Twin Brocade

Chapter 878

Chapter 878

His behavior can be regarded as a bit disrespectful.

The other party was Concubine Duan, firstly she was a female family member, secondly she was a member of the royal family, before she asked Quan Moxian, it seemed that it was beyond the rules for him to ask like this.

A bit of displeasure flashed across Princess Duan's eyes, she reflexively closed the half of the white jade formula in her palm, and said indifferently: "Lord Quan, did you go to the wrong place and thought you were asking questions in the hall?"

Fang Jinshu has the impression that she married Quan Moxian as his successor, and there were some people discussing it in Duanwang's mansion back then.

It seems that the Quan Langzhong of the Ministry of Punishment really lived up to his reputation, and he didn't know what an elder was.The fourth girl of the Fang family, marrying him is really a big cabbage, and she was given over by a pig.

She is a princess, how can any official be able to discuss her affairs?

Fang Jinshu knew, however, that there must be a reason for Quan Moxian's question.Although he is arrogant in his bones, he understands the rules of the world and will not offend Princess Duan for no reason.

She got up and saluted: "I also ask the concubine to forgive me, my husband may have seen the white jade formula in your hand."

Although Quan Moxian had never told her about it, she believed that if it hadn't been for this, Quan Moxian would not have asked easily, and he would not have done anything he was not sure about.


Princess Duan raised her head excitedly and stood up abruptly.Her hand holding Bai Yujue trembled, and the longing in her eyes made people startled.

Quan Moxian said in a deep voice: "Princess, I have indeed seen the other half, but I am not sure. If it is convenient for you, please let me take a closer look."


Concubine Duan had no more thoughts now, she held the half piece of white jade formula to Quan Moxian with trembling hands: "Look slowly, don't rush."


Quan Moxian took it over, looked at the stick of incense carefully against the light, and then returned the White Jade Jue to Princess Duan, saying: "If I remember correctly, this is the other half of the piece I have seen before. half."

He pointed to a gap on the edge of the jade formula, and said: "Princess, please look, the gap in the shape here, the half piece I told you should be able to close."

Fang Jinshu knew Quan Moxian well, he said it should be able to close, so he will be able to close it.


Princess Duan's eyes widened, she didn't care about her manners, she grabbed Quan Moxian's wrist, and asked repeatedly: "Where is it? Where is the half you mentioned?!"

After she finished speaking, she realized that she had been disrespectful, and quickly let go of her hand.

Quan Moxian sighed slightly in his heart, hoping that things were not as he imagined.He said softly: "Princess, please calm down and let the official report come."

"Okay." Princess Duan regained her composure, and the servants helped her back to her seat and sat down.

At this moment, the door was knocked twice, and the guard appeared at the door, and he replied after seeing the gift: "Princess Duan, the sesame oil you offered in front of the Buddha has already been taken in by the little master."

Princess Duan responded urgently, wanting to send him away quickly.With the news of this half of the White Jade Art, nothing else matters.

But the guard didn't leave, he said to Quan Moxian: "Haiqi Chang agrees, please carry the things in first."

Quan Moxian said "hard work", and said: "After I have finished my report with the princess, I will make arrangements."

The guard secretly wondered, why did Lord Quan talk to the princess in such a short while?He quietly glanced at a few people, concealed his curiosity and retreated.

"Master Quan, please tell me." Princess Duan said eagerly.

"Princess Duan, you are aware that I have been ordered to go to Bozhou to handle the case." For Princess Duan, this news may be a disaster rather than a blessing.Quan Moxian carefully considered his words and said slowly.

"I, of course I know." An ominous premonition flashed across Princess Duan's heart.

"Wu Zhanchong of Bozhou relied on the support of his family to run amok and disregard human life." Quan Moxian said: "The actor went crazy because he saw him kill a scholar from a foreign country with his own hands."

He would not bring up this matter for no reason. Princess Duan pinched her handkerchief nervously and asked in a trembling voice: "Then... this white jade formula?"

"This half piece of white jade formula was discovered by the lower official when he was collecting the body of the victim. Because he wore it next to his body and only had half a piece, he wondered if it could be a token, so he paid more attention to it."

"Corpse... Corpse?" Duan Wangfei covered her mouth, her whole body trembled like chaff, her face was ashes: "What corpse?"

The facts in front of him are so cruel.

She had just learned of the whereabouts of Bai Yujue, but it was news of his death.

How could she believe this?

"Princess," the servant who was waiting on her supported her, and said urgently, "Princess! It's not our lady, that's a scholar!" Princess Duan was emotional, but her servant could hear the difference.

"Ah, yes!" Her eyes suddenly burst out with hope, shining brightly.

She looked at Quan Moxian and asked, "Master Quan, are you sure that is a scholar?"

After listening to their conversation, Quan Moxian vaguely understood, nodded and said: "Yes, he is a scholar from a foreign country. Because Wu Zhanchong refused to confess, we don't know his identity and origin, and now the only thing we can be sure of is Yes, he's a man."

"Great!" Concubine Duan burst into tears excitedly, held the servant's hand and said, "It's not her, it's not her... Did you hear, it's not her!"

The ups and downs in her mood were extremely unbearable at her age, and she burst into tears at this moment.

Fang Jinshu stepped forward, took out a silk handkerchief to wipe her tears, and silently accompanied her.

The ins and outs of the matter are still unclear, how could Princess Duan's daughter end up living among the people?How could this half piece of white jade formula end up on that scholar?

But no matter what, Princess Duan in front of her was a sad and desperate mother.

It took a long time for Princess Duan to calm down, she was a little embarrassed, and said: "I made you laugh." With her status, she had never lost her composure in front of outsiders.

Fang Jinshu hurriedly said, "You must have some difficulties."

Princess Duan nodded, patted the back of her hand and said: "Good boy." She gestured to the servant who served her: "Come and see."


The servant who served her was a daughter-in-law who seemed to be almost 30 years old, with her hair tied up in a bun, and her whole body was neatly tidied up.The look between the eyebrows is very calm.

She bowed to Quan Moxian and Fang Jinshu, and said, "My servant Ding Xiang, I have met Lord Quan and the county lord."

The course of the matter was quite tortuous.

The process of the first emperor conquering the world was not all smooth sailing.As his younger brother, Prince Duan followed him to fight north and south as soon as he got married.Prince Duan's martial arts strategies are not outstanding, but he fought steadily, without any trouble.

Based on this, after the founding of the country, Prince Duan sat firmly in the position of Minister of Zongzhengsi, and no one said anything.

At that time, the situation was unstable, and Princess Duan, as a family member, was also displaced.In a newly occupied city, Princess Duan gave birth to a daughter, but was attacked immediately.

 Thanks to "Linda Xiaozhou" for the reward of 100 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Thanks to "lingchenchen", "Pippi Loves Mom" ​​and "Jiang 101628" for their valuable monthly votes ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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