Twin Brocade

Chapter 887

Chapter 887

"Fangzhi, why don't you go and see the golden soufflé?" Fang Jinshu collected himself and found an excuse to dismiss Quan Yiting's nanny, leaving only her and Quan Yiting in the study.

She walked up to Quan Yiting slowly, knelt down, and met his gaze level: "Dudu, do you have something to tell me?"

At this moment, there is no childish innocence in Quan Yiting's eyes.Looking carefully, it seems that there are infinite stars twinkling and spinning in his eyes.

"Mother, do you still remember the little white fox in the previous life?"

Little white fox?
Fang Jinshu was taken aback for a moment, then remembered.

What happened in her previous life, now she thinks about it, is as unreal as if separated by a layer of smoke.I remember those things, but they are so far away that I don't feel like I have experienced them personally.

Travel through the smoke and dust of memory, and find the memory that has been buried in the dust for a long time.

In those years when people didn’t know the sufferings of the world, that wonderful time, that sunny hillside, that wild flowers blooming all over the mountain, and the fragrance of flowers and plants in the air...

That March, that spring, that boy in white, and that little white fox caught in a hunter's trap.

However, what is the connection between the little white fox in the previous life and the Quan Yiting in this life?
"You... Where did you come from?" Fang Jinshu asked.

The smile on Quan Yiting's face was otherworldly, ethereal, ethereal, and he said softly, "Mother, I'm here to end this karma. As long as you know, I will help you fulfill your wish."

"Don't tell father."

Fang Jinshu's heart stirred up a stormy sea.

Quan Yiting not only knew her past life, but also knew her goal in this life.This is her biggest secret, once it is revealed, how can she not be shocked?

Although he said this, Fang Jinshu didn't dare to believe it completely, he was here to help himself.

Where did he come from?

What is his real purpose?
Before Fang Jinshu could figure it out, Quan Yiting's small body softened and fell down.

Fang Jinshu stepped forward quickly and hugged him.With his eyes closed, he felt weak all over, his complexion lost its previous rosiness and health, and became as white as paper, and his breathing was short of breath.

"Dudu, Dudu!"

Fang Jinshu called him softly, but he didn't respond and had already passed out.

"Come here!" Fang Jinshu hugged him and raised his voice.

Chun Yu, who was guarding outside, hurriedly stepped in: "Grandma."

"Dudu fainted, hurry up, go to Baicao Hall and invite Doctor Su Xiao." Fang Jinshu hurriedly ordered.

She didn't know why Quan Yiting fainted suddenly, but she had a vague intuition, maybe it was because of what he said just now, which revealed the secret?

What secrets are still hidden in this world?
She originally thought that she had already grasped the rules of the world, but Quan Yiting's words told her that was not the case.

The nurse walked in quickly, and the bowl of shortbread cheese in her hand fell to the ground with a bang, and the white shortbread cheese flowed all over the floor.

"Hey, what's going on?!" The nanny was sweating anxiously.

Carrying him back to Quan's house from Quan Yiting, she was the one who raised him, and she has long regarded him as her own.Although the status of master and servant is different, it does not hinder her love for Quan Yiting.

Now she has only been away for a short while, and such a big incident happened, how can she not panic.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she suddenly realized that she was so panicked that she dared to question grandma?Thinking of this, she repeatedly pleaded guilty.

Seeing the little man in his arms frowning, Fang Jinshu was very worried.At this time, she couldn't care less about Quan Yiting's identity and origin, she just wanted to see him healthy and healthy.

"Go and talk to the old lady, Dudu is probably tired and unwell. I have already asked Dr. Su Xiao to see her. Please don't worry, old lady." Fang Jinshu told the nanny.

She didn't want to hide such a big event from Mrs. Quan.

The Quan family's back house has not been straightened out yet, so this news cannot be concealed.According to Aunt Quan's love for Quan Yiting, if she found out from others, it would only make her sadder and create gaps.

The nanny agreed and hurried away.

Fangzhi came in with a plate of baked golden soufflé, and the fragrant smell immediately filled the whole study.It's a pity, who is still interested in tasting it now?

On the way, she heard the news that the young master was in a coma, and she walked in a hurry, sweat dripped from her temples.

"Grandma." Fangzhi put the golden soufflé on the table, and waited for Fang Jinshu's order.

"Go and make the bed, I'll take Dudu back." Fang Jinshu said.

Fang Zhi responded, and said, "Why don't the servants come and hug her? Don't tire Grandma."

Fang Jinshu shook his head, looked at the little face in his arms, and picked up the small cloak beside him to cover Dudu to keep out the wind.Although the reason is unknown, Quan Yiting's coma must have something to do with her.

How could she be willing to give her a false hand?

Back in the room, Fang Jinshu took off Quan Yiting's shoes and coat, put him on the bed, and pulled the quilt up with his own hands.Now, she can't do anything but wait.

Nanny Hua stepped into the door and said, "Grandma, you'd better go and explain to the old lady yourself."

Quan Yiting is usually fine, why did he fall ill and fell into a coma when he arrived in Qingyingju?To make matters worse, Nanny Hua had asked other people. At that time, only Fang Jinshu and Quan Yiting were in the study, and the rest were not there.

Fang Jinshu had only been married into Quan's family for less than ten days, so he dealt with the original servants drastically, and bought new ones with the children of his natal family.

Originally, all of this was fine.At most, it's just someone gossiping behind their backs, saying that the newly married grandma of the Quan family is powerful and unkind.

Fang Jinshu would not pay attention to such gossip.

However, Quan Yiting is different.

He is currently the only young master of the Quan family, has the status of the eldest son recognized by Quan Moxian, and is deeply loved by Aunt Quan.From this status, he and Fang Jinshu had a natural conflict of interest.

Fang Jinshu couldn't bear the reputation of the stepmother treating the original eldest son harshly.

Fang Jinshu thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I'll wait until the genius doctor Su Xiao comes to see him before he's sick." She was concerned about Quan Yiting's condition, and didn't want to leave him because of her own self-interest.

Quan Yiting snorted softly on the bed, Fang Jinshu took a closer look, and said, "May, please prepare hot water for me."

Unlike the white complexion just now, Quan Yiting's complexion is red now.Fang Jinshu touched his forehead with his hand, it was terribly hot, and it was already burning.

Nanny Hua hurriedly fetched hot water, Fang Jinshu twisted a towel to cover his forehead, took his little hand, and pushed the tiger's mouth acupuncture point for him.

"I'll go and cook a medicine bag." Madam Hua said after testing Quan Yiting's pulse.

There are many prescriptions for nursing children in the palace. Because Fang Jinshu is going to marry into Quan's family, Nanny Hua has prepared several medicines in advance, one of which is for clearing away fever and reducing fever, which will come in handy.

(End of this chapter)

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