Twin Brocade

Chapter 879 She Disagrees

Chapter 879 She Disagrees
The city gate was broken, so Prince Duan hurried back to the back house and arranged for a group of soldiers to escort her out through another gate.

That night, there was a lot of chaos, and people's shouts and hooves were everywhere.

Princess Duan, who was weak after giving birth, took her newborn daughter into the carriage.Unexpectedly, a rebel army attacked, and in the panic, her infant daughter disappeared.

Fortunately, when she knew that the city gate was broken, she split a piece of white jade formula into two, tied half of it around her daughter's neck, and kept the other half for herself.

The purpose is to prevent the separation of flesh and blood.

Unexpectedly, it was just a precaution, but it became a reality.What made her cry even more was that even the half of the white jade formula she had kept disappeared along with most of the lost luggage.

Two years later, the world was unified and Gao Mang was established.

However, Princess Duan's lost daughter could never be found again.Even the half of the white jade formula disappeared.

This incident became the regret of Princess Duan's life.All her life, she has been searching hard.Prince Duan used a lot of manpower, even the late emperor sent men to find her a daughter.

But apart from knowing her age and gender, Princess Duan's daughter has no obvious birthmarks, which is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

In fact, Prince Duan had already given up.

In that situation, the chances of a baby in swaddling surviving are extremely low.However, how could he bear to tell Princess Duan the truth?She has been searching unremittingly, just to keep the hope in Princess Duan's heart alive, and to keep a little thought.

Finally, Kung Fu pays off.

Just a few years ago, when the shadow guard was out on a mission, he accidentally discovered this half of the white jade formula, took it back and presented it to Princess Duan.

It's been a long time, but the memory of that year is lingering.Princess Duan recognized this half piece of white jade formula at a glance, it was the piece she accidentally lost back then.

In her heart, hope was rekindled.

Decades have passed, since the half of the white jade formula can be found, does that mean that the long-lost daughter can also be found?

Princess Duan has no other thoughts, she just wants to know if her daughter is doing well, is she suffering?If you find it, you must make it up to her to make up for her own fault.

Therefore, she made a wish in her heart that in her lifetime, she would personally visit all the temples in the world and offer sesame oil in front of the Buddha.Ask the Buddha to show mercy and bless her to find her daughter.

She visited all the temples and nunneries near Luoyang City.Jingyi Temple is the last place.

Today, the Holy Spirit has all kinds of opportunities, and still assigns people to find her daughter for her, and finally successfully retrieves half of the White Jade Jue.Her wish is not a simple matter, and Jingyi Temple is just one of them.

Therefore, Princess Duan didn't bother the emperor and queen in the palace, and came here on her own.

She never thought that she would get the whereabouts of the other half of the white jade formula here.

"Lord Quan, is it true that the identity of that scholar cannot be found out?"

Ding Xiang has served Princess Duan for decades, from a maid to a daughter-in-law, she has always stayed by her side.She knows best what Princess Duan has in mind.

Now I finally found the whereabouts of the other half of the yuan. Although I don’t know what happened, how did the half of the yuan end up on the scholar, compared with the vagueness of the past, there is always a clue.

Even she couldn't help but get excited.

In fact, as long as you search carefully, how can you not find out?

The identity of the foreigner is unknown because no one recognized him when he first arrived in Bozhou.

But when people go out, they will always carry a guide with them, ready for inspection by the government.Otherwise, no matter where you go, you won't even be able to enter the city gate.Wu Zhan rushed to kill him, so he must know his identity, but he refused to admit it to death.

He was charged with murdering an official of the imperial court, but he always thought that the Lu family could lend a helping hand to him and exonerate him.

On the way home, Quan Moxian had been assassinated several times, and Wu Zhanchong knew all about it.He took this as a sign that the Lu family had not given up on him, so he refused to plead guilty.

For the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the key is to capture the criminal.Why did Wu Zhanchong harm the innocent foreigner? This is not the most important thing.

Quan Moxian cupped his hands and said: "Princess, please don't worry. After returning to Beijing, I will go to the Yamen to check the evidence and interrogate the criminal Wu Zhanchong."

He is still in Xiumu, but as a doctor of the Ministry of Punishment, he naturally has this authority.

"Okay!" Concubine Duan stood up holding Ding Xiang's hand, let out a long breath, her eyes were full of hope, and asked: "When will Mr. Quan return to Beijing? I will go down the mountain and go back to the mansion to discuss with the prince first. "

Quan Mo's trial of ghosts in Xian Bozhou, which is a thriller, has been sent back to the capital.

Of course Princess Duan had heard of it, but she never thought that this matter would be related to her.Wu Zhanchong pleaded not guilty?She disagrees.

She must know the identity of the nameless foreign scholar.

Hearing her question, Quan Moxian was taken aback, and said: "Your official..." It's rare for him to be free for a few days. He originally planned to accompany Fang Jinshu to live in the Eastern Suburb Zhuangzi for two days tomorrow, and then go to see her own Zhuangzi again. back to Beijing.

Fang Jinshu smiled and said, "It's okay, the princess's business is important." She looked at him and said softly, "Shall we go back after lunch?"

She understood Princess Duan's mood.

The daughter who has been missing for decades, suddenly got news, this eagerness must be wishing to know the truth immediately.Not to mention a few more days of delay, but a delay of every hour, every moment and every breath, would be a torment for her.

Quan Moxian looked at her, unable to answer for a while.In his heart, he wanted to spend more time with her.

Princess Duan saw it, and hurriedly said: "It's okay, it's okay, you are just newly married, so naturally you should have fun."

Fang Jinshu smiled and glanced at Quan Moxian, Quan Moxian understood the persistence in her eyes, cupped his hands and said: "My wife is right, we are just hanging out, the princess's business is important."

Looking at the two newlyweds in front of her, because she changed her mind, Princess Duan burst into tears and said with a sob: "Okay, okay..."

At this time, she found Quan Moxian very pleasing to the eye, and no longer felt that he and Fang Jinshu were not good enough.

"Shuyin, is it Shuyin?"

At this time, a surprised voice sounded outside the door, and Fang Jinshu looked over: "Huiyin?"

After several years of not seeing each other, Huiyin has grown into a girl in her 20s.He is tall and slender, wearing a gray monk's robe, holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand.

"Is it really you?" Huiyin said: "Little junior sister came to pick up the sesame oil sent by the princess, and talked about a lady who practiced in the nunnery a few years ago. I just thought, it can only be you."

"It's really you."

Her eyes are clear and clean without being stained with dust.

Fang Jinshu sued Princess Duan for a crime, went out to talk to Huiyin, and said with a smile: "My husband and I came to live in Zhuangzi at the foot of Beiman Mountain, thinking that we just passed the winter, so we brought some things up along the way."

(End of this chapter)

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