Twin Brocade

Chapter 888

Chapter 888
Fang Jinshu agreed, twisted another towel, and wiped Quan Yiting's palms and the back of his neck.Gently took out his arms and unbuttoned his clothes to dissipate heat for him.

She sat by the bed, but her thoughts couldn't help drifting to her previous life.

At that time, in the prince's mansion, she also sat like this, guarding her child.What a lovely and pitiful child, who was tormented to the brink of death by the illness, and finally didn't even open her eyes, couldn't call her queen mother again, and just let go like that.

She didn't want to experience that kind of heart-pounding pain again.

Although he killed the murderer who killed his daughter, that young life will never come back.

It was from that time that her heart became more and more cold and hard, and she acted more and more only for the purpose.For the process, sometimes knowing the cruelty of the method, but still keeping a cold eye on the sidelines, pretending not to see it.

This kind of thing, she will never happen a second time!

Quan Yiting, no matter what his background is, whether it will be bad for her in the future, she will also protect him.

The trust and attachment in his eyes are not fake.

"What, what's the matter?" Aunt Quan's hurried voice came from outside the door following the sound of footsteps.

"Old lady, please slow down." This is Qin Yu's voice.

Fang Jinshu woke up suddenly, only to find that his cheeks were cold.It turned out that before I knew it, tears had already flowed freely.

She hurriedly wiped away her tears with a silk handkerchief, turned around and greeted Aunt Quan and said, "Mother, you are here."

"Dudu is sick, how can I not come." Mrs. Quan tremblingly held Qin Yu's hand, and walked to the bed in a few steps.

Ren Ying followed closely behind, and looked around coolly, secretly jealous.Everything here is ten times better than in her house.Even the hooks of the hanging curtains are gilded with gold.

When she thought of the gilt hairpin with beads hanging in her collection, she became even more jealous.

"Cousin, my nephew is sick. If you keep the doors and windows wide open, you are not afraid that he will catch a cold again?" Ren Ying was afraid that the matter was not serious enough.

"Yes, yes, Hei Lang's daughter-in-law, you should be more careful when the child is sick." Aunt Quan sat on the side of the bed and touched Quan Yiting's forehead with her hand: "Scared! Why is it so hot?"

"Mother, Dudu has a fever, so I can't cover it." Fang Jinshu explained softly.At this moment, she asked Ren Ying to watch the show.

When you get sick, it also depends on what kind of disease you have.Some diseases really cannot be affected by the wind, such as catching a cold caused by the wind and cold entering the body.But for fever, the tighter you cover it, the harder it is for the body temperature to cool down.

Aunt Quan has lived most of her life, how could she not know this truth, she nodded her head and said, "Yes, yes."

Looking at Quan Yiting whose face was burning red, she sighed and said, "What's going on? Dudu seldom gets sick, and he was still alive and kicking this morning."

Qin Yu said softly: "The young master is in good health and will not get sick for no reason. Maybe he ate something bad?"

Hearing what she said, a flash of light flashed in Ren Ying's mind, and she said, "That's right. A good child, how can you just say you're sick? Cousin, I heard that soon after you returned to the study, you asked the nanny to serve crispy cheese , let Fang Zhi go to the kitchen."

"When the nanny left, Dudu was still fine. Why did he fall ill and pass out in the time it takes to serve a bowl of crispy cheese?" Ren Ying's words were blatantly provocative.

After hearing these words, Aunt Quan's complexion slowly collapsed.

It is true that there is always a reason and a process for getting sick.Even if it is a sudden illness, there will be aura. It is impossible to come on violently for no reason. If you fall ill, you will go into a coma directly, and now the high fever will not go away.

Thinking of this, she took another look at Fang Jinshu who looked calm, and had a different opinion of her.

Originally, she felt that this daughter-in-law was safe and did not panic.But now it seems that she has an attitude that has nothing to do with her?
"Mother..." Fang Jinshu was about to speak, but Ren Ying rolled her eyes and took the conversation away: "Cousin-in-law, you said you don't know how to take care of children, so you shouldn't take this job, right? If you learn how to draw well, you can also learn to faint .”

As she spoke, she lowered her voice and muttered: "I don't know, I thought you, cousin, did something to the child." Although her voice was low, everyone in the room could hear her words.

Aunt Quan's expression changed, and Qin Yu remained silent.

Madam Hua came in with the boiled medicine bag, and stopped at the door when she heard this sentence.In Fang Zhi's eyes, there was resentment.

Faced with this blatant slander, Fang Jinshu remained unmoved.She reached out to change the wet towel on Quan Yiting's forehead, and said to Aunt Quan: "Mother, it's the daughter-in-law's fault for not taking good care of Dudu."

"I have already ordered someone to go to Baicao Hall to invite Doctor Su Xiao to come and see him. I'm afraid it should be here by now."

She saw Madam Hua stop at the door, beckoned her to come over, took the medicine bag she had in hand and put it in warm water.The dark brown concoction seeped out from inside, dyeing the warm water into a faint pale yellow.

The air is filled with a cool and refreshing smell.

Fang Jinshu soaked the towel in water, twisted it carefully until it was half dry, and wiped the nape of Quan Yiting's neck, the palms of his hands, and the soles of his feet in turn.After wiping it, tuck in the quilt for him.

Her movements are gentle and careful.

Although she didn't defend herself, she told everyone with her actions that she cared about and loved Quan Yiting.

Madam Hua took half a step forward and said, "Old lady, this medicine pack is a prescription I brought out from the palace. It is specially prepared for children to unwind their watch and relieve fever. Wiping it often can lower the body temperature."

"Grandma found out that the young master had a fever, so she immediately ordered me to boil the medicine pack. It's just that it takes time to cook the medicine pack, so I came here just now."

Seeing Fang Jinshu's gentle movements and Nanny Hua's explanation, Aunt Quan's complexion softened a little.Fang Jinshu was the wife her son had identified, and she didn't want to believe that Fang Jinshu would be such a kind-hearted person.

Ren Ying snorted coldly in her heart, it was just a show for others to see.In front of so many people, of course she has to show a motherly heart, but in private, I don't know what it looks like?

She still doesn't believe that Fang Jinshu can treat Quan Yiting sincerely?
He is the eldest son.

Fang Jinshu is young, at the age when he can bear children, and he will always have children of his own.Women from this kind of rich family care most about the concubines and concubines.

Otherwise, how could Quan Yiting faint faintly.

The only thing Ren Ying was puzzled about was that Fang Jinshu didn't seem to be such a stupid person who would leave such a big hole for others to catch.But in any case, such a good opportunity, if you don't make good use of it, you will be sorry for yourself.

Fang Jinshu's life is good, which means that she is not doing well.

With a great opportunity in front of her eyes, how could she let the other party pass the test easily?

"Right now, I don't even know the cause of the disease. If I take random medicines, will it make my condition worse?" Ren Ying was worried.

 The annual Double 11, how much did the little angels buy~ It’s okay, it’s okay, you don’t need to chop your hands, is it healthier to buy? O(∩_∩)O haha~
  Yesterday’s broken chapter, Zhou Zhou really didn’t do it on purpose~ It just happened to be there, and you all came to complain collectively.

  But, having said that, how do I know that you are still there after a chapter~~ Well, Duanduan is healthier, hee hee\(^o^)/~
  Thanks to "book friend 161222223914195" for the 2 valuable monthly tickets, and thanks to "Linlin" for the valuable monthly tickets ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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