including people of all ages, and even a family who prostituted themselves.

After passing the hurdle of Nanny Hua, Fang Jinshu personally took care of the eyes, leaving five or six little girls and older girls of the right age, and bought two other families and a few rough envoys.

"Mommy, you should train these people first, and use them in mother's yard first." Fang Jinshu ordered: "The staff of Qingyingju, don't rush. The people who stayed before, all change places, it's not good Tell me, just sell it directly."

The servant of the Quan family who made mistakes in the first place, now that she has been given a chance, and then acts recklessly based on her seniority, don't blame her for being ruthless.

"Yes, grandma."

"These things are hard work for mommy." Disciplining and controlling subordinates has never been an easy job.

Madam Hua smiled and said, "What's the hard work to talk about. Grandma, just relax and relax. I'm here waiting for you to come back."

After lunch, Quan Moxian couldn't wait to urge him to leave.

Fang Jinshu had no choice but to go with him to say goodbye to Aunt Quan, and got into the carriage at the second gate.A group of people left the city from the north and headed for Beiman Mountain.

"Husband, you seem to like Beiman Mountain very much?" Fang Jinshu asked in the carriage.

There are several Zhuangzi, but Quan Moxian's first choice is Beiman Mountain.

Quan Moxian held her hand, nodded with a smile, his expression was full of memories.

"Songxi Academy..." His eyes were longing.In the academy, it carried his last study life.The teachers and classmates there have the most precious teacher-student friendship without impurities.

"Is Zhuangzi far from the academy?" Fang Jinshu asked, "If it's not like tomorrow, let's visit your teacher together."

Quan Moxian's eyes lit up, and he said: "No matter how far away, no capital city is far away. Good! That's it, it's better to hit the sun than to choose the day."

He had wanted to go back to the academy a long time ago, but he was so entangled in various mundane affairs that he couldn't find time for it.Even when he got married, teachers and classmates from the academy made a special trip to congratulate him.

He has always felt sorry for failing to repay his teacher's kindness.

"Just want to go, send someone back to get some gifts, so we can visit, right?" Fang Jinshu suggested.

Quan Moxian clapped his hands and applauded, stopped the carriage, said a few words to Haifeng, and asked the two servants to go back to pick up gifts from Steward Liu.

When we arrived at Zhuangzi, it was still early.

A thin old Zhuang head came forward, his back was a little bent due to years of hard work, and his smiling face was full of wrinkles.

"Young master, grandma, you are here." With a sincere smile, he knelt on the ground with both hands and feet.

"Please get up quickly, old man." Fang Jinshu asked Fangzhi to help him up, and said gently, "You don't have to be so polite, we'll just stay for two days." They were all good citizens, not slaves.

"Yes Yes!"

The old Zhuangtou smiled and introduced her to the people waiting behind.All the people who live in Zhuangzi, and all the tenants who planted the fields also came.

He is very down-to-earth, knowing that his boss is here to relax, and he also wants to explain the affairs of Zhuangzi.The bought Zhuangzi were all seen by Quan Moxian himself, and there was no problem with these people.

Everyone came forward to meet Li, Quan Moxian smiled and said: "Go to your own business, we will talk about it tomorrow."

A group of people entered Zhuangzi, Fangzhi took Chunyu to make a bed, and Haifeng took people to set up defenses everywhere.

Butler Liu's injuries were not healed, so Haifeng brought a few experts from the Hefeng Escort Bureau to follow him.There is some distance from Luoyang City, so we have to guard against it.

It took only a quarter of an hour to tidy up.

Fang Zhi brewed tea and brought it up, Chun Yu was holding a large earthenware bowl in his hand, which contained several steaming steamed buns.

"Grandmother, this is what Zhuangtou brought here, so the servant girl must present it to you and the young master to taste."

The bowl in her hand was huge, almost as big as a small stone mill.The steamed buns inside are also very big, one can almost equal to three or four steamed buns in the capital.

"Come and taste." Quan Moxian asked her to put the pottery bowl on the table, and gave one to Fang Jinshu.

The steamed buns that have just come out of the pot exude a pleasant aroma of wheat.It's just that the head is really too big.

"Where can I finish eating?" Fang Jinshu smiled, broke off a piece, tasted it, nodded and said, "It tastes very good. Share it with everyone, Zhuangtou has his heart, so don't waste it."

Quan Moxian ate most of the remaining half in her hand, and let Chun Yu distribute the rest to everyone.

"It's been a long time since I ate it." Quan Moxian said with a smile, "When we were in Tangzhou, my mother often made it for us."

This Zhuangzi is located at the foot of Beiman Mountain. The land is not as fertile as the eastern suburbs, but the scenery is very good.

"It's still early, let's go out for a walk." Quan Moxian said.

Fang Jinshu agreed, Fangzhi brought a cloak and tied it for her, and the two left Zhuangzi and walked slowly along a path in the forest.

The air in the forest is very fresh, and this path is often walked by people, so it is relatively smooth.

Quan Moxian stretched out his hand and said, "I'm holding you."

Fang Jinshu smiled mischievously: "Don't underestimate me."

When she was in Jingyi Nunnery, the trails in the mountains and forests were so steep. She picked mushrooms and wild vegetables in it, walking like flying.

As she spoke, she lifted the hem of the dress that was in the way, and took a few quick steps to pull Quan Moxian behind.

"Girl, do you want to compete?"

Seeing her agile and flexible figure, Quan Moxian smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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