Twin Brocade

Chapter 874 I Teach You

Chapter 874 I Teach You

He held his breath and secretly quickened his pace.

After a few strides, he caught up with Fang Jinshu who was in front, and hugged her in his arms.

Fang Jinshu was startled, and after a scream, Quan Moxian tickled his flesh, and couldn't help laughing.

"Let go of me...hahaha..." Fang Jinshu bent down to avoid his clutches, pushing his hand while laughing out of breath.

With her tender body in her arms, where is Quan Moxian willing to let go?

The two laughed together, startling a flock of birds.The servants who followed them stood wisely at a distance, not disturbing their rare leisure.

After walking back to Zhuangzi, Fang Jinshu was sweating a little.

Two women followed Fang Zhi and came in with dinner.One of them asked Fang Jinshu to invite Ann, and said apologetically, "Grandma, there isn't much good food in Zhuangzi this season, only freshness is better."

"If you come in two or three months at night, the cherries in the back mountain will be ripe, and all of them will taste the best."

Right now, winter has just passed, and seedlings have just been planted in the fields, so it is not the harvest season.On the dinner table, there are only farm dishes such as steamed pumpkin, cowpea stew, and sliced ​​loofah soup.

This meal was cooked with great care.

Even the rice is washed repeatedly, plus finely chopped bacon, steamed with peas, exuding an attractive fragrance.

Such meals are already a luxury for the farmers.But in the bottom of their hearts, they felt that it was really impossible to treat a fairy like grandma.

"It looks very good to me." Fang Jinshu asked with a gentle smile, "When the cherries are ripe, send some to the capital so that I can try them too."

The woman was pleasantly surprised: "As long as the eldest grandma doesn't dislike it, she will definitely send it."

Beimang Mountain here is steep and difficult to cultivate, and there is nothing to sell, and there are not many people who buy Zhuangzi here.

Although, when Quan Moxian sent someone to buy the Zhuangzi, he made it very clear that he didn't want to count on how much the Zhuangzi would produce.But for them, they are afraid of being rejected by their boss.

It's so rare that grandma wants to eat the cherries here.

It was precisely because Fang Jinshu saw her worries that he made such a request to reassure her.

Fang Jinshu didn't feel inferior to these common people who depended on their own hard work.On the contrary, for them, giving alms is not reassuring them, but accepting their kindness is.

In order to entertain the nobles from Beijing, the oil and salt of this meal were a bit heavy, which did not suit Fang Jinshu's taste.

But in order to live up to her intentions, she also ate deliciously.

The night in the mountains is quiet.

Among the dotted lights, there is the sound of the wind blowing through the treetops, the chirping of unknown insects, and the roar of wild animals in the distance.

But in this Zhuangzi, it is men and women who are rubbing each other's ears.

Perhaps because of the change of environment, Fang Jinshu was less worried than when he was in the capital.

Quan Moxian hugged her, only felt that her delicate body was as charming as water.

His sweat slid along his knife-cut sideburns, across his neck, collarbone, and dripped onto the bed.

Her nails were embedded in his back, her eyes were hazy and blurred, her cheeks were full of color, and she didn't know where she was.

"Brother Mo..."


Fang Jinshu bit his lower lip: "I..."

Quan Moxian lowered his head and kissed her eyes, his eyes were deep: "Leave everything I know to me."

The night passed.

Accompanied by a loud and clear cock crow, the mountain village ushered in the first ray of dawn.

The blue smoke curled up, and the whole village woke up in the morning mist.Crystal dewdrops hang on the tips of the weeds, reflecting colorful rays of light under the sunlight.

Fang Jinshu got up, Fangzhi took care of her after washing, and Chunyu came out of the house with a basin.

Quan Moxian practiced his punches and returned to the room, wiped off his sweat, and changed his clothes.

He has learned the six arts of a gentleman well.Practicing boxing every day is already a habit. It is not for fighting against others, but for strengthening the body.

After breakfast, Fang Jinshu said: "I haven't practiced martial arts for the past few days, so I'm slacking off. When your rest is over, I'll get up early to practice martial arts."

Quan Moxian responded, and said: "That's just right, we also have a companion in the morning."

He didn't ask why Fang Jinshu, a woman, was so persistent in practicing martial arts. What he gave was complete support and trust.

"By the way, you once mentioned that you want to learn archery, right?" Quan Moxian remembered what Fang Jinshu said.

"I said that once." Fang Jinshu was slightly surprised.

That was just after the two got engaged, Fang Jinshu mentioned it casually when they went to see An Congfang's house.It's been several months, and so many things happened in the middle.

Unexpectedly, he still remembered.

Quan Moxian held her hand in his palm and said with a smile: "I remember everything about you." That's right, as long as there are things related to her, he will never forget them.

"I asked Haifeng to bring an extra pair of soft bows. Let's go to the mountains to try our hands. I'll teach you."

In the mountains and forests, there are winds blowing from all directions, which is actually not suitable for beginners.Quan Moxian's proposal is more about playing than learning archery.

For Fang Jinshu's wish, he built an archery range and set up arrow stacks at home.There is the place he thinks is the most suitable place to study.

"Okay." Fang Jinshu's eyes lit up, full of interest.

How long has it been since she touched a bow and arrow?
Not to mention this life, it was the last life. After becoming the empress dowager, she never had the chance to shoot arrows again.In the more than ten years in Changle Palace, there were very few opportunities to be able to shoot arrows.

In her previous life, she first learned archery, which was a requirement of her father Ding Guogong, and it was a compulsory homework for the eldest daughter of the Cao family.

But later, she really liked archery.

She likes riding horses and galloping, and likes the wind whistling past her ears.In that moment, she felt like she was embracing a freedom she had never had before.

And the sense of accomplishment of hitting the target makes this freedom even more memorable.

The two changed into light and strong clothes, and the servants followed behind with bows and arrows on their backs, and a group of people went up the mountain.

The morning sun shone through the forest tops, forming fine golden spots on Fang Jinshu's hair.Her whole body was bathed in it, her skin was almost transparent.

Her beauty is contradictory.

There is the shyness of a young girl, and the charm of a young woman.

There is a reserved elegance, a dignified and noble air in the bones, a nimble and agile body, and a dynamic demeanor.

Quan Moxian collected himself, and secretly laughed at himself: I already have her for real, why still can't get enough of her?
Arriving under a relatively gentle slope, Quan Moxian took his hard bow, adjusted the bowstring, and said: "You stand by my side, I will tell you first."

He explained everything in detail, from how to hold the bow, stance, and arm position, to how to strum the string, draw the bow, and aim.

Fang Jinshu also listened carefully.

Although she has learned it in her previous life, these only exist in her memory, and she still needs to learn it from scratch.

 Thanks to "Classmate Dajing" for the reward of 10000 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~ and congratulations to "Classmate Dajing" for being promoted to the hall master O(∩_∩)O~
  Zhou Zhou said that every time a hall master appears, it needs to be changed every day, so I will find a day to come to the change next week. It is really impossible to add changes in time for the baby party on weekends/(ㄒoㄒ)/~ ~
  Thanks to "People who are old and desperate", "Classmate Da Jing" and "Amber Niuniu" for their precious monthly votes ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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