Twin Brocade

Chapter 880 Freedom

Chapter 880 Freedom
When she was in Jingyi Nunnery, Huiyin was two years older than Fang Jinshu, and had the closest relationship with her.

After returning to Beijing, Fang Jinshu would send people gifts and letters every year after the winter to greet the teachers and sisters in the nunnery.Although the news kept coming, it was never as pleasant as seeing a real person.

When she first heard her junior sister mention it, she still couldn't believe it, so she wanted to come out and have a look, even if it wasn't, there was no loss.

Meeting someone now, Huiyin took Fang Jinshu's hand, too happy to speak.

"How are you doing? How is Mrs. Jingchen? How are Mrs. Jing and Mrs.?" Fang Jinshu greeted everyone.

Huiyin nodded again and again, and said, "Don't worry about Shuyin, everyone is fine. Some time ago, Mrs. Jingchen mentioned you when she was doing things for the Empress Dowager Yingying."

"How are you?" She looked at her combing a woman's hair, and asked in a low voice, "Are you married? Why don't you say anything."

Fang Jinshu smiled and said, "What can I say? No, I came to see you at the beginning of spring?" In winter, the mountains were covered by heavy snow, and there was no communication.

"Tell me, who did you marry?"

Fang Jinshu looked into the room and said, "Mr. Quan from the Ministry of Punishment, he will come with me today."

Seeing her expression, Huiyin said thoughtfully, "He must have treated you very well."

"Oh?" Fang Jinshu asked in surprise, "You haven't met anyone yet, how would you know?"

"I know you when I see you. I don't need to see him." Huiyin was an orphan whose parents died, and grew up in a nunnery.There was also a young girl Huaichun, but these years of practice have made her determined to serve the Buddha for the rest of her life.

She tilted her head and looked at Fang Jinshu, and said, "I can't tell you the specifics, but I think you are doing well."


Huiyin nodded, and said: "When you were in Jingyi Nunnery, although you were young, you always felt that you were hiding something on your mind. Seeing you now, I feel much brighter."

"It's like, free."

become free.

Her inadvertent words made Fang Jinshu wake up suddenly as if enlightened.

That's right, she and Quan Moxian have only been married for a few days, and she really feels unprecedented freedom.He understood her thoughts, even when she raised her hand and looked at her, he knew what she wanted.

Just like, just now in front of Princess Duan.

It was Quan Moxian's idea that the two of them came out this time.He was so excited that he wanted to let her relax and play outside.

However, with just one look at himself, he agreed to return to Beijing today.

So in front of him, is he already so presumptuous?Because he pampered and pampered him unconditionally and satisfied his every request, whether reasonable or unreasonable, his mood would be so relaxed and free.

Are you unscrupulous because you know you are deeply loved?
Thinking back, these few days she hardly even thought of her previous life, she slept soundly and had no dreams all night.

It was because of him, his shoulders, that he gave me a sense of security, so that I could reap this rare and precious freedom.

Fang Jinshu's heart was ups and downs, and he felt that everything in front of him became brighter: in the high sky, a few wisps of white clouds stretched.The trees in this courtyard are tall and green.Even the air is filled with the clear fragrance of grass and trees.

Looking back at Huiyin's clear eyes, there is his own reflection inside.

Fang Jinshu smiled and said, "Yes, freedom. Sister Huiyin, you read that right, I am indeed doing well."

Huiyin took her hand and said with a smile: "I saw you, and I was very happy. I'll go back and tell the teachers, they are all thinking of you."

Fang Jinshu agreed and said, "I'll wait for your news."

Huiyin came out to pick her up. I don't know if she can fulfill her wish this time.

Princess Duan tidied up her appearance, put on a fox fur cloak and came out of the room, rolled up her sleeves and looked at Fang Jinshu with a smile, "I'll go back to Beijing first, it's rare for you to come, just take your time."

Fang Jinshu agreed and sent Princess Duan out of the courtyard.

Quan Moxian stood beside her, watched Princess Duan go away, and sighed slightly: "The separation of flesh and blood is really a very painful thing in the world."

Otherwise, with Princess Duan's current detached status, she is supposed to enjoy her grandchildren in her later years, so why is she running around here?

"Fortunately, today is such a coincidence." Fang Jinshu looked at him and said, "Thanks to my husband, I recognized the jade formula in her hand." Otherwise, I don't know when she will be able to find the clue.

The half piece of white jade formula on the body of the murdered outsider is evidence and will not be exposed easily.

Even if they wanted to find out the identity of a foreigner, they would start with Wu Zhanchong, or the soldiers who were inspecting the roads in Bozhou that day.There is only half of the white jade formula, so I won't be able to think of where to go for a while.

"This is her blessing." Quan Moxian smiled.

If they hadn't just got married, if they hadn't come to Beiman Mountain for a short stay, if they hadn't happened to come to Jingyi Nunnery today, if they didn't have the right time, they would have missed it.

This is not a blessing, what is it?
Perhaps the heavens also sympathized with Princess Duan's daughter-loving heart, so it gave such coincidences.

Fang Jinshu said: "I hope her daughter is alive and well." Otherwise, I don't know how to be sad.

Quan Moxian nodded and said, "Yes."

As long as there are clues, the truth of all this will always be revealed.

The two stood for a while, Huiyin returned to the courtyard, and said with a smile: "Master Jingchen gave the handwriting, I'll pick up Shuyin and you go in. Mr. Quan, please wait a moment."

Jingyi nunnery is a place where nuns practice, even if the abbot agrees, Quan Moxian, as a foreigner, is not allowed to enter.

Quan Moxian responded with a smile, straightened Fang Jinshu's cloak, and said, "Go ahead, I'll wait for you here."

Huiyin handed the handwritten letter to the commander of the Baiqi who was in charge of guarding, but the other party looked embarrassed and said, "Master Huiyin, don't embarrass me. The rule here is that if outsiders want to enter the nunnery, they must have a palace order or a warrant. "

"Look, the concubine was brought here just now, but the sesame oil was left behind, so she couldn't go in."

"Shuyin used to practice in the nunnery under the order, she is not an outsider." Huiyin insisted.

Baiqi said: "In the past few years, I have been on duty here every year, and I have never seen her." Fang Jinshu practiced in the Jingyi Nunnery, after all, it was eight years ago.

But this Hundred Riders only came in recent years.

For him, it was his duty not to let Fang Jinshu in.How can outsiders easily enter and exit the royal nunnery?He can't afford to take this risk, he only accepts orders from the palace.

Seeing this, Fang Jinshu walked up to Huiyin and said, "Senior Sister Huiyin, don't embarrass this lord, he also has his responsibilities. I understand the teacher's wishes, and I would like to ask you to bring a teacher to Jingchen." Shuyin came to say hello to her."

"Can I borrow a pen and ink?" Fang Jinshu said to Baiqichang: "I will write a letter and ask Huiyin to bring it in."

There were people she cared about in the nunnery, and she was afraid that she would not be thorough enough just to ask Huiyin to bring her words.

 Thank you for the 2 monthly tickets cast by "People who are old and desperate", and thank you "Book Friends 16042508..." and "Linlin" for the precious monthly tickets ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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