Twin Brocade

Chapter 886 Can't Say

Chapter 886 Can't Say
Quan's family has set up three kitchens in total, Ci'en Hall and Qingyingjuli each have a small kitchen.The small kitchen of the Charity Hall serves Aunt Quan and Quan Yiting, and Ren Ying also eats with them.

Qingyingju is naturally Quan Moxian, Fang Jinshu and his wife.

The small kitchen is only for the master, and all the servants and servants in the outer courtyard and inner house, regardless of rank, go to the big kitchen to bring food back to eat.

In order to let the masters eat freshly, the ingredients in the small kitchen are not too much, but they are very complete and exquisite.The ingredients inside are all first-class, and there are many foods that ordinary people can't afford, such as fish maw and bird's nest.

Fang Jinshu looked at it, asked Fangzhi to tie up her sleeves, and said, "I'll make a pastry for mother and Dudu to taste."

Grandma is going to cook, so there is no room for slack.

The cook hurriedly got up from the stove, and said: "Is there anything I can help you with, Grandma just ask."

"It doesn't matter, you just leave me a stove. With the help of Fangzhi and Chunyu, it's enough, and it won't delay your work." What she wanted to do was a sweet and delicious golden soufflé, It is suitable for the elderly and children to eat.

First pick one or two each of peanuts and soybeans, put them on the stove and dry them thoroughly, and grind them into powder with a hand-pushed stone mill.At the same time, chop the seed-removed red dates, add a little water, slowly pour in the ground powder and sucrose and stir.

When the dryness and wetness are suitable, knead them into small balls one by one with your hands, and then press them into chubby small round cakes.On top, put one as an embellishment.

After doing all this, steam it in a steamer for a quarter of an hour until it is cooked from the inside to the outside, and then put it in the oven to bake.It's just that it takes time to bake, and it won't be out of the cage for a while.

After finishing all this, Fangzhi brought clean water to clean her hands.

Fang Jinshu glanced at the sun outside and ordered, "Chun Yu, watch the fire here for me. Check the color in about two quarters of an hour. It's golden and crisp, and you can come out of the cage."

Chun Yu responded crisply.

Fang Jinshu put down his sleeves and untied his apron, asked Fangzhi to bring a plate of freshly steamed lotus flower cakes, and hurried back to the inner study.

It took some time to grind soybeans and peanuts into powder, and it was already a quarter of an hour since the half an hour she told Quan Yiting.

She was worried about it, because she was afraid that Quan Yiting would not be able to hold his breath.

No matter how clever he is, he is still a child.Having been alone in the study for a long time, Fang Jinshu was worried that he would be thinking wildly.

However, all these worries disappeared when he saw Quan Yiting.

The situation in the inner study was the same as when she left.It even made her doubt herself, did she really leave for more than half an hour?
Quan Yiting sat there steadily, his small body was still upright, and even the posture of holding the pen was still so standard.

However, as long as you look carefully, his wrist is slightly trembling.

After all, he was young, and practicing for more than half an hour in a row put too much burden on him.In his hand, there is a neat stack of rice paper, all of which are the results of his pen practice.

The tea on the desk was a little watery, apparently it had been refilled several times.

"Doo, let's take a rest first."

Fang Jinshu stepped into the room and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, mother wanted to make a golden custard for you to try, so she delayed the time and came back late."

Seeing her coming back, Quan Yiting's eyes lit up, he put the brush in his hand on the pen stand, and wanted to jump off the chair.

"and many more."

The little scorpion was placed on the chair, but it was not fixed.Fang Jinshu was afraid of falling on him, so he hurried forward and carried him off the chair with his own hands.

It's been many years since I felt this small body nestled in her arms.

Quan Yiting put his arms around her neck, his little hands were fat and soft.After leaving the chair, he didn't want to let go, he wanted to get tired of being in Fang Jinshu's arms.

Feeling his attachment to him, Fang Jinshu looked at the little guy in his arms and laughed.

It seems that no matter how sensible he is, he is still a child who lacks love.Simply, she hugged Quan Yiting and sat on the chair by the window, and ordered Fangzhi to make two cups of tea again.

"How is it? After practicing for a long time, do you feel tired?" Fang Jinshu stretched out his hand and kneaded Quan Yiting's wrist.

"Not tired." Quan Yiting shook his head.

Fang Jinshu gave him a piece of lotus cake, and said, "You're hungry, let's eat a piece first."

"Did mother just make this in the kitchen?" Quan Yiting asked with his head tilted.

"No. What I just made is still baking, and it will take a while to finish." Fang Jinshu explained.

Hearing this, Quan Yiting put down the lotus cake in his hand, and said: "Then I won't eat it, I'll wait to eat what my mother made. I will eat it later, and I won't be able to eat it later."

This kid is really attractive.

Can resist the temptation in front of you and know how to restrain yourself.It's not easy for a child.Sometimes, even adults may not be able to do it.

Fang Jinshu couldn't help but kissed his little cheek, and said: "Eat a little first, don't be hungry. If you like the golden custard I made, I will make it next time."

Quan Yiting thought for a while, but still shook his head resolutely.

Seeing him like this, Fang Jinshu didn't force him, let him drink a sip of tea, and said, "Sit down first, and mother will go and see how you are doing."

Quan Yiting agreed, slipped down from her arms, sat obediently on the chair, and waited for her praise with shining eyes.

Fang Jinshu picked up the stack of papers and looked carefully, and found that Quan Yiting's progress was very obvious.

When he first started practicing, his brushstrokes were still immature, and he lacked control over the lines under his brush.But in the back, the progress is rapid.The newly practiced one on the table, apart from being poor in writing skills, seems to already have seven or eight parts of the essence of the demonstration on the page.

What an amazing learning speed this is!

More than half an hour does not sound short, but it is nothing to learn to paint.

I think back when I first started learning how to draw, it took me several days to do basic exercises before I could reach Quan Yiting's current level.

Could it be that Quan Yiting in front of him is not a real child?
Fang Jinshu thought of himself, and thought of Wei Yixin.Since there are two of their old souls who have lived a new life in this world, it is not unimaginable to have one more.

How similar is Quan Yiting's learning speed to his own?

However, with such a low probability, will he be met by himself?
The more Fang Jinshu thought about it, the more amazed she became. She turned her head suddenly and saw Quan Yiting leaning on the stool with both hands, and the legs hanging from the chair were dangling happily.Seeing her look over, she burst into a big smile.

You, what is your origin?

At this moment, Fang Jinshu was certain in his heart that Quan Yiting was definitely not an ordinary child.

"Mother." Quan Yiting smiled brightly, met her surprised eyes, and said, "I can't say that."

Fang Jinshu was startled.

But she understood the words without beginning or end.

 Thanks to "Linda Xiaozhou" for the reward of 100 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Thanks to "Rou Rou Bao Bao", "Linda Xiaozhou", "Pipi Loves Mom", "Dou Dou Qin" and "Original Strangeness" for their precious monthly votes ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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