Chapter 218
Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

He didn't know whether that black impermanence would obey the rules, so he had to take more precautions.

"Xiaofeng, this is really good, the family can live together, but the money..." Zhang Dansong was a little worried.

"You don't have to worry about the money, go back and pack up later, and you should be able to move in in two days."

Zhang Feng smiled, he still has billions in cash in his hand, so buying this house is extremely easy.

"That's it. I'm going to talk about the house. By the way, I'll let the priest take a look at Feng Shui. Yuzu, follow my parents and send them back later."

Zhang Feng didn't want his parents to worry too much, he pulled Zhang Dansong away, walked aside and said, "If you want to make this place suitable for ordinary people to live in, what should you do?"

"It's enough to set up a formation, channel the yin energy here, and when the yin and yang circulate, you can turn good luck into bad luck. It's very simple for me, so you don't have to worry."

Du Wenzhi said confidently.

"Do you want any materials?"

Zhang Feng didn't know much about formations, but he knew that materials were needed to build a house, and the arrangement of formations must also be needed.

"I'll do it. How much will it cost? I'll just ask you for the reward when the time comes. That way you can rest easy, right?"

"Okay, after I sign the contract, you can start working."

While they were talking, the real estate manager over there walked over quickly after making a phone call, with a strange expression on his face, and said, "I just told the seller about your situation, and he said he wanted to come and see you."

"Okay, you go to prepare the sales contract."

Zhang Feng nodded, and when the seller came over, he would buy it regardless of whether the price would be reduced or not.

"Um, fine."

The real estate manager's face became even weirder. This person was still belittling the property before, and he looked disgusted, but now he looks like he wants to buy it again.

Don't know if this will give the seller the opportunity to increase the price?
Not long after, a luxury car drove in, and a middle-aged man with a pale face and a down jacket got out of the car.

This man was wearing glasses, his eyes were dull, and he seemed to be weak when he walked. When he saw Du Wenzhi, he walked over quickly.

However, during these few steps, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, which showed how weak his body was.

"Master Dao, you can see our problems, there must be a solution, please save us!"

As he said that, the man was about to kneel down, Du Wenzhi gently stroked his hand, and the latter felt an invisible force stop him, and became more determined in his mind, thinking that Du Wenzhi was a strange man.

Zhang Feng glanced at this person, and it was obvious that he was injured by Yin Qi, and his internal organs were seriously eroded.

No wonder he came here in such a hurry, he seemed to be a smart person, and he sensed hope from the few words that the real estate manager conveyed just now.

"It's okay to help you, but I'm hired by this guy now, and he wants to buy your house, so let's talk about it after you make a deal first."

With his hands behind his back, Du Wenzhi looks like a fairy, which once again adds to his sense of mystery, and the key point is to bring out Zhang Feng's unusualness.

The latter immediately looked at Zhang Feng and said, "Sir, you have the help of this master. I want to know that there are some problems with this house. Do you still want to buy it?"

"Since we can see the problem, we can naturally solve the problem here. You don't have to worry about it, just say whether to sell it or not."

Zhang Feng said lightly.

"Sell, as long as the priest can cure our family's illness, I will give this house to you." Kang Shiyong said seriously.

"Eh..." Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect this guy to be quite generous.

"That's what you said. I'll help you solve the problem, and I'll give him this house. Don't worry, you won't lose money."

Du Wenzhi said, since he wanted to make a move, it was natural for Zhang Feng to get enough benefits, and then it would be appropriate to ask for a reward.

"No problem, as long as our family can be cured and stay healthy, no amount of money can buy it."

Kang Shiyong sighed.

The real estate manager on one side was dumbfounded, and with just one sentence, the rich man was willing to give away the house. This is a real estate worth hundreds of millions. Even if there is a problem, it is worth hundreds of millions.

"Exchange money for life, and you will be grateful for your choice in the future." Zhang Feng said meaningfully, and turned his head to look at Du Wenzhi, without rejecting the other party's kindness.

To him, it doesn't matter whether he gives the money or not, and he saw that Du Wenzhi deliberately told the situation of these former masters before, so he probably wanted to help.

Not only can the other party take the initiative to help him with some discounts, but also do good deeds, which is completely killing two birds with one stone. How can he refuse the other party.

"Since you are willing to be so generous, let me help you solve the problem first."

Du Wenzhi was still a little surprised, he just mentioned that the other party can make such a wise choice, it seems that he is not greedy for money.

He raised his hand, and stuck a lightning talisman between Kang Shiyong's eyebrows, and with a little pinch, the talisman burned.

"Don't move, don't be afraid, this is to get rid of the evil spirit in your body."

Du Wenzhi reminded, Kang Shiyong immediately discovered that the flames were not scorching hot, but made his whole body warm, which he hadn't felt for a long time.

Ever since he got a strange disease, he felt cold anytime, anywhere, no matter whether he turned on the air conditioner, warmed himself by the fire, or even soaked in a hot spring, he couldn't get rid of this feeling.

This made him unable to eat well, sleep well, and his mental and physical condition was getting worse and worse. He was still in relatively good condition, but the condition of the others was even worse. Most of them were bedridden, and even his father passed away because of this strange illness.

Feeling warm at this moment, like seeing the dawn, he was extremely excited that he and his family were finally saved.

Zhang Feng watched from the side, and found that the power of the talisman was neutralizing the yin energy remaining in the opponent's body. He couldn't help being surprised that this method was like a small formation that was in operation.

"It looks very powerful. It seems that it is necessary to learn the way of formation. Otherwise, if you don't understand it at all, you may suffer in the future."

Zhang Feng was secretly vigilant in his heart. In the past two days, the various methods Du Wenzhi used, such as magic weapons, formations, and talismans, all played a huge role.

Not to mention the magic weapon, he also has it, but it is not an attack type magic weapon, and the formation and talisman have played various amazing effects in Du Wenzhi's hands.

For example, the formation at the beginning could take them through the secluded world, the later talismans could teleport them back from the periphery of the underworld in an instant, and now the talismans were used to expel the alien yin energy from the body.

He saw that the talisman should also come from the use of formations, which is equivalent to a simplified version of formations, and there are also formations on magic weapons.

Even in the Baoyuan Jing that he had studied, many formations for refining pills were mentioned. In this way, formations seem to be the basis of many things.

"It's a pity that I don't have an introductory book on formations. Do you want to ask this guy for some to learn?"

Zhang Feng thought to himself, since Du Wenzhi knows so many things, there must be a systematic inheritance, but he wonders if he, an outsider, can learn.

(End of this chapter)

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