Twin Brocade

Chapter 877

Chapter 877
Horseback riding and archery is the survival instinct of everyone outside the Great Wall, but it is not the case in the Gaoman Dynasty.

The six arts of a gentleman advocated by Confucianism: rites, music, archery, imperialism, calligraphy, and mathematics are not something everyone can afford to learn.Due to limited conditions, most private schools and academies only teach articles and classics, and cannot teach riding and archery.

Most of the people who can really acquire these six arts are from century-old families, martial arts families, and veteran civil servant families.

Quan Moxian's riding and archery was only learned after he arrived at Songxi Academy.

This is also one of the meanings of the existence of Songxi Academy.As long as you can go to the academy, you can learn courses that ordinary people can't imagine.

This is true for men, and women can learn even less.

Except for the daughter-in-law of Wu Xun's family, other women couldn't even think of this idea.

For rich families, the so-called "raised in a deep boudoir" and "a noble lady in a deep house" are not just talk.What men want is a virtuous and magnanimous wife, not a woman who wields knives and sticks.

In the previous life, Fang Jinshu was able to be good at riding and shooting because she was the eldest daughter of Duke Ding's mansion.In this life, she never thought that she could learn these two skills again.

It was a surprise for Quan Moxian to teach her archery, let alone offer to teach her how to ride a horse?
Because of the archery, her skin glowed healthy and rosy, and her eyes shone brightly, showing both excitement and anticipation.

Quan Moxian looked at her dotingly, stretched out his hand to scratch her nose, and said with a smile, "Is that so happy?"

Fang Jinshu gave an "um" and said softly, "Thank you."

Thank you for being so kind to me, thank you for pampering me unconditionally, thank you for fulfilling all my wishes.

"Don't be polite to me." Quan Moxian said: "My riding skills are not good, I can't compare with Haifeng. But it is more than enough to teach you."

Haifeng was born in a racecourse, before he could speak, he would run with the horses, Quan Moxian was naturally no match for him.

"If you want to learn, I will ask Haifeng to find a docile mare, and I will teach you slowly when I return to Beijing." Quan Moxian thought about it, and said: "Fortunately, there are few adults in our house, so we have another place There is no problem with horse training."

Thinking about the scene, Fang Jinshu burst into laughter: "Brother Mo, in this way, we are the family of Mr. Ji Wu, the second family of civil servants with a racetrack, right?"

Quan Moxian thought about it, and then laughed.

why not?

He is an official of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, not a distinguished family.Having a place to practice martial arts at home can also be said to keep fit, but having a racetrack is indeed a bit different.

"What's the matter? Since it's my own house, I have nothing to do with others." Quan Moxian didn't take it seriously.

He didn't even care about those slanderous gossips, let alone such trivial matters.

The night in the mountains always comes earlier, and the day also dawns earlier.

When it was just dawn, Fang Jinshu got up, washed up, and went to Jingyi Nunnery with Quan Moxian.Behind them, followed by servants carrying gifts.

It is still the familiar mountain road, and the melodious bell.

When Fang Jinshu stood at the gate of Jingyi Nunnery again, he couldn't help feeling very emotional.

Before I knew it, eight years had passed.Time flows like water, and Jingyi Nunnery is still the same as before.I just don't know, what happened to the people inside?
A young guard stepped forward to stop the two of them, and said: "The important place of the royal family, no one is allowed to enter without orders, please go back, both of you."

Quan Moxian cupped his hands, showed his waist badge to the guards, and said: "My wife has practiced in Jingyi Nunnery for a year, and I'm here again today. I want to see my old friend, please let me know."

The guard took it and looked at it carefully, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "So it's Mr. Quan. Please forgive me, I have a job, so I can't give a full salute."

"It's okay." Quan Moxian helped him up, and said: "We came unexpectedly."

The guard looked at the two with embarrassment, and said: "If it is any other place, Mr. Quan will not be able to shirk it. Since this lady has practiced here, she should know the rules of Jingyi Nunnery."

He had just been on duty in Jingyi Nunnery not long ago, but he also knew that apart from nuns and concubines in the nunnery.How could someone enter a nunnery and leave after practicing for a year?

Times have changed, and the guards have changed several times. They don't know about Fang Jinshu's practice here.

Fang Jinshu smiled and said, "You're right. Today, I brought some presents for the teachers, please accept them." It takes time to carry things in, and she wants to take advantage of this time to wait and see if she can meet in the nunnery people.

The young guard cupped his hands and said: "Please wait a moment, I need to report this matter to the commander of Baiqi."

Jingyi Nunnery is a royal nunnery, and they are guards who are guarded by the emperor.It's not that anyone who sends something up can send it into the nunnery.

Quan Moxian agreed, and the young guard invited the two of them to enter the tea room in the courtyard to wait.

This is the courtyard where the guards are stationed. The mountain is poor and the furnishings are very simple. Everything is practical.

In the tea room, there was already a woman in her fifties.

Her clothes are simple, but the material is very expensive, it is made of high-quality satin.In the hands of the servants serving behind her was a soft and fluffy fox fur cloak.

An emerald ruyi hairpin is inserted on the head, and an emerald green bracelet is worn on the wrist.

All of this shows that her identity is not very human.

However, her face was sad, and there seemed to be tears in her eyes.Looking down at the half piece of white jade formula in her hand, she didn't know what she was thinking, her expression was so dazed that she didn't even notice someone came in.

A look of surprise flashed across Fang Jinshu's eyes, why did he meet her here?

She glanced at Quan Moxian, motioned him to wait by the door, then stepped forward gently, gave the woman a blessing, and said, "I have seen Princess Duan."

Yes, this woman is Prince Duan's first wife, Princess Duan.

Prince Duan is the younger brother of the late emperor, with a detached status in the clan, and has been the minister of Zongzheng Temple for many years.In Beijing, no matter where he went, even in the palace, he was treated with courtesy.

But Princess Duan, how could she appear here so low-key?

Princess Duan raised her head, and after a few breaths she recognized Fang Jinshu: "Oh, it's a girl from the Fang family. Why are you here?"

Fang Jinshu was named the head of the county, and because of Princess Jing'an's respect, he was able to walk in front of his clan.Princess Duan didn't say anything to her, but she also recognized her.

"If I go back to the princess, I have practiced in Jingyi Nunnery for a year and sent some things up the mountain. I also want to see if there is a chance to see my teacher and my sisters again."

"Oh." Concubine Duan answered absent-mindedly, stopped talking, and only repeatedly rubbed the half of the white jade formula in her hand.

She is an elder, the purpose of coming here, she can't ask Fang Jinshu unless she mentions it.

Quan Moxian, who was by the door, took a step forward and asked, "Your Majesty has seen Wangfei. May I ask what is the origin of the white jade formula in Wangfei's hand?"

(End of this chapter)

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