Twin Brocade

Chapter 881

Chapter 881
"No need. Who said you can't enter?" At this moment, a voice came from the courtyard door.

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw a female Nishi Shiran standing by the door, with a lazy expression and undiminished vigor in the depths of her eyes.

Unlike Huiyin, she had well-maintained jet-black hair coiled in a mitral hat and was not shaved.The years have made her delicate and charming face stained with wind and frost, but it has added charm.

No makeup, no hairpins, and no reduction in her color.One can imagine how beautiful she was when she was young.

"Jinghe teacher." Fang Jinshu smiled and saluted her.

Because of Guangying Merchant and Mrs. Han, she has been in correspondence with Jing and Mrs. Shi.Regarding Fang Mudi's matter, she even wrote to ask her for help, and Jinghe has always taken good care of her.

Jing He looked at her, with a rare smile in his eyes, and said, "Long time no see, the little girl has grown up and married."

Quan Moxian stepped forward to pay respects: "I have met Jing and Mrs. Tai."

She is not only the concubine left behind by the late emperor, but also someone who can influence the Cui family in Guicheng Houfu.These two identities, no matter which one they are, are worthy of respect.

"Not bad." Jing He looked Quan Moxian up and down, then looked at Fang Jinshu, pursed his lips and said with a smile, "Let's live a good life."

With that said, he motioned for Fang Jinshu to come forward to help her, and then walked towards the Jingyi Nunnery.


Baiqichang walked a few steps quickly, trying to stop Fang Jinshu, but he was worried about Jinghe.

According to the rules of the Jingyi Nunnery, the concubines raised there can't go down the mountain, but they can walk around without hindrance.At the beginning, I chose this place to become the royal nunnery because there is only one way to go down the mountain here.

They are always the concubines of the first emperor, not prisoners.

As long as you don't go down the mountain, no one will interfere with these little freedoms.

Baiqichang also felt strange in his heart, what kind of background this young lady is, so that Jing and the wife, who are the most difficult to deal with in the nunnery, came to pick her up in person.

He had several thoughts in his mind, but his footsteps did not stop, he followed the two of them all the time, thinking about what to do when he arrived at the gate of Jingyi Nunnery.

Jinghe stopped, gave him a sideways glance, and said, "You don't have to follow, I will guarantee her. If anything happens, I will take care of it."

"Master." Fang Jinshu called softly.

Jing He squeezed her hand and said, "Don't worry. You've already reached the door, you should go in and visit Jing Chen."

"Yes." Jingchen taught her martial arts and unraveled her knots, Fang Jinshu just wanted to thank her personally.

After hearing this, the Baiqichang acquiesced to the matter.

He didn't know Fang Jinshu, but he had the peace and strength to protect him. If he tried to obstruct him, he would be very ignorant of current affairs.What's more, he didn't want to offend the Cui family.He is a general, and the Cui family is a family of martial arts, leaving a festival is harmful and not beneficial, it is better to sell favors.

Following Jinghe, Fang Jinshu entered the Jingyi Nunnery again.

Everything in front of me is still the same as it was eight years ago.Time seems to have softened its steps here, and everything seems so peaceful and serene.

"Master, I want to offer a stick of incense to the Empress Dowager Yingying first." Fang Jinshu said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you in the yard." Jing said softly.

"Thank you, Master, for bringing me in." Fang Jinshu saluted.

Jinghe looked at her, smiled and waved: "Thank you, let's go."

The road to the apse is still so quiet, few people come but it is cleaned up.The sun slanted in, and the dust in the air floated quietly in the air.

Fang Jinshu walked slowly, smelling the sandalwood in the air and listening to the sound of chanting not far away, his mood was unprecedentedly calm, peaceful, and pious.

Arriving near the main hall where the tablet of the heroic empress dowager was enshrined, Fang Jinshu found the wooden bucket and rag in the side utility room, filled half a bucket of clean water, and entered the main hall with the rag.

These things were done every day when she was in Jingyi Nunnery eight years ago.

In the main hall, Master Jingchen sat cross-legged on the futon, chanting scriptures with her eyes closed.Seeing Fang Jinshu, he gently put down the wooden barrel and waited quietly for her to finish reciting.

After two quarters of an hour, Jing Chen opened his eyes, looked at her and smiled, "Come?"

Fang Jinshu smiled and saluted: "Long time no see, I'm bothering the teacher."

"Let's recite the scriptures first."


Fang Jinshu soaked the rag, wiped the memorial tablet of the heroic empress dowager devoutly, and wiped clean the Buddhist table carefully.After doing all this carefully, she sat down cross-legged on the futon and began to recite the "Heart Sutra".

A strange woman like the heroic empress dowager has made indelible contributions to the establishment of the Gaomang Dynasty.Fang Jinshu respected her from the bottom of his heart.

After finishing all this, Jing and the teacher got up and motioned for Fang Jinshu to come out with her.

The apse was very quiet, the two walked one after the other, only light footsteps echoed in the corridor.

"Did you fail in martial arts?" Jing He asked Fang Jinshu, but her tone was affirmative.She has practiced martial arts for many years, and just looking at Fang Jinshu, she knows that Fang Jinshu is not slacking off.

"Yeah." Fang Jinshu said: "I know how to practice martial arts except when I'm sick. It's just that I have relaxed these few days and let my husband teach me archery."

Jing He nodded and said: "Girl, you should learn some self-defense skills, archery is very good."

"You still have a long way to go in your life." Jing He said with relief: "When I see you today, I know you have figured it out."

"Shuyin thanked the teacher for the suggestion." Fang Jinshu saluted.

Jinghe looked at her with a slight smile, and said: "You don't have to thank me, you have to thank yourself. There are many things that no one else can persuade, but you can only rely on yourself."

The two walked for a while, and said calmly: "Go, it's rare to come here, and I'm sure not the only person you want to meet. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, feel free to write."

Fang Jinshu thanked him again, said goodbye to Jing and his wife, and went to the courtyard where he used to live.

The little nuns there have all grown up, and there are new little nuns.Huiyin has distributed all the things that Fang Jinshu brought in to everyone, and the most popular among the little nuns is indeed all kinds of delicate and delicious food.

Fang Jinshu got to know everyone again, and after talking, they arrived at the concubine's courtyard.

Only Concubine Jingle, whose pseudonym Han Niangzi, is missing here, and the other concubines are still the same, but they are a few years older.The oldest old concubine was already very old at this time.

Finally, Fang Jinshu arrived at Jinghe's courtyard.

The sun was just right, and a lot of medicinal herbs were spread out in the yard, and the fragrance of the medicinal herbs filled the air.Jinghe walked among them, picking up one and smelling it from time to time.All of this is the same as it was eight years ago.

Fang Jinshu stood at the door, a little dazed.

The scene in front of me overlapped with that of eight years ago, and suddenly, it seemed that these eight years did not exist.

"What are you doing standing there stupidly?" Jinghe found her, beckoned her to come in, and joked, "Could it be that you've become a fool after being married?"

Fang Jinshu smiled, walked in with his skirt in hand.

(End of this chapter)

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